Figure 8
PDB entry 7rt7 [2.29 Å resolution, 12 copies in the asymmetric unit (6 + 6), space group P3221]. The asymmetric unit consists of six copies of a heterogeneous complex of two chains (a). The AF2 prediction for the complex coloured by pLDDT aligned with the true structure of the complex (white) is shown in (b), while (c) displays the same alignment with the predicted complex coloured by chain. The r.m.s.d. for the complex aligned with the target is 0.735 Å. A solution could be found with Phaser using the individual chains as search models (taking 2 h on four CPU cores). However, using the complex search model gave a clearer signal for the correct positioning of the models, enabling a solution to be found in less than 15 min. |