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The structural behaviour of both low-temperature β- and high-temperature α-Ba(OD)2, barium dihydroxide-d, was investigated at temperatures between 10 and 552 K by neutron powder diffraction. While the β phase (P21/n) remains stable to the lowest temperature investigated, the quenchable α phase (Pnma) shows a reversible orthorhombic-to-monoclinic phase transition between 100 and 150 K. The structure of the new αm phase (P21/n) is quite similar to that of the α phase. This behaviour is unusual as a metastable phase transforms to another metastable phase. The Pnma ↔ P21/n low-temperature phase transition is driven by an order–disorder mechanism, mainly caused by one of the D atoms, which is disordered on positions off the mirror plane, mimicking a special position on the mirror plane in the orthorhombic phase. Refinements of the α phase above the phase transition indicate this disorder across the mirror plane through a conspicuously high isotropic displacement parameter if compared to the other D atoms. At low temperature the energy of the vibration is lowered and the D atom is frozen at a general position in a correlated way, thus violating the mirror plane and reducing the space-group symmetry.
Supporting information
| Crystallographic Information File (CIF) Contains datablocks global, 480, a10, a50, a100, a150, a200, a552, b10, brt, b50, b100, b150, b200, b250, b300, b420, b480 |
| Rietveld powder data file (CIF format) Contains datablock a10 |
| Structure factor file (CIF format) Contains datablock a10 |
| Rietveld powder data file (CIF format) Contains datablock a50 |
| Structure factor file (CIF format) Contains datablock a50 |
| Rietveld powder data file (CIF format) Contains datablock a100 |
| Rietveld powder data file (CIF format) Contains datablock a150 |
| Rietveld powder data file (CIF format) Contains datablock a200 |
| Structure factor file (CIF format) Contains datablock a200 |
| Rietveld powder data file (CIF format) Contains datablock a480 |
| Rietveld powder data file (CIF format) Contains datablock a552 |
| Structure factor file (CIF format) Contains datablock 552 |
| Rietveld powder data file (CIF format) Contains datablock b10 |
| Rietveld powder data file (CIF format) Contains datablock brt |
| Structure factor file (CIF format) Contains datablock brt |
| Rietveld powder data file (CIF format) Contains datablock b50 |
| Rietveld powder data file (CIF format) Contains datablock b100 |
| Rietveld powder data file (CIF format) Contains datablock b150 |
| Rietveld powder data file (CIF format) Contains datablock b200 |
| Rietveld powder data file (CIF format) Contains datablock b250 |
| Structure factor file (CIF format) Contains datablock b250 |
| Rietveld powder data file (CIF format) Contains datablock b300 |
| Rietveld powder data file (CIF format) Contains datablock b420 |
| Rietveld powder data file (CIF format) Contains datablock b480 |
| Structure factor file (CIF format) Contains datablock b480 |
| Text file Supplementary material |
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| Text file Supplementary material |
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| Text file Supplementary material |
For all compounds, cell refinement: GSAS (Larson and Von Dreele, 1994); data reduction: GSAS; program(s) used to refine structure: GSAS; molecular graphics: Crystal Maker, version 4.0.1 (Palmer, D.C., 1994-99); software used to prepare material for publication: GSAS.
(a10) deuterated barium hydroxide
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 1264.94 (5) Å3 |
Mr = 3467.32 | Z = 20 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 7.08251 (17) Å | T = 10 K |
b = 10.8701 (3) Å | white |
c = 16.4349 (4) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
β = 91.3334 (15)° | |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Data collection mode: transmission |
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactor | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 10.141°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld | 2998 data points |
Rp = 0.021 | Profile function: pseudo-Voigt |
Rwp = 0.031 | 1 parameters |
Rexp = ? | (Δ/σ)max = 0.013 |
χ2 = 1.904 | Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function |
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | β = 91.3334 (15)° |
Mr = 3467.32 | V = 1264.94 (5) Å3 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Z = 20 |
a = 7.08251 (17) Å | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
b = 10.8701 (3) Å | T = 10 K |
c = 16.4349 (4) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 10.141°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Data collection mode: transmission | |
Refinement top
Rp = 0.021 | χ2 = 1.904 |
Rwp = 0.031 | 2998 data points |
Rexp = ? | 1 parameters |
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top | x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | |
Ba1 | 0.4333 (9) | 0.3245 (6) | 0.2463 (4) | 0.00505* | |
Ba2 | 0.9095 (9) | 0.4744 (6) | 0.3745 (4) | 0.00146* | |
Ba3 | 0.4322 (9) | 0.3292 (7) | 0.4879 (4) | 0.00108* | |
O1 | 0.3744 (8) | 0.0754 (5) | 0.2484 (4) | 0.00549* | |
O2 | 0.8147 (8) | 0.3241 (5) | 0.2483 (4) | 0.00764* | |
O3 | 0.5075 (8) | 0.5092 (6) | 0.3587 (3) | 0.00048* | |
O4 | 0.1586 (9) | 0.2910 (7) | 0.3727 (4) | 0.00343* | |
O5 | 0.6580 (8) | 0.2260 (6) | 0.3925 (4) | 0.00399* | |
O6 | 0.2902 (8) | 0.0579 (6) | 0.4765 (4) | 0.00117* | |
D1 | 0.2584 (10) | 0.0645 (6) | 0.2200 (4) | 0.02488* | |
D2 | 0.9405 (9) | 0.2877 (6) | 0.2562 (4) | 0.02828* | |
D3 | 0.5451 (10) | 0.5851 (7) | 0.3330 (4) | 0.02731* | |
D4 | 0.1842 (9) | 0.2075 (7) | 0.3581 (4) | 0.02172* | |
D5 | 0.7360 (8) | 0.2406 (6) | 0.3435 (4) | 0.01863* | |
D6 | 0.2173 (9) | 0.0461 (6) | 0.4278 (4) | 0.02051* | |
Ba2A | 0.4220 (10) | 0.0198 (6) | 0.6247 (4) | 0.00315* | |
Ba3A | 0.9258 (10) | 0.1709 (7) | 0.5070 (4) | 0.00063* | |
O3A | 0.0316 (9) | 0.0028 (7) | 0.6311 (4) | 0.00795* | |
O4A | 0.6671 (8) | 0.2075 (6) | 0.6172 (4) | 0.00442* | |
O5A | 0.1652 (8) | 0.2885 (7) | 0.6059 (4) | 0.00609* | |
O6A | 0.7935 (9) | 0.4499 (6) | 0.5233 (4) | 0.00353* | |
D3A | 0.0109 (10) | 0.9358 (7) | 0.6643 (4) | 0.02283* | |
D4A | 0.6539 (10) | 0.2875 (7) | 0.6367 (4) | 0.0278* | |
D5A | 0.2394 (9) | 0.2567 (6) | 0.6523 (4) | 0.01951* | |
D6A | 0.7205 (8) | 0.4482 (6) | 0.5723 (4) | 0.02206* | |
(a50) deuterated barium hydroxide
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 1265.22 (5) Å3 |
Mr = 3467.32 | Z = 20 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 7.08260 (18) Å | T = 50 K |
b = 10.8730 (3) Å | white |
c = 16.4338 (4) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
β = 91.3091 (15)° | |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Data collection mode: transmission |
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactor | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a
height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld | 2999 data points |
Rp = 0.022 | Profile function: pseudo-Voigt |
Rwp = 0.029 | 1 parameters |
Rexp = ? | (Δ/σ)max = 0.013 |
χ2 = 1.664 | Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function |
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | β = 91.3091 (15)° |
Mr = 3467.32 | V = 1265.22 (5) Å3 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Z = 20 |
a = 7.08260 (18) Å | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
b = 10.8730 (3) Å | T = 50 K |
c = 16.4338 (4) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a
height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Data collection mode: transmission | |
Refinement top
Rp = 0.022 | χ2 = 1.664 |
Rwp = 0.029 | 2999 data points |
Rexp = ? | 1 parameters |
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top | x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | |
Ba1 | 0.4323 (9) | 0.3244 (6) | 0.2461 (4) | 0.00607* | |
Ba2 | 0.9097 (10) | 0.4743 (6) | 0.3742 (4) | 0.00438* | |
Ba3 | 0.4331 (9) | 0.3287 (7) | 0.4869 (4) | 0.00183* | |
O1 | 0.3737 (9) | 0.0752 (5) | 0.2484 (4) | 0.01048* | |
O2 | 0.8150 (8) | 0.3260 (5) | 0.2484 (4) | 0.01178* | |
O3 | 0.5077 (9) | 0.5099 (7) | 0.3599 (3) | 0.00614* | |
O4 | 0.1577 (9) | 0.2909 (7) | 0.3729 (4) | 0.00804* | |
O5 | 0.6584 (8) | 0.2253 (6) | 0.3916 (4) | 0.00269* | |
O6 | 0.2917 (9) | 0.0581 (6) | 0.4769 (4) | 0.00472* | |
D1 | 0.2587 (12) | 0.0647 (6) | 0.2211 (4) | 0.03267* | |
D2 | 0.9360 (9) | 0.2876 (6) | 0.2565 (4) | 0.02834* | |
D3 | 0.5457 (10) | 0.5844 (7) | 0.3321 (4) | 0.03339* | |
D4 | 0.1826 (10) | 0.2077 (7) | 0.3590 (4) | 0.0263* | |
D5 | 0.7358 (9) | 0.2400 (6) | 0.3431 (4) | 0.02227* | |
D6 | 0.2186 (9) | 0.0486 (6) | 0.4284 (4) | 0.02014* | |
Ba2A | 0.4201 (9) | 0.0190 (6) | 0.6248 (4) | 0.00136* | |
Ba3A | 0.9321 (9) | 0.1701 (7) | 0.5079 (4) | 0.00137* | |
O3A | 0.0305 (8) | 0.0006 (6) | 0.6307 (4) | 0.00308* | |
O4A | 0.6669 (8) | 0.2073 (6) | 0.6165 (4) | 0.00285* | |
O5A | 0.1661 (9) | 0.2869 (7) | 0.6055 (4) | 0.00738* | |
O6A | 0.7918 (9) | 0.4509 (6) | 0.5240 (4) | 0.00544* | |
D3A | 0.0125 (11) | 0.9352 (8) | 0.6650 (5) | 0.0326* | |
D4A | 0.6537 (10) | 0.2871 (8) | 0.6365 (4) | 0.03146* | |
D5A | 0.2407 (9) | 0.2577 (6) | 0.6514 (4) | 0.02178* | |
D6A | 0.7201 (9) | 0.4487 (6) | 0.5718 (4) | 0.02461* | |
(a100) deuterated barium hydroxide
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 1267.96 (6) Å3 |
Mr = 3467.32 | Z = 20 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 7.0832 (2) Å | T = 100 K |
b = 10.8967 (3) Å | white |
c = 16.4306 (5) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
β = 91.0598 (19)° | |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Data collection mode: transmission |
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactor | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and
a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryostat. | 2θmin = 10.141°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld | 2999 data points |
Rp = 0.030 | Profile function: pseudo-Voigt |
Rwp = 0.033 | 109 parameters |
Rexp = ? | |
χ2 = 2.310 | Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function |
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | β = 91.0598 (19)° |
Mr = 3467.32 | V = 1267.96 (6) Å3 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Z = 20 |
a = 7.0832 (2) Å | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
b = 10.8967 (3) Å | T = 100 K |
c = 16.4306 (5) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and
a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryostat. | 2θmin = 10.141°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Data collection mode: transmission | |
Refinement top
Rp = 0.030 | χ2 = 2.310 |
Rwp = 0.033 | 2999 data points |
Rexp = ? | 109 parameters |
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top | x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | |
Ba1 | 0.4313 (11) | 0.3223 (7) | 0.2472 (6) | 0.00686* | |
Ba2 | 0.9113 (12) | 0.4744 (9) | 0.3759 (5) | 0.00676* | |
Ba3 | 0.4357 (11) | 0.3288 (8) | 0.4880 (5) | 0.00076* | |
O1 | 0.3777 (10) | 0.0747 (7) | 0.2479 (6) | 0.01514* | |
O2 | 0.8096 (11) | 0.3254 (7) | 0.2519 (6) | 0.01935* | |
O3 | 0.5095 (10) | 0.5073 (8) | 0.3618 (4) | 0.00806* | |
O4 | 0.1572 (12) | 0.2900 (9) | 0.3733 (5) | 0.01114* | |
O5 | 0.1572 (12) | 0.2900 (9) | 0.3733 (5) | 0.01386* | |
O6 | 0.2894 (11) | 0.0584 (8) | 0.4753 (5) | 0.00456* | |
D1 | 0.2626 (15) | 0.0615 (9) | 0.2291 (6) | 0.04944* | |
D2 | 0.9401 (12) | 0.2870 (7) | 0.2532 (6) | 0.03545* | |
D3 | 0.5413 (13) | 0.5789 (10) | 0.3308 (6) | 0.04106* | |
D4 | 0.1797 (14) | 0.2101 (11) | 0.3596 (6) | 0.03841* | |
D5 | 0.7363 (11) | 0.2388 (8) | 0.3460 (5) | 0.02667* | |
D6 | 0.2209 (11) | 0.0474 (8) | 0.4273 (5) | 0.02784* | |
Ba2A | 0.4211 (11) | 0.0199 (8) | 0.6241 (5) | 0.00524* | |
Ba3A | 0.9276 (11) | 0.1683 (8) | 0.5082 (5) | 0.002* | |
O3A | 0.0312 (11) | 0.0016 (9) | 0.6328 (5) | 0.01063* | |
O4A | 0.6663 (11) | 0.2076 (8) | 0.6185 (5) | 0.01067* | |
O5A | 0.1621 (11) | 0.2832 (8) | 0.6050 (5) | 0.00995* | |
O6A | 0.7980 (10) | 0.4476 (7) | 0.5227 (4) | 0.00227* | |
D3A | 0.0136 (13) | 0.9326 (10) | 0.6651 (6) | 0.03574* | |
D4A | 0.6531 (14) | 0.2892 (11) | 0.6381 (6) | 0.04458* | |
D5A | 0.2393 (11) | 0.2586 (8) | 0.6517 (5) | 0.0245* | |
D6A | 0.7248 (12) | 0.4472 (9) | 0.5709 (5) | 0.03927* | |
(a150) deuterated barium hydroxide
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 1272.26 (6) Å3 |
Mr = 3467.32 | Z = 20 |
Orthorhombic, Pnma | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 10.9577 (3) Å | T = 150 K |
b = 16.4138 (5) Å | white |
c = 7.07374 (18) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Data collection mode: transmission |
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactor | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryostat. | 2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld | 3000 data points |
Rp = 0.052 | Profile function: pseudo-Voigt |
Rwp = 0.039 | 77 parameters |
Rexp = ? | |
χ2 = 3.240 | Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function |
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 1272.26 (6) Å3 |
Mr = 3467.32 | Z = 20 |
Orthorhombic, Pnma | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 10.9577 (3) Å | T = 150 K |
b = 16.4138 (5) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
c = 7.07374 (18) Å | |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryostat. | 2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Data collection mode: transmission | |
Refinement top
Rp = 0.052 | χ2 = 3.240 |
Rwp = 0.039 | 3000 data points |
Rexp = ? | 77 parameters |
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top | x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | |
Ba1 | 0.3187 (6) | 0.25 | 0.4353 (9) | 0.002* | |
Ba2 | 0.4771 (4) | 0.3764 (3) | 0.9167 (6) | 0.00562* | |
Ba3 | 0.3324 (4) | 0.4890 (3) | 0.4305 (7) | 0.00134* | |
O1 | 0.0762 (6) | 0.25 | 0.3738 (9) | 0.00914* | |
O2 | 0.3216 (7) | 0.25 | 0.8151 (11) | 0.02342* | |
O3 | 0.4992 (4) | 0.3650 (3) | 0.5213 (7) | 0.01015* | |
O4 | 0.2872 (4) | 0.3788 (3) | 0.1619 (7) | 0.00865* | |
O5 | 0.2188 (5) | 0.3942 (3) | 0.6573 (7) | 0.00788* | |
O6 | 0.0562 (5) | 0.4759 (3) | 0.2922 (7) | 0.0116* | |
D1 | 0.0551 (13) | 0.25 | 0.2589 (18) | 0.09487* | |
D2 | 0.2808 (8) | 0.25 | 0.9393 (14) | 0.05533* | |
D3 | 0.5663 (6) | 0.3333 (4) | 0.5155 (10) | 0.05763* | |
D4 | 0.2129 (6) | 0.3616 (5) | 0.1566 (10) | 0.0663* | |
D5 | 0.2379 (4) | 0.3469 (3) | 0.7417 (7) | 0.02435* | |
D6 | 0.0579 (6) | 0.4279 (3) | 0.2274 (8) | 0.04106* | |
(a200) deuterated barium hydroxide
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 1276.96 (6) Å3 |
Mr = 3467.32 | Z = 20 |
Orthorhombic, Pnma | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 10.9789 (3) Å | T = 200 K |
b = 16.4317 (4) Å | white |
c = 7.07840 (18) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Data collection mode: transmission |
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactor | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a
height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryostat. | 2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld | 3000 data points |
Rp = 0.060 | Profile function: pseudo-Voigt |
Rwp = 0.039 | 1 parameters |
Rexp = ? | (Δ/σ)max = 0.009 |
χ2 = 3.098 | Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function |
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 1276.96 (6) Å3 |
Mr = 3467.32 | Z = 20 |
Orthorhombic, Pnma | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 10.9789 (3) Å | T = 200 K |
b = 16.4317 (4) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
c = 7.07840 (18) Å | |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a
height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryostat. | 2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Data collection mode: transmission | |
Refinement top
Rp = 0.060 | χ2 = 3.098 |
Rwp = 0.039 | 3000 data points |
Rexp = ? | 1 parameters |
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top | x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | |
Ba1 | 0.3185 (6) | 0.25 | 0.4382 (9) | 0.00065* | |
Ba2 | 0.4771 (4) | 0.3766 (3) | 0.9157 (6) | 0.00671* | |
Ba3 | 0.3323 (4) | 0.4893 (3) | 0.4292 (7) | 0.00508* | |
O1 | 0.0758 (7) | 0.25 | 0.3717 (10) | 0.01192* | |
O2 | 0.3212 (8) | 0.25 | 0.8150 (12) | 0.03108* | |
O3 | 0.4975 (5) | 0.3646 (3) | 0.5226 (7) | 0.01384* | |
O4 | 0.2855 (4) | 0.3787 (3) | 0.1598 (7) | 0.01078* | |
O5 | 0.2180 (5) | 0.3941 (3) | 0.6573 (7) | 0.00919* | |
O6 | 0.0567 (5) | 0.4763 (3) | 0.2922 (7) | 0.01252* | |
D1 | 0.0547 (13) | 0.25 | 0.255 (2) | 0.10467* | |
D2 | 0.2784 (8) | 0.25 | 0.9350 (15) | 0.05741* | |
D3 | 0.5644 (7) | 0.3349 (4) | 0.5119 (11) | 0.06318* | |
D4 | 0.2152 (6) | 0.3597 (5) | 0.1506 (10) | 0.07645* | |
D5 | 0.2377 (4) | 0.3474 (3) | 0.7409 (7) | 0.02781* | |
D6 | 0.0609 (6) | 0.4282 (3) | 0.2308 (9) | 0.04575* | |
(480) deuterated barium hydroxide
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 1310.99 (7) Å3 |
Mr = 3467.32 | Z = 20 |
Orthorhombic, Pnma | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 11.0818 (4) Å | T = 480 K |
b = 16.6025 (5) Å | white |
c = 7.1255 (2) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Data collection mode: transmission |
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactor | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryostat. | 2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld | 2999 data points |
Rp = 0.094 | Profile function: pseudo-Voigt |
Rwp = 0.032 | 78 parameters |
Rexp = ? | |
χ2 = 2.341 | Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function |
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 1310.99 (7) Å3 |
Mr = 3467.32 | Z = 20 |
Orthorhombic, Pnma | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 11.0818 (4) Å | T = 480 K |
b = 16.6025 (5) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
c = 7.1255 (2) Å | |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryostat. | 2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Data collection mode: transmission | |
Refinement top
Rp = 0.094 | χ2 = 2.341 |
Rwp = 0.032 | 2999 data points |
Rexp = ? | 78 parameters |
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top | x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | |
Ba1 | 0.3171 (8) | 0.25 | 0.4408 (12) | 0.02123* | |
Ba2 | 0.4737 (4) | 0.3764 (4) | 0.9180 (7) | 0.01903* | |
Ba3 | 0.3338 (5) | 0.4883 (3) | 0.4249 (9) | 0.02065* | |
O1 | 0.0775 (9) | 0.25 | 0.3760 (14) | 0.0415* | |
O2 | 0.3257 (9) | 0.25 | 0.8140 (13) | 0.04299* | |
O3 | 0.4930 (7) | 0.3654 (5) | 0.5294 (10) | 0.04643* | |
O4 | 0.2809 (6) | 0.3803 (4) | 0.1639 (10) | 0.03464* | |
O5 | 0.2141 (5) | 0.3950 (3) | 0.6572 (8) | 0.02691* | |
O6 | 0.0574 (7) | 0.4756 (4) | 0.2984 (10) | 0.03786* | |
D1 | 0.0551 (13) | 0.25 | 0.261 (2) | 0.13132* | |
D2 | 0.2683 (9) | 0.25 | 0.9128 (15) | 0.07645* | |
D3 | 0.5542 (8) | 0.3390 (5) | 0.4957 (12) | 0.10137* | |
D4 | 0.2252 (7) | 0.3516 (5) | 0.1270 (12) | 0.1021* | |
D5 | 0.2372 (5) | 0.3527 (4) | 0.7382 (8) | 0.04792* | |
D6 | 0.0779 (7) | 0.4303 (4) | 0.2460 (11) | 0.08113* | |
(a552) deuterated barium hydroxide
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 1323.9 (1) Å3 |
Mr = 3467.32 | Z = 20 |
Orthorhombic, Pnma | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 11.1191 (5) Å | T = 552 K |
b = 16.6694 (9) Å | white |
c = 7.1420 (4) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Data collection mode: transmission |
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactor | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and
a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryostat. | 2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 159.941°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld | 2998 data points |
Rp = 0.064 | Profile function: pseudo-Voigt |
Rwp = 0.032 | 1 parameters |
Rexp = ? | (Δ/σ)max = 0.005 |
χ2 = 1.716 | Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function |
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 1323.9 (1) Å3 |
Mr = 3467.32 | Z = 20 |
Orthorhombic, Pnma | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 11.1191 (5) Å | T = 552 K |
b = 16.6694 (9) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
c = 7.1420 (4) Å | |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and
a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryostat. | 2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 159.941°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Data collection mode: transmission | |
Refinement top
Rp = 0.064 | χ2 = 1.716 |
Rwp = 0.032 | 2998 data points |
Rexp = ? | 1 parameters |
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top | x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | |
Ba1 | 0.3186 (10) | 0.25 | 0.4441 (14) | 0.02583* | |
Ba2 | 0.4731 (5) | 0.3772 (5) | 0.9170 (9) | 0.0226* | |
Ba3 | 0.3330 (6) | 0.4883 (4) | 0.4223 (11) | 0.02376* | |
O1 | 0.0788 (11) | 0.25 | 0.3729 (17) | 0.04015* | |
O2 | 0.3270 (11) | 0.25 | 0.8121 (16) | 0.05235* | |
O3 | 0.4925 (9) | 0.3668 (7) | 0.5284 (13) | 0.06051* | |
O4 | 0.2814 (8) | 0.3804 (5) | 0.1610 (13) | 0.04731* | |
O5 | 0.2130 (6) | 0.3963 (4) | 0.6550 (10) | 0.03306* | |
O6 | 0.0570 (8) | 0.4746 (5) | 0.2988 (13) | 0.04214* | |
D1 | 0.0538 (14) | 0.25 | 0.265 (3) | 0.12645* | |
D2 | 0.2675 (10) | 0.25 | 0.9054 (17) | 0.08068* | |
D3 | 0.5529 (10) | 0.3388 (6) | 0.4950 (14) | 0.11191* | |
D4 | 0.2277 (8) | 0.3515 (6) | 0.1297 (15) | 0.10892* | |
D5 | 0.2356 (6) | 0.3556 (5) | 0.7362 (10) | 0.05153* | |
D6 | 0.0807 (9) | 0.4316 (5) | 0.2457 (14) | 0.09593* | |
(b10) deuterated barium hydroxide
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 494.08 (1) Å3 |
Mr = 1386.93 | Z = 8 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 9.34892 (14) Å | T = 10 K |
b = 7.86485 (12) Å | white |
c = 6.75254 (10) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
β = 95.6551 (8)° | |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Data collection mode: transmission |
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactor | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld | 2900 data points |
Rp = 0.023 | Profile function: pseudo-Voigt |
Rwp = 0.027 | 66 parameters |
Rexp = ? | |
χ2 = 2.103 | Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function |
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | β = 95.6551 (8)° |
Mr = 1386.93 | V = 494.08 (1) Å3 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Z = 8 |
a = 9.34892 (14) Å | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
b = 7.86485 (12) Å | T = 10 K |
c = 6.75254 (10) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Data collection mode: transmission | |
Refinement top
Rp = 0.023 | χ2 = 2.103 |
Rwp = 0.027 | 2900 data points |
Rexp = ? | 66 parameters |
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top | x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | |
Ba1 | 0.6031 (2) | 0.6413 (2) | 0.2504 (3) | 0.00044* | |
Ba2 | 0.1815 (2) | 0.5489 (2) | 0.2163 (3) | 0.00132* | |
O1 | 0.8821 (2) | 0.4890 (2) | 0.1763 (3) | 0.00337* | |
O2 | 0.4125 (2) | 0.3604 (2) | 0.1457 (3) | 0.00333* | |
O3 | 0.6064 (2) | 0.3467 (2) | 0.4934 (3) | 0.00173* | |
O4 | 0.1641 (2) | 0.2961 (2) | 0.4655 (3) | 0.00516* | |
D1 | 0.8848 (2) | 0.5319 (2) | 0.3105 (3) | 0.01984* | |
D2 | 0.4714 (2) | 0.3500 (2) | 0.2734 (3) | 0.01545* | |
D3 | 0.6245 (2) | 0.2355 (2) | 0.4424 (3) | 0.01748* | |
D4 | 0.1007 (2) | 0.2425 (3) | 0.5521 (3) | 0.02005* | |
(brt) deuterated barium hydroxide
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 501.80 (3) Å3 |
Mr = 1386.93 | Z = 8 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 9.4098 (3) Å | T = RT K |
b = 7.9101 (3) Å | white |
c = 6.7759 (2) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
β = 95.7651 (18)° | |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Data collection mode: transmission |
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactor | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld | 2899 data points |
Rp = 0.052 | Profile function: pseudo-Voigt |
Rwp = 0.043 | 1 parameters |
Rexp = ? | (Δ/σ)max = 0.001 |
χ2 = 3.725 | Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function |
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | β = 95.7651 (18)° |
Mr = 1386.93 | V = 501.80 (3) Å3 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Z = 8 |
a = 9.4098 (3) Å | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
b = 7.9101 (3) Å | T = RT K |
c = 6.7759 (2) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Data collection mode: transmission | |
Refinement top
Rp = 0.052 | χ2 = 3.725 |
Rwp = 0.043 | 2899 data points |
Rexp = ? | 1 parameters |
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top | x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | |
Ba1 | 0.5990 (5) | 0.6394 (6) | 0.2505 (7) | 0.01237* | |
Ba2 | 0.1793 (4) | 0.5499 (5) | 0.2170 (7) | 0.00905* | |
O1 | 0.8802 (4) | 0.4871 (5) | 0.1769 (7) | 0.01342* | |
O2 | 0.4108 (4) | 0.3595 (6) | 0.1439 (6) | 0.01401* | |
O3 | 0.6052 (4) | 0.3451 (6) | 0.4916 (7) | 0.01625* | |
O4 | 0.1659 (5) | 0.2949 (5) | 0.4662 (7) | 0.02071* | |
D1 | 0.8828 (5) | 0.5298 (6) | 0.3094 (7) | 0.03607* | |
D2 | 0.4702 (4) | 0.3484 (5) | 0.2682 (7) | 0.02775* | |
D3 | 0.6258 (5) | 0.2365 (6) | 0.4394 (7) | 0.03138* | |
D4 | 0.1029 (5) | 0.2462 (6) | 0.5475 (9) | 0.03682* | |
(b50) deuterated barium hydroxide
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 494.25 (1) Å3 |
Mr = 1386.93 | Z = 8 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 9.35056 (15) Å | T = 50 K |
b = 7.86586 (12) Å | white |
c = 6.75282 (10) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
β = 95.6551 (8)° | |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Data collection mode: transmission |
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactor | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld | 2900 data points |
Rp = 0.022 | Profile function: pseudo-Voigt |
Rwp = 0.027 | 66 parameters |
Rexp = ? | |
χ2 = 1.850 | Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function |
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | β = 95.6551 (8)° |
Mr = 1386.93 | V = 494.25 (1) Å3 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Z = 8 |
a = 9.35056 (15) Å | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
b = 7.86586 (12) Å | T = 50 K |
c = 6.75282 (10) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Data collection mode: transmission | |
Refinement top
Rp = 0.022 | χ2 = 1.850 |
Rwp = 0.027 | 2900 data points |
Rexp = ? | 66 parameters |
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top | x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | |
Ba1 | 0.6032 (2) | 0.6411 (2) | 0.2509 (3) | 0.00069* | |
Ba2 | 0.1817 (2) | 0.5495 (3) | 0.2158 (3) | 0.00187* | |
O1 | 0.8822 (2) | 0.4887 (2) | 0.1764 (3) | 0.00396* | |
O2 | 0.4122 (2) | 0.3605 (2) | 0.1457 (3) | 0.00415* | |
O3 | 0.6065 (2) | 0.3463 (3) | 0.4933 (3) | 0.00312* | |
O4 | 0.1643 (2) | 0.2964 (2) | 0.4656 (3) | 0.00531* | |
D1 | 0.8847 (2) | 0.5315 (3) | 0.3106 (3) | 0.02* | |
D2 | 0.4712 (2) | 0.3503 (2) | 0.2727 (3) | 0.01575* | |
D3 | 0.6245 (2) | 0.2353 (3) | 0.4418 (3) | 0.01909* | |
D4 | 0.1010 (2) | 0.2431 (3) | 0.5521 (4) | 0.02111* | |
(b100) deuterated barium hydroxide
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 494.92 (1) Å3 |
Mr = 1386.93 | Z = 8 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 9.35611 (15) Å | T = 100 K |
b = 7.86963 (12) Å | white |
c = 6.75469 (10) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
β = 95.6564 (9)° | |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Data collection mode: transmission |
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactor | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld | 2900 data points |
Rp = 0.022 | Profile function: pseudo-Voigt |
Rwp = 0.027 | 66 parameters |
Rexp = ? | |
χ2 = 1.796 | Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function |
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | β = 95.6564 (9)° |
Mr = 1386.93 | V = 494.92 (1) Å3 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Z = 8 |
a = 9.35611 (15) Å | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
b = 7.86963 (12) Å | T = 100 K |
c = 6.75469 (10) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Data collection mode: transmission | |
Refinement top
Rp = 0.022 | χ2 = 1.796 |
Rwp = 0.027 | 2900 data points |
Rexp = ? | 66 parameters |
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top | x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | |
Ba1 | 0.6032 (2) | 0.6408 (3) | 0.2505 (3) | 0.00241* | |
Ba2 | 0.1814 (2) | 0.5488 (3) | 0.2162 (3) | 0.00343* | |
O1 | 0.8819 (2) | 0.4886 (2) | 0.1767 (3) | 0.00535* | |
O2 | 0.4119 (2) | 0.3604 (2) | 0.1458 (3) | 0.0058* | |
O3 | 0.6064 (2) | 0.3464 (3) | 0.4937 (3) | 0.00469* | |
O4 | 0.1646 (2) | 0.2960 (2) | 0.4655 (3) | 0.00624* | |
D1 | 0.8847 (2) | 0.5317 (3) | 0.3106 (3) | 0.0221* | |
D2 | 0.4711 (2) | 0.3502 (2) | 0.2733 (3) | 0.01744* | |
D3 | 0.6246 (2) | 0.2356 (3) | 0.4412 (3) | 0.02043* | |
D4 | 0.1012 (2) | 0.2427 (3) | 0.5514 (4) | 0.0231* | |
(b150) deuterated barium hydroxide
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 496.06 (1) Å3 |
Mr = 1386.93 | Z = 8 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 9.36521 (16) Å | T = 150 K |
b = 7.87628 (13) Å | white |
c = 6.75813 (10) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
β = 95.6670 (9)° | |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Data collection mode: transmission |
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactor | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and
a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld | 2900 data points |
Rp = 0.024 | Profile function: pseudo-Voigt |
Rwp = 0.027 | 66 parameters |
Rexp = ? | |
χ2 = 1.796 | Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function |
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | β = 95.6670 (9)° |
Mr = 1386.93 | V = 496.06 (1) Å3 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Z = 8 |
a = 9.36521 (16) Å | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
b = 7.87628 (13) Å | T = 150 K |
c = 6.75813 (10) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and
a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Data collection mode: transmission | |
Refinement top
Rp = 0.024 | χ2 = 1.796 |
Rwp = 0.027 | 2900 data points |
Rexp = ? | 66 parameters |
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top | x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | |
Ba1 | 0.6027 (2) | 0.6408 (3) | 0.2506 (3) | 0.00511* | |
Ba2 | 0.1813 (2) | 0.5489 (3) | 0.2161 (3) | 0.00486* | |
O1 | 0.8819 (2) | 0.4886 (2) | 0.1761 (3) | 0.00656* | |
O2 | 0.4124 (2) | 0.3605 (3) | 0.1460 (3) | 0.00712* | |
O3 | 0.6068 (2) | 0.3462 (3) | 0.4937 (3) | 0.00676* | |
O4 | 0.1649 (2) | 0.2964 (2) | 0.4653 (3) | 0.00896* | |
D1 | 0.8847 (2) | 0.5311 (3) | 0.3106 (3) | 0.02416* | |
D2 | 0.4711 (2) | 0.3502 (3) | 0.2725 (3) | 0.01823* | |
D3 | 0.6246 (2) | 0.2359 (3) | 0.4422 (3) | 0.02263* | |
D4 | 0.1017 (2) | 0.2429 (3) | 0.5517 (4) | 0.02548* | |
(b200) deuterated barium hydroxide
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 497.58 (1) Å3 |
Mr = 1386.93 | Z = 8 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 9.37718 (16) Å | T = 200 K |
b = 7.88503 (13) Å | white |
c = 6.76289 (10) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
β = 95.6888 (9)° | |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Data collection mode: transmission |
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactor | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld | 2900 data points |
Rp = 0.024 | Profile function: pseudo-Voigt |
Rwp = 0.026 | 66 parameters |
Rexp = ? | |
χ2 = 1.690 | Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function |
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | β = 95.6888 (9)° |
Mr = 1386.93 | V = 497.58 (1) Å3 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Z = 8 |
a = 9.37718 (16) Å | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
b = 7.88503 (13) Å | T = 200 K |
c = 6.76289 (10) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Data collection mode: transmission | |
Refinement top
Rp = 0.024 | χ2 = 1.690 |
Rwp = 0.026 | 2900 data points |
Rexp = ? | 66 parameters |
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top | x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | |
Ba1 | 0.6029 (2) | 0.6406 (3) | 0.2503 (3) | 0.00657* | |
Ba2 | 0.1816 (2) | 0.5482 (3) | 0.2158 (4) | 0.00712* | |
O1 | 0.8823 (2) | 0.4878 (3) | 0.1763 (3) | 0.00948* | |
O2 | 0.4119 (2) | 0.3604 (3) | 0.1452 (3) | 0.00929* | |
O3 | 0.6067 (2) | 0.3462 (3) | 0.4942 (3) | 0.00972* | |
O4 | 0.1649 (2) | 0.2964 (3) | 0.4651 (3) | 0.01181* | |
D1 | 0.8846 (2) | 0.5308 (3) | 0.3104 (4) | 0.02725* | |
D2 | 0.4708 (2) | 0.3494 (3) | 0.2721 (3) | 0.02113* | |
D3 | 0.6246 (2) | 0.2362 (3) | 0.4423 (3) | 0.02596* | |
D4 | 0.1022 (2) | 0.2431 (3) | 0.5514 (4) | 0.02748* | |
(b250) deuterated barium hydroxide
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 499.37 (2) Å3 |
Mr = 1386.93 | Z = 8 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 9.39124 (17) Å | T = 250 K |
b = 7.89581 (14) Å | white |
c = 6.76818 (11) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
β = 95.7195 (10)° | |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Data collection mode: transmission |
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactor | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld | 2899 data points |
Rp = 0.028 | Profile function: pseudo-Voigt |
Rwp = 0.027 | 1 parameters |
Rexp = ? | (Δ/σ)max = 0.00020 |
χ2 = 1.742 | Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function |
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | β = 95.7195 (10)° |
Mr = 1386.93 | V = 499.37 (2) Å3 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Z = 8 |
a = 9.39124 (17) Å | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
b = 7.89581 (14) Å | T = 250 K |
c = 6.76818 (11) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Data collection mode: transmission | |
Refinement top
Rp = 0.028 | χ2 = 1.742 |
Rwp = 0.027 | 2899 data points |
Rexp = ? | 1 parameters |
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top | x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | |
Ba1 | 0.6027 (3) | 0.6400 (3) | 0.2512 (4) | 0.00853* | |
Ba2 | 0.1813 (2) | 0.5483 (3) | 0.2160 (4) | 0.0092* | |
O1 | 0.8824 (2) | 0.4870 (3) | 0.1766 (4) | 0.01139* | |
O2 | 0.4114 (2) | 0.3601 (3) | 0.1452 (3) | 0.0126* | |
O3 | 0.6066 (2) | 0.3464 (3) | 0.4947 (4) | 0.01315* | |
O4 | 0.1654 (2) | 0.2962 (3) | 0.4656 (4) | 0.01404* | |
D1 | 0.8847 (2) | 0.5304 (3) | 0.3104 (4) | 0.03018* | |
D2 | 0.4702 (2) | 0.3494 (3) | 0.2709 (3) | 0.02332* | |
D3 | 0.6249 (2) | 0.2370 (3) | 0.4426 (3) | 0.02823* | |
D4 | 0.1028 (3) | 0.2434 (3) | 0.5507 (4) | 0.03088* | |
(b300) deuterated barium hydroxide
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 501.55 (1) Å3 |
Mr = 1386.93 | Z = 8 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 9.40841 (16) Å | T = 300 K |
b = 7.90854 (13) Å | white |
c = 6.77476 (10) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
β = 95.7570 (9)° | |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Data collection mode: transmission |
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactor | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld | 2900 data points |
Rp = 0.032 | Profile function: pseudo-Voigt |
Rwp = 0.024 | 66 parameters |
Rexp = ? | |
χ2 = 2.465 | Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function |
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | β = 95.7570 (9)° |
Mr = 1386.93 | V = 501.55 (1) Å3 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Z = 8 |
a = 9.40841 (16) Å | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
b = 7.90854 (13) Å | T = 300 K |
c = 6.77476 (10) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Data collection mode: transmission | |
Refinement top
Rp = 0.032 | χ2 = 2.465 |
Rwp = 0.024 | 2900 data points |
Rexp = ? | 66 parameters |
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top | x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | |
Ba1 | 0.6018 (2) | 0.6396 (3) | 0.2519 (3) | 0.01118* | |
Ba2 | 0.1810 (2) | 0.5475 (3) | 0.2158 (3) | 0.01107* | |
O1 | 0.8825 (2) | 0.4866 (3) | 0.1772 (3) | 0.01412* | |
O2 | 0.4108 (2) | 0.3594 (3) | 0.1444 (3) | 0.01489* | |
O3 | 0.6068 (2) | 0.3462 (3) | 0.4953 (3) | 0.01646* | |
O4 | 0.1662 (2) | 0.2960 (3) | 0.4646 (3) | 0.01832* | |
D1 | 0.8844 (2) | 0.5299 (3) | 0.3101 (4) | 0.03572* | |
D2 | 0.4697 (2) | 0.3494 (3) | 0.2702 (3) | 0.02604* | |
D3 | 0.6249 (2) | 0.2383 (3) | 0.4424 (3) | 0.03261* | |
D4 | 0.1041 (3) | 0.2444 (3) | 0.5505 (4) | 0.03568* | |
(b420) deuterated barium hydroxide
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 507.09 (2) Å3 |
Mr = 1386.93 | Z = 8 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 9.4576 (3) Å | T = 420 K |
b = 7.9390 (2) Å | white |
c = 6.78930 (19) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
β = 95.8690 (15)° | |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Data collection mode: transmission |
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactor | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 159.941°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld | 2898 data points |
Rp = 0.055 | Profile function: pseudo-Voigt |
Rwp = 0.034 | 66 parameters |
Rexp = ? | |
χ2 = 2.465 | Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function |
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | β = 95.8690 (15)° |
Mr = 1386.93 | V = 507.09 (2) Å3 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Z = 8 |
a = 9.4576 (3) Å | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
b = 7.9390 (2) Å | T = 420 K |
c = 6.78930 (19) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 159.941°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Data collection mode: transmission | |
Refinement top
Rp = 0.055 | χ2 = 2.465 |
Rwp = 0.034 | 2898 data points |
Rexp = ? | 66 parameters |
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top | x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | |
Ba1 | 0.5996 (4) | 0.6382 (5) | 0.2519 (6) | 0.01782* | |
Ba2 | 0.1802 (4) | 0.5474 (4) | 0.2158 (6) | 0.01287* | |
O1 | 0.8827 (4) | 0.4857 (5) | 0.1783 (6) | 0.02265* | |
O2 | 0.4096 (4) | 0.3578 (5) | 0.1430 (5) | 0.01951* | |
O3 | 0.6075 (4) | 0.3451 (5) | 0.4952 (6) | 0.02553* | |
O4 | 0.1675 (4) | 0.2933 (5) | 0.4642 (6) | 0.02521* | |
D1 | 0.8832 (4) | 0.5279 (5) | 0.3099 (7) | 0.04819* | |
D2 | 0.4684 (4) | 0.3480 (5) | 0.2650 (6) | 0.03738* | |
D3 | 0.6256 (4) | 0.2398 (5) | 0.4409 (6) | 0.04359* | |
D4 | 0.1058 (4) | 0.2470 (5) | 0.5474 (8) | 0.04907* | |
(b480) deuterated barium hydroxide
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | V = 510.26 (2) Å3 |
Mr = 1386.93 | Z = 8 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
a = 9.4881 (2) Å | T = 480 K |
b = 7.95273 (19) Å | white |
c = 6.79846 (17) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
β = 95.9117 (13)° | |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Data collection mode: transmission |
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactor | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 159.941°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld | 2898 data points |
Rp = 0.058 | Profile function: pseudo-Voigt |
Rwp = 0.028 | 1 parameters |
Rexp = ? | (Δ/σ)max = 0.001 |
χ2 = 1.690 | Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function |
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2 | β = 95.9117 (13)° |
Mr = 1386.93 | V = 510.26 (2) Å3 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Z = 8 |
a = 9.4881 (2) Å | Neutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å |
b = 7.95273 (19) Å | T = 480 K |
c = 6.79846 (17) Å | cylinder, ? × ? × ? mm |
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | 2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 159.941°, 2θstep = 0.05° |
Data collection mode: transmission | |
Refinement top
Rp = 0.058 | χ2 = 1.690 |
Rwp = 0.028 | 2898 data points |
Rexp = ? | 1 parameters |
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top | x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | |
Ba1 | 0.5999 (3) | 0.6371 (4) | 0.2534 (5) | 0.02082* | |
Ba2 | 0.1810 (3) | 0.5446 (4) | 0.2139 (5) | 0.01553* | |
O1 | 0.8851 (3) | 0.4842 (4) | 0.1797 (6) | 0.02888* | |
O2 | 0.4086 (3) | 0.3568 (4) | 0.1418 (5) | 0.02452* | |
O3 | 0.6092 (3) | 0.3466 (5) | 0.4979 (6) | 0.03385* | |
O4 | 0.1693 (3) | 0.2920 (4) | 0.4643 (5) | 0.02796* | |
D1 | 0.8840 (4) | 0.5279 (5) | 0.3092 (6) | 0.05974* | |
D2 | 0.4681 (3) | 0.3476 (4) | 0.2636 (5) | 0.0452* | |
D3 | 0.6266 (4) | 0.2432 (5) | 0.4446 (6) | 0.05567* | |
D4 | 0.1080 (4) | 0.2474 (5) | 0.5479 (7) | 0.05723* | |
Experimental details
| (a10) | (a50) | (a100) | (a150) |
Crystal data |
Chemical formula | Ba(OD)2 | Ba(OD)2 | Ba(OD)2 | Ba(OD)2 |
Mr | 3467.32 | 3467.32 | 3467.32 | 3467.32 |
Crystal system, space group | Monoclinic, P21/n | Monoclinic, P21/n | Monoclinic, P21/n | Orthorhombic, Pnma |
Temperature (K) | 10 | 50 | 100 | 150 |
a, b, c (Å) | 7.08251 (17), 10.8701 (3), 16.4349 (4) | 7.08260 (18), 10.8730 (3), 16.4338 (4) | 7.0832 (2), 10.8967 (3), 16.4306 (5) | 10.9577 (3), 16.4138 (5), 7.07374 (18) |
α, β, γ (°) | 90, 91.3334 (15), 90 | 90, 91.3091 (15), 90 | 90, 91.0598 (19), 90 | 90, 90, 90 |
V (Å3) | 1264.94 (5) | 1265.22 (5) | 1267.96 (6) | 1272.26 (6) |
Z | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
Radiation type | Neutron, λ = 1.59432 Å | Neutron, λ = 1.59432 Å | Neutron, λ = 1.59432 Å | Neutron, λ = 1.59432 Å |
µ (mm−1) | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Specimen shape, size (mm) | Cylinder, ? × ? × ? | Cylinder, ? × ? × ? | Cylinder, ? × ? × ? | Cylinder, ? × ? × ? |
Data collection |
Diffractometer | Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Diffractometer D 2B, ILL |
Specimen mounting | The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a
height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and
a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryostat. | The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryostat. |
Data collection mode | Transmission | Transmission | Transmission | Transmission |
Scan method | Step | Step | Step | Step |
2θ values (°) | 2θmin = 10.141 2θmax = 159.991 2θstep = 0.05 | 2θmin = 10.091 2θmax = 159.991 2θstep = 0.05 | 2θmin = 10.141 2θmax = 160.041 2θstep = 0.05 | 2θmin = 10.091 2θmax = 160.041 2θstep = 0.05 |
Refinement |
R factors and goodness of fit | Rp = 0.021, Rwp = 0.031, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 1.904 | Rp = 0.022, Rwp = 0.029, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 1.664 | Rp = 0.030, Rwp = 0.033, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 2.310 | Rp = 0.052, Rwp = 0.039, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 3.240 |
No. of data points | 2998 | 2999 | 2999 | 3000 |
No. of parameters | 1 | 1 | 109 | 77 |
No. of restraints | ? | ? | ? | ? |
| (a200) | (480) | (a552) | (b10) |
Crystal data |
Chemical formula | Ba(OD)2 | Ba(OD)2 | Ba(OD)2 | Ba(OD)2 |
Mr | 3467.32 | 3467.32 | 3467.32 | 1386.93 |
Crystal system, space group | Orthorhombic, Pnma | Orthorhombic, Pnma | Orthorhombic, Pnma | Monoclinic, P21/n |
Temperature (K) | 200 | 480 | 552 | 10 |
a, b, c (Å) | 10.9789 (3), 16.4317 (4), 7.07840 (18) | 11.0818 (4), 16.6025 (5), 7.1255 (2) | 11.1191 (5), 16.6694 (9), 7.1420 (4) | 9.34892 (14), 7.86485 (12), 6.75254 (10) |
α, β, γ (°) | 90, 90, 90 | 90, 90, 90 | 90, 90, 90 | 90, 95.6551 (8), 90 |
V (Å3) | 1276.96 (6) | 1310.99 (7) | 1323.9 (1) | 494.08 (1) |
Z | 20 | 20 | 20 | 8 |
Radiation type | Neutron, λ = 1.59432 Å | Neutron, λ = 1.59432 Å | Neutron, λ = 1.59432 Å | Neutron, λ = 1.59432 Å |
µ (mm−1) | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Specimen shape, size (mm) | Cylinder, ? × ? × ? | Cylinder, ? × ? × ? | Cylinder, ? × ? × ? | Cylinder, ? × ? × ? |
Data collection |
Diffractometer | Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Diffractometer D 2B, ILL |
Specimen mounting | The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a
height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryostat. | The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryostat. | The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and
a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryostat. | The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. |
Data collection mode | Transmission | Transmission | Transmission | Transmission |
Scan method | Step | Step | Step | Step |
2θ values (°) | 2θmin = 10.091 2θmax = 160.041 2θstep = 0.05 | 2θmin = 10.091 2θmax = 159.991 2θstep = 0.05 | 2θmin = 10.091 2θmax = 159.941 2θstep = 0.05 | 2θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 160.041 2θstep = 0.05 |
Refinement |
R factors and goodness of fit | Rp = 0.060, Rwp = 0.039, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 3.098 | Rp = 0.094, Rwp = 0.032, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 2.341 | Rp = 0.064, Rwp = 0.032, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 1.716 | Rp = 0.023, Rwp = 0.027, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 2.103 |
No. of data points | 3000 | 2999 | 2998 | 2900 |
No. of parameters | 1 | 78 | 1 | 66 |
No. of restraints | ? | ? | ? | ? |
| (brt) | (b50) | (b100) | (b150) |
Crystal data |
Chemical formula | Ba(OD)2 | Ba(OD)2 | Ba(OD)2 | Ba(OD)2 |
Mr | 1386.93 | 1386.93 | 1386.93 | 1386.93 |
Crystal system, space group | Monoclinic, P21/n | Monoclinic, P21/n | Monoclinic, P21/n | Monoclinic, P21/n |
Temperature (K) | RT | 50 | 100 | 150 |
a, b, c (Å) | 9.4098 (3), 7.9101 (3), 6.7759 (2) | 9.35056 (15), 7.86586 (12), 6.75282 (10) | 9.35611 (15), 7.86963 (12), 6.75469 (10) | 9.36521 (16), 7.87628 (13), 6.75813 (10) |
α, β, γ (°) | 90, 95.7651 (18), 90 | 90, 95.6551 (8), 90 | 90, 95.6564 (9), 90 | 90, 95.6670 (9), 90 |
V (Å3) | 501.80 (3) | 494.25 (1) | 494.92 (1) | 496.06 (1) |
Z | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
Radiation type | Neutron, λ = 1.59432 Å | Neutron, λ = 1.59432 Å | Neutron, λ = 1.59432 Å | Neutron, λ = 1.59432 Å |
µ (mm−1) | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Specimen shape, size (mm) | Cylinder, ? × ? × ? | Cylinder, ? × ? × ? | Cylinder, ? × ? × ? | Cylinder, ? × ? × ? |
Data collection |
Diffractometer | Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Diffractometer D 2B, ILL |
Specimen mounting | The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and
a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. |
Data collection mode | Transmission | Transmission | Transmission | Transmission |
Scan method | Step | Step | Step | Step |
2θ values (°) | 2θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 159.991 2θstep = 0.05 | 2θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 160.041 2θstep = 0.05 | 2θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 160.041 2θstep = 0.05 | 2θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 160.041 2θstep = 0.05 |
Refinement |
R factors and goodness of fit | Rp = 0.052, Rwp = 0.043, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 3.725 | Rp = 0.022, Rwp = 0.027, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 1.850 | Rp = 0.022, Rwp = 0.027, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 1.796 | Rp = 0.024, Rwp = 0.027, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 1.796 |
No. of data points | 2899 | 2900 | 2900 | 2900 |
No. of parameters | 1 | 66 | 66 | 66 |
No. of restraints | ? | ? | ? | ? |
| (b200) | (b250) | (b300) | (b420) |
Crystal data |
Chemical formula | Ba(OD)2 | Ba(OD)2 | Ba(OD)2 | Ba(OD)2 |
Mr | 1386.93 | 1386.93 | 1386.93 | 1386.93 |
Crystal system, space group | Monoclinic, P21/n | Monoclinic, P21/n | Monoclinic, P21/n | Monoclinic, P21/n |
Temperature (K) | 200 | 250 | 300 | 420 |
a, b, c (Å) | 9.37718 (16), 7.88503 (13), 6.76289 (10) | 9.39124 (17), 7.89581 (14), 6.76818 (11) | 9.40841 (16), 7.90854 (13), 6.77476 (10) | 9.4576 (3), 7.9390 (2), 6.78930 (19) |
α, β, γ (°) | 90, 95.6888 (9), 90 | 90, 95.7195 (10), 90 | 90, 95.7570 (9), 90 | 90, 95.8690 (15), 90 |
V (Å3) | 497.58 (1) | 499.37 (2) | 501.55 (1) | 507.09 (2) |
Z | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
Radiation type | Neutron, λ = 1.59432 Å | Neutron, λ = 1.59432 Å | Neutron, λ = 1.59432 Å | Neutron, λ = 1.59432 Å |
µ (mm−1) | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Specimen shape, size (mm) | Cylinder, ? × ? × ? | Cylinder, ? × ? × ? | Cylinder, ? × ? × ? | Cylinder, ? × ? × ? |
Data collection |
Diffractometer | Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Diffractometer D 2B, ILL | Diffractometer D 2B, ILL |
Specimen mounting | The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. | The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. |
Data collection mode | Transmission | Transmission | Transmission | Transmission |
Scan method | Step | Step | Step | Step |
2θ values (°) | 2θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 160.041 2θstep = 0.05 | 2θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 159.991 2θstep = 0.05 | 2θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 160.041 2θstep = 0.05 | 2θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 159.941 2θstep = 0.05 |
Refinement |
R factors and goodness of fit | Rp = 0.024, Rwp = 0.026, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 1.690 | Rp = 0.028, Rwp = 0.027, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 1.742 | Rp = 0.032, Rwp = 0.024, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 2.465 | Rp = 0.055, Rwp = 0.034, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 2.465 |
No. of data points | 2900 | 2899 | 2900 | 2898 |
No. of parameters | 66 | 1 | 66 | 66 |
No. of restraints | ? | ? | ? | ? |
| (b480) |
Crystal data |
Chemical formula | Ba(OD)2 |
Mr | 1386.93 |
Crystal system, space group | Monoclinic, P21/n |
Temperature (K) | 480 |
a, b, c (Å) | 9.4881 (2), 7.95273 (19), 6.79846 (17) |
α, β, γ (°) | 90, 95.9117 (13), 90 |
V (Å3) | 510.26 (2) |
Z | 8 |
Radiation type | Neutron, λ = 1.59432 Å |
µ (mm−1) | ? |
Specimen shape, size (mm) | Cylinder, ? × ? × ? |
Data collection |
Diffractometer | Diffractometer D 2B, ILL |
Specimen mounting | The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm
and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an
aluminium-cryofurnace. |
Data collection mode | Transmission |
Scan method | Step |
2θ values (°) | 2θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 159.941 2θstep = 0.05 |
Refinement |
R factors and goodness of fit | Rp = 0.058, Rwp = 0.028, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 1.690 |
No. of data points | 2898 |
No. of parameters | 1 |
No. of restraints | ? |
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