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Figure 7
Link between INF Watson–Crick (WC) and non-Watson–Crick (nWC) and stacking (STACK) interactions in the predictions of AlphaFold3 for our five test sets. The area of each point is proportional to the RMSD: the lower the better. Only structures with at least one non-Watson–Crick interaction are shown in the figures. An INF (Parisien et al., 2009BB50) value of 1 means accurate reproduction of key RNA interactions, while a value near 0 means that the structure does not reproduce the interactions. Left: INF stacking (INF-STACK) depending on INF Watson–Crick (INF-WC) interactions. Right: INF non-Watson–Crick (INF-nWC) depending on INF Watson–Crick (INF-WC) interactions.

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ISSN: 2059-7983
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