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Figure 7
MicroED structure of the TLR2TIR-induced MyD88TIR higher-order assembly. (a) Superposition of the TLR2TIR-induced MyD88TIR (PDB entry 8s78; blue) and the MALTIR-induced MyD88TIR (PDB entry 7beq; magenta) structures. (b) Structural alignment of TLR2TIR-induced and MALTIR-induced MyD88TIR assemblies (four molecules are shown). (c, d) Superposition of the TLR2TIR-induced MyD88TIR structure (blue) with the MyD88TIR X-ray structure (PDB entry 4e07; yellow) (c) and MyD88TIR NMR structure (PDB entry 2z5v; orange) (d). Significant conformational differences (for example in the BB loop, CD loop and αB helix) are observed in several regions when compared with the X-ray and NMR structures of monomeric proteins.

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