A high-resolution small-angle X-ray scattering camera has been built, which has the following features. (i) The point collimation optics employed allows the scattering cross section of the sample to be directly measured without corrections for desmearing. (ii) A small-angle resolution better than 0.5 mrad is achieved with a camera length of 1.6 m. (iii) A high photon flux of 0.9 photons μs−1 is obtained on the sample with the rotating-anode X-ray generator operated at 40 kV–30 mA. (iv) Incident X-rays are monochromated by a bent quartz crystal, which makes the determination of the incident X-ray intensity simple and unambiguous. (v) By rotation of the position-sensitive proportional counter around the direct beam, anisotropic scattering patterns can be observed without adjusting the sample. Details of the design and performance are presented with some applications.