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Figure 6
The chromophore Thr65-Trp66-Gly67 and key residue Lys61 under various pH conditions. The structures are from (a, b) the orthorhombic crystal at pH 9.0, (c, d) the orthorhombic crystal at pH 6.0 and (e) the monoclinic crystal at pH 4.8. The electron-density map (2FoFc map) has a cutoff level of 0.8σ. Black dotted lines between the Nɛ atom of the Trp66 indole and the Nζ atom of Lys61 represent hydrogen bonding. Orth(B), which is a new conformational state of NowGFP caused by an orthorhombic crystal lattice, shows the dominant k1 conformation of Lys61, while both Mono and Orth(A) exhibit pH-dependent conformational shifts of Lys61.

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