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Figure 5
Comparison of contacts II and IIAB. (a) Two molecules in the monoclinic crystal structure connected by contact II are presented. The Orth(A) and Orth(B) structures are superposed with the Mono structure and coloured grey. For clarity, only the main chains of Arg96 and Gln183 are represented. (b) Two molecules from the orthorhombic structure connected by contact IIAB are presented. The Mono structures are superposed with Orth(A) and Orth(B) and coloured grey. For clarity, only the main chains of Val176, Ser175, Gly174 and Asp173 are represented. The r.m.s.d. between the main chains of two superposed molecules is shown as a putty representation, with a blue–white–red colour profile. Crystal contacts less than 3.0 Å are represented as red dotted lines. Stick representations of chromophores are coloured green. The electron-density map (2FoFc map) has a cutoff level of 2.0σ. (c) The r.m.s.d. plot of the main-chain atoms of two structures from different crystal forms. Residues close to the N-terminus and C-terminus are ignored, and only the residues numbered from 4 to 229 are considered. Residue numbers 65, 66 and 67 are ignored since these are substituted with the chromophore. The region with the most significant r.m.s.d., spanning residues 170–176, is indicated by a red arrow.

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