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metal-organic compounds
The title compound, trans-[L2PtII]2+.2Cl-.4H2O, (L = N-methylpiperazine), [Pt(C5H12N2)2]Cl2.4H2O, has been synthesized in the course of our work on complexes formed by the Pt2+ ion with piperazine derivatives. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that two N-methylpiperazine molecules bind one Pt2+ ion in such a way that the two methyl groups lie in opposite directions with respect to the Pt atom. The coordination around the Pt atom is square planar with four N atoms occupying the coordination sites, and the coordination plane is perfectly planar because the Pt atom lies on a centre of symmetry. This type of coordination imposes a boat conformation on the six-membered N-methylpiperazine ring. As found in other N-methylpiperazine complexes, the molecule has a local mirror plane coincident with the square-planar coordination plane and nearly bisecting the piperazine six-membered ring.