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Figure 5
Crystallization of the KRASG12C–SOS1 complex. (a) Sequence alignment of human KRAS (UniProt ID P01112) and HRAS (UniProt ID P01116_2). (b) Initial crystals obtained using KRASG12C without any further surface modification (construct KRAS_0). The crystals have a diameter of up to 60 µm. (c) KRASG12C–SOS1 crystals obtained with construct KRAS_1 (maximum diameter 50 µm). (d) Initial KRASG12C–SOS1 crystals obtained with the construct KRAS_5 (largest rod-shaped crystal 40 × 150 µm). (e) Optimized KRASG12C–SOS1 crystals with construct KRAS_5 (largest plates ∼80 × 80 × 30 µm).

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