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crystallization papers
A novel pectolytic enzyme, polymethoxygalacturonase SX1 from Trichosporon penicillatum, with a molcular weight of 36 kDa was crystallized by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method using polyethylene glycol 1000 as a precipitant. The crystals belonged to the monoclinic space group C2, with unit-cell parameters a = 165.6, b = 61.0, c = 48.7 Å, β = 93.1°. The calculated VM based on one molecule per asymmetric unit was 3.40 Å3 Da−1. A native data set was collected to 2.08 Å resolution from a crystal on a Cu Kα rotating-anode X-ray source. A molecular-replacement solution was obtained using the program AMoRe and the structure of endopolygalacturonase II from Aspergillus niger as a model.