Figure 3
ProSMART conformation-independent structural alignment of ΔP1 with similar T4P, colored by the average Flexible score as per the legend in the top right of the figure based on the r.m.s.d. between backbone atoms of the aligned structures (Nicholls et al., 2014 ). Regions colored white are not present in the aligned protein and therefore are not comparable; the ΔP1 structure is to the bottom right of each compared pilin and is colored by Flexible scoring for the respective alignment. The structures aligned with ΔP1 are (a) Δ1244 (PDB entry 6bbk), (b) ΔK122 (PDB entry 1qve), (c) Δ110594 (PDB entry 3jzz), (d) ΔPAK (PDB entry 1dzo), (e) PAK (PDB entry 1oqw), (f) Nm_C8013 (PDB entry 5v23), (g) So_MR-1 (PDB entry 4d40), (h) Ng_C30 (PDB entry 2hi2) and (i) Vc_RT4236 (PDB entry 1oqv). |