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Figure 3
Comparing the performance of tomoCPT. (a) A section through a tomogram of apoferritin particles with centroids predicted by the model without any fine-tuning and with fine-tuning with two, three and five tomograms. The contours encircling the apoferritin molecules are coloured by the confidence score attributed to that centroid by tomoCPT, with cool colours representing low confidence and warmer colours representing high confidence. The scale bar is 25 nm. (b) Histograms plotting the distribution of the confidence scores attributed by tomoCPT. (c) A boxplot of F1 score plotted at the percentile score that yielded its highest value when using the base model and the base model fine-tuned with two, three and five tomograms. (d) The RMSE deviation at the maximum F1 score as a ratio of particle size using the base model and the base model fine-tuned with two, three and five tomograms.

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