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Figure 2
Crystal contacts and packing of NowGFP molecules in the monoclinic crystal structure. The secondary structures of NowGFP are represented as ribbons, and atoms belonging to crystal contacts are represented as surfaces. (a) Contacts I and II are viewed along the c axis. (b) Contacts I and III are viewed along the a axis. (c) Contacts II and III are viewed along the b axis. Contacts I, II and III are coloured blue, red and grey, respectively. (d) Schematic diagram of crystal packing. Crystal contacts are represented by coloured arrows, and linear assemblies connected by contact I are represented as blue- or purple-coloured boxes. Molecules connected by the blue-coloured contact I are linked along the b axis. Linear assemblies are stacked parallel by contacts II and III along the a axis and c axis, respectively. The symmetry operation between assemblies 1–4 and 2–3, indicated by opposite white arrows, is (−xy, −z).

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