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In the title mol­ecule, C13H17NO2, the piperidine ring assumes a chair conformation. The dihedral angle between the mean plane of the piperidine ring and the benzene ring is 45.49 (1)°. In the crystal, mol­ecules are linked by O—H...O inter­molecular hydrogen bonds, leading to a mol­ecular chain running along the c-axis direction. The atoms of the hy­droxy piperidine ring and the methyl group of methyl­phenyl ring are disordered over two sets of sites with refined occupancies of 0.754 (5) and 0.246 (5).

Supporting information


Crystallographic Information File (CIF)
Contains datablocks I, New_Global_Publ_Block


Structure factor file (CIF format)
Contains datablock I


Chemical Markup Language (CML) file
Supplementary material

CCDC reference: 1580031

Key indicators

  • Single-crystal X-ray study
  • T = 293 K
  • Mean [sigma](C-C) = 0.003 Å
  • Disorder in main residue
  • R factor = 0.039
  • wR factor = 0.099
  • Data-to-parameter ratio = 10.4

checkCIF/PLATON results

No syntax errors found

Alert level C PLAT089_ALERT_3_C Poor Data / Parameter Ratio (Zmax < 18) ........ 5.56 Note PLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom C1' has ADP max/min Ratio ..... 3.1 oblate PLAT230_ALERT_2_C Hirshfeld Test Diff for C2 -- C7 .. 6.0 s.u. PLAT242_ALERT_2_C Low 'MainMol' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors of C2 Check PLAT250_ALERT_2_C Large U3/U1 Ratio for Average U(i,j) Tensor .... 2.2 Note PLAT309_ALERT_2_C Single Bonded Oxygen (C-O > 1.3 Ang) ........... O1' Check PLAT480_ALERT_4_C Long H...A H-Bond Reported H9B .. O1 .. 2.66 Ang. PLAT911_ALERT_3_C Missing # FCF Refl Between THmin & STh/L= 0.600 6 Report PLAT913_ALERT_3_C Missing # of Very Strong Reflections in FCF .... 5 Note PLAT934_ALERT_3_C Number of (Iobs-Icalc)/SigmaW > 10 Outliers .... 1 Check PLAT978_ALERT_2_C Number C-C Bonds with Positive Residual Density. 0 Info
Alert level G PLAT002_ALERT_2_G Number of Distance or Angle Restraints on AtSite 15 Note PLAT003_ALERT_2_G Number of Uiso or Uij Restrained non-H Atoms ... 16 Report PLAT005_ALERT_5_G No Embedded Refinement Details found in the CIF Please Do ! PLAT007_ALERT_5_G Number of Unrefined Donor-H Atoms .............. 2 Report PLAT032_ALERT_4_G Std. Uncertainty on Flack Parameter Value High . 0.500 Report PLAT066_ALERT_1_G Predicted and Reported Tmin&Tmax Range Identical ? Check PLAT199_ALERT_1_G Reported _cell_measurement_temperature ..... (K) 293 Check PLAT200_ALERT_1_G Reported _diffrn_ambient_temperature ..... (K) 293 Check PLAT301_ALERT_3_G Main Residue Disorder ..............(Resd 1).. 56% Note PLAT720_ALERT_4_G Number of Unusual/Non-Standard Labels .......... 5 Note PLAT779_ALERT_4_G Suspect or Irrelevant (Bond) Angle in CIF .... # 17 Check O1 -C8 -O1' 1.555 1.555 1.555 11.40 Deg. PLAT779_ALERT_4_G Suspect or Irrelevant (Bond) Angle in CIF .... # 20 Check N1 -C8 -N1' 1.555 1.555 1.555 36.80 Deg. PLAT779_ALERT_4_G Suspect or Irrelevant (Bond) Angle in CIF .... # 31 Check C1 -C2 -C1' 1.555 1.555 1.555 8.10 Deg. PLAT792_ALERT_1_G The Model has Chirality at C12 (Polar SPGR) S Verify PLAT811_ALERT_5_G No ADDSYM Analysis: Too Many Excluded Atoms .... ! Info PLAT860_ALERT_3_G Number of Least-Squares Restraints ............. 99 Note PLAT899_ALERT_4_G SHELXL97 is Deprecated and Succeeded by SHELXL 2016 Note PLAT910_ALERT_3_G Missing # of FCF Reflection(s) Below Theta(Min). 2 Note PLAT916_ALERT_2_G Hooft y and Flack x Parameter values differ by . 0.13 Check
0 ALERT level A = Most likely a serious problem - resolve or explain 0 ALERT level B = A potentially serious problem, consider carefully 11 ALERT level C = Check. Ensure it is not caused by an omission or oversight 19 ALERT level G = General information/check it is not something unexpected 4 ALERT type 1 CIF construction/syntax error, inconsistent or missing data 9 ALERT type 2 Indicator that the structure model may be wrong or deficient 7 ALERT type 3 Indicator that the structure quality may be low 7 ALERT type 4 Improvement, methodology, query or suggestion 3 ALERT type 5 Informative message, check

Computing details top

Data collection: APEX2 (Bruker , 2004); cell refinement: APEX2 and SAINT (Bruker, 2004); data reduction: SAINT and XPREP (Bruker, 2004); program(s) used to solve structure: SHELXS97 (Sheldrick, 2008); program(s) used to refine structure: SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 2008); molecular graphics: ORTEP-3 for Windows (Farrugia, 2012); software used to prepare material for publication: SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 2008).

(3-Hydroxypiperidin-1-yl)(4-methylphenyl)methanone top
Crystal data top
C13H17NO2F(000) = 472
Mr = 219.28Dx = 1.207 Mg m3
Orthorhombic, Pca21Mo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
Hall symbol: P 2c -2acCell parameters from 2385 reflections
a = 24.8766 (14) Åθ = 0.8–0.7°
b = 6.1117 (4) ŵ = 0.08 mm1
c = 7.9388 (4) ÅT = 293 K
V = 1207.00 (12) Å3Block, yellow
Z = 40.30 × 0.25 × 0.20 mm
Data collection top
Bruker Kappa APEXII CCD
2385 independent reflections
Radiation source: fine-focus sealed tube1692 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Graphite monochromatorRint = 0.055
ω and \ f scanθmax = 26.0°, θmin = 3.3°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Bruker, 2004)
h = 3030
Tmin = 0.976, Tmax = 0.984k = 77
20282 measured reflectionsl = 99
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Hydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
Least-squares matrix: fullH-atom parameters constrained
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.039 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0468P)2 + 0.0531P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
wR(F2) = 0.099(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
S = 1.11Δρmax = 0.13 e Å3
2385 reflectionsΔρmin = 0.11 e Å3
230 parametersExtinction correction: SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 2008), Fc*=kFc[1+0.001xFc2λ3/sin(2θ)]-1/4
99 restraintsExtinction coefficient: 0.141 (11)
Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methodsAbsolute structure: Flack x determined using 675 quotients [(I+)-(I-)]/[(I+)+(I-)] (Parsons et al. (2013)
Secondary atom site location: difference Fourier mapAbsolute structure parameter: 0.3 (5)
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Refinement. Refinement of F2 against ALL reflections. The weighted R-factor wR and goodness of fit S are based on F2, conventional R-factors R are based on F, with F set to zero for negative F2. The threshold expression of F2 > 2sigma(F2) is used only for calculating R-factors(gt) etc. and is not relevant to the choice of reflections for refinement. R-factors based on F2 are statistically about twice as large as those based on F, and R- factors based on ALL data will be even larger.

H atoms were positioned geometrically and treated as riding on their parent atoms and refined with, C—H distance of 0.93–0.98 Å, O—H of 0.82 Å with Uiso(H)= 1.5 Ueq(c-methyl),and Uiso(H)= 1.2Ueq(C) for other H atoms.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
xyzUiso*/UeqOcc. (<1)
C30.18222 (11)0.4020 (4)1.0752 (3)0.0762 (7)
C40.13647 (8)0.2764 (3)1.0519 (3)0.0670 (6)
C50.14041 (8)0.0763 (3)0.9743 (2)0.0576 (5)
C60.19040 (9)0.0040 (4)0.9234 (3)0.0701 (6)
C70.23570 (8)0.1285 (4)0.9492 (3)0.0748 (6)
C80.09139 (9)0.0653 (3)0.9589 (3)0.0666 (6)
C20.23190 (9)0.3301 (4)1.0261 (3)0.0733 (7)
C10.2817 (3)0.4667 (13)1.0622 (13)0.116 (3)0.754 (5)
H1A0.30730.44720.97290.174*0.754 (5)
H1B0.27190.61831.06940.174*0.754 (5)
H1C0.29740.42081.16690.174*0.754 (5)
C90.02203 (13)0.2386 (6)0.7818 (4)0.0590 (8)0.754 (5)
H9A0.01140.29930.88970.071*0.754 (5)
H9B0.00850.16120.73470.071*0.754 (5)
C100.03892 (17)0.4199 (6)0.6648 (5)0.0643 (10)0.754 (5)
H10A0.06660.50710.71870.077*0.754 (5)
H10B0.00840.51440.64280.077*0.754 (5)
C110.06016 (18)0.3312 (8)0.4998 (5)0.0669 (12)0.754 (5)
H11A0.03120.26010.43890.080*0.754 (5)
H11B0.07340.45110.43130.080*0.754 (5)
C120.10493 (16)0.1694 (7)0.5298 (4)0.0621 (9)0.754 (5)
H120.13390.24920.58670.075*0.754 (5)
C130.08638 (13)0.0078 (5)0.6499 (3)0.0529 (8)0.754 (5)
H13A0.05790.09230.59780.063*0.754 (5)
H13B0.11600.10600.67400.063*0.754 (5)
N10.06702 (11)0.0872 (5)0.8051 (3)0.0498 (7)0.754 (5)
O10.0701 (2)0.1339 (12)1.0822 (7)0.0802 (15)0.754 (5)
O20.12710 (16)0.0789 (9)0.3835 (4)0.1091 (16)0.754 (5)
H20.11180.12940.30070.164*0.754 (5)
C1'0.2820 (6)0.480 (4)1.037 (3)0.095 (7)0.246 (5)
H1'10.31390.39491.01880.142*0.246 (5)
H1'20.27960.59190.95190.142*0.246 (5)
H1'30.28350.54731.14600.142*0.246 (5)
C9'0.0545 (5)0.363 (2)0.7878 (13)0.081 (4)0.246 (5)
H9'10.07430.49530.76020.097*0.246 (5)
H9'20.03620.38830.89400.097*0.246 (5)
C10'0.0136 (5)0.325 (3)0.6554 (15)0.081 (4)0.246 (5)
H10C0.00660.45830.63640.097*0.246 (5)
H10D0.01140.21310.69330.097*0.246 (5)
C11'0.0396 (6)0.251 (3)0.4900 (19)0.087 (5)0.246 (5)
H11C0.01210.20650.41060.104*0.246 (5)
H11D0.05960.37170.44070.104*0.246 (5)
C12'0.0770 (6)0.062 (2)0.5267 (15)0.083 (4)0.246 (5)
H12'0.05470.05470.57440.100*0.246 (5)
C13'0.1182 (4)0.1118 (19)0.6524 (12)0.071 (3)0.246 (5)
H13C0.14170.22620.61030.085*0.246 (5)
H13D0.13980.01740.67340.085*0.246 (5)
N1'0.0927 (4)0.1837 (17)0.8095 (9)0.064 (3)0.246 (5)
O1'0.0737 (10)0.179 (4)1.098 (3)0.110 (8)0.246 (5)
O2'0.1012 (5)0.0230 (18)0.3875 (13)0.084 (3)0.246 (5)
H2'0.08020.01930.30790.126*0.246 (5)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
C30.1035 (19)0.0606 (13)0.0644 (13)0.0231 (12)0.0065 (13)0.0065 (11)
C40.0729 (13)0.0679 (14)0.0601 (12)0.0152 (10)0.0062 (10)0.0074 (10)
C50.0705 (13)0.0611 (12)0.0413 (9)0.0178 (10)0.0010 (9)0.0032 (9)
C60.0805 (14)0.0612 (11)0.0686 (14)0.0120 (11)0.0052 (11)0.0074 (10)
C70.0665 (13)0.0795 (16)0.0784 (14)0.0045 (12)0.0032 (12)0.0057 (12)
C80.0769 (13)0.0750 (14)0.0477 (11)0.0262 (11)0.0040 (11)0.0086 (10)
C20.0765 (16)0.0815 (16)0.0618 (14)0.0287 (13)0.0157 (11)0.0186 (12)
C10.126 (6)0.120 (6)0.100 (5)0.078 (5)0.028 (3)0.044 (4)
C90.0543 (17)0.071 (2)0.0519 (17)0.0210 (15)0.0023 (13)0.0046 (14)
C100.075 (2)0.059 (2)0.059 (2)0.0239 (16)0.0076 (18)0.0038 (17)
C110.075 (3)0.080 (2)0.0464 (19)0.0186 (19)0.0010 (17)0.0135 (17)
C120.062 (2)0.086 (2)0.0380 (16)0.0183 (17)0.0000 (13)0.0011 (16)
C130.0557 (16)0.0535 (17)0.0494 (16)0.0130 (14)0.0132 (12)0.0121 (13)
N10.0508 (15)0.0529 (15)0.0457 (12)0.0118 (12)0.0007 (11)0.0038 (11)
O10.082 (2)0.119 (4)0.040 (2)0.046 (2)0.0107 (16)0.002 (2)
O20.096 (3)0.186 (5)0.0448 (12)0.071 (3)0.0066 (16)0.003 (2)
C1'0.041 (8)0.153 (18)0.090 (12)0.015 (7)0.032 (7)0.037 (11)
C9'0.097 (8)0.083 (7)0.062 (6)0.046 (6)0.020 (5)0.015 (5)
C10'0.077 (8)0.108 (9)0.058 (6)0.033 (6)0.016 (6)0.015 (7)
C11'0.092 (9)0.108 (10)0.060 (6)0.050 (8)0.019 (6)0.009 (7)
C12'0.096 (8)0.093 (8)0.062 (6)0.043 (7)0.019 (6)0.019 (6)
C13'0.079 (7)0.069 (6)0.064 (6)0.016 (6)0.007 (5)0.000 (5)
N1'0.075 (6)0.076 (6)0.040 (4)0.028 (5)0.014 (4)0.015 (4)
O1'0.188 (15)0.085 (8)0.057 (8)0.075 (8)0.027 (7)0.036 (6)
O2'0.100 (8)0.097 (7)0.054 (4)0.045 (5)0.003 (5)0.024 (4)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
C3—C21.368 (3)C11—H11B0.9700
C3—C41.385 (3)C12—O21.399 (5)
C3—H30.9300C12—C131.515 (5)
C4—C51.373 (3)C12—H120.9800
C4—H40.9300C13—N11.444 (3)
C5—C61.380 (3)C13—H13A0.9700
C5—C81.500 (3)C13—H13B0.9700
C6—C71.375 (3)O2—H20.8200
C7—C21.379 (3)C1'—H1'20.9600
C8—O11.189 (5)C9'—N1'1.463 (11)
C8—N11.370 (3)C9'—C10'1.481 (14)
C8—O1'1.37 (2)C9'—H9'10.9700
C8—N1'1.390 (9)C9'—H9'20.9700
C2—C11.522 (5)C10'—C11'1.531 (15)
C2—C1'1.551 (13)C10'—H10C0.9700
C1—H1B0.9600C11'—C12'1.512 (14)
C9—N11.464 (3)C11'—H11D0.9700
C9—C101.506 (5)C12'—O2'1.362 (15)
C9—H9A0.9700C12'—C13'1.463 (14)
C10—C111.513 (5)C13'—N1'1.467 (11)
C11—C121.508 (5)O2'—H2'0.8200
C2—C3—C4121.7 (2)C11—C12—C13110.1 (3)
C5—C4—C3119.7 (2)C13—C12—H12106.8
C5—C4—H4120.2N1—C13—C12110.6 (3)
C4—C5—C6118.73 (18)C12—C13—H13A109.5
C4—C5—C8119.50 (18)N1—C13—H13B109.5
C6—C5—C8121.60 (18)C12—C13—H13B109.5
C7—C6—C5121.2 (2)H13A—C13—H13B108.1
C7—C6—H6119.4C8—N1—C13125.0 (2)
C5—C6—H6119.4C8—N1—C9120.8 (2)
C6—C7—C2120.3 (2)C13—N1—C9113.7 (2)
O1—C8—N1120.1 (3)C2—C1'—H1'2109.5
O1—C8—O1'11.4 (14)H1'1—C1'—H1'2109.5
N1—C8—O1'121.5 (11)C2—C1'—H1'3109.5
O1—C8—N1'121.9 (5)H1'1—C1'—H1'3109.5
N1—C8—N1'36.8 (4)H1'2—C1'—H1'3109.5
O1'—C8—N1'115.3 (11)N1'—C9'—C10'114.2 (9)
O1—C8—C5119.9 (3)N1'—C9'—H9'1108.7
N1—C8—C5119.25 (19)C10'—C9'—H9'1108.7
O1'—C8—C5119.2 (11)N1'—C9'—H9'2108.7
N1'—C8—C5110.5 (4)C10'—C9'—H9'2108.7
C3—C2—C7118.40 (19)H9'1—C9'—H9'2107.6
C3—C2—C1120.4 (5)C9'—C10'—C11'111.4 (10)
C7—C2—C1121.2 (5)C9'—C10'—H10C109.3
C3—C2—C1'121.3 (9)C11'—C10'—H10C109.3
C7—C2—C1'119.9 (9)C9'—C10'—H10D109.3
C1—C2—C1'8.1 (13)C11'—C10'—H10D109.3
C2—C1—H1B109.5C12'—C11'—C10'108.5 (11)
N1—C9—C10109.2 (2)C10'—C11'—H11C110.0
C10—C9—H9B109.8O2'—C12'—C13'108.8 (10)
H9A—C9—H9B108.3O2'—C12'—C11'114.1 (11)
C9—C10—C11111.6 (3)C13'—C12'—C11'113.8 (11)
C11—C10—H10B109.3C12'—C13'—N1'109.8 (8)
C12—C11—C10110.9 (3)N1'—C13'—H13C109.7
C10—C11—H11B109.5C8—N1'—C9'118.4 (8)
H11A—C11—H11B108.1C8—N1'—C13'125.4 (7)
O2—C12—C11114.8 (3)C9'—N1'—C13'114.0 (8)
O2—C12—C13111.1 (3)C12'—O2'—H2'109.5
C2—C3—C4—C51.4 (3)N1'—C8—N1—C1382.2 (6)
C3—C4—C5—C60.9 (3)C5—C8—N1—C133.4 (4)
C3—C4—C5—C8176.20 (19)O1—C8—N1—C915.1 (6)
C4—C5—C6—C70.0 (3)O1'—C8—N1—C91.9 (13)
C8—C5—C6—C7175.2 (2)N1'—C8—N1—C989.1 (6)
C5—C6—C7—C20.3 (3)C5—C8—N1—C9174.6 (2)
C4—C5—C8—O163.9 (5)C12—C13—N1—C8112.6 (4)
C6—C5—C8—O1111.3 (5)C12—C13—N1—C959.2 (4)
C4—C5—C8—N1106.4 (3)C10—C9—N1—C8114.0 (4)
C6—C5—C8—N178.4 (3)C10—C9—N1—C1358.2 (4)
C4—C5—C8—O1'77.0 (13)N1'—C9'—C10'—C11'50.2 (19)
C6—C5—C8—O1'98.2 (12)C9'—C10'—C11'—C12'51.2 (19)
C4—C5—C8—N1'146.0 (5)C10'—C11'—C12'—O2'177.8 (13)
C6—C5—C8—N1'38.8 (6)C10'—C11'—C12'—C13'56.6 (19)
C4—C3—C2—C71.1 (3)O2'—C12'—C13'—N1'174.5 (10)
C4—C3—C2—C1176.7 (4)C11'—C12'—C13'—N1'57.1 (17)
C4—C3—C2—C1'174.0 (12)O1—C8—N1'—C9'18.1 (12)
C6—C7—C2—C30.2 (3)N1—C8—N1'—C9'80.7 (10)
C6—C7—C2—C1177.6 (4)O1'—C8—N1'—C9'28.7 (16)
C6—C7—C2—C1'173.2 (12)C5—C8—N1'—C9'167.5 (8)
N1—C9—C10—C1154.8 (5)O1—C8—N1'—C13'179.8 (9)
C9—C10—C11—C1254.5 (5)N1—C8—N1'—C13'81.4 (10)
C10—C11—C12—O2179.9 (4)O1'—C8—N1'—C13'169.2 (14)
C10—C11—C12—C1353.9 (5)C5—C8—N1'—C13'30.3 (12)
O2—C12—C13—N1176.0 (3)C10'—C9'—N1'—C8112.8 (14)
C11—C12—C13—N155.7 (4)C10'—C9'—N1'—C13'51.3 (17)
O1—C8—N1—C13173.6 (5)C12'—C13'—N1'—C8109.9 (14)
O1'—C8—N1—C13173.2 (13)C12'—C13'—N1'—C9'52.9 (14)
Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, º) top
C9—H9B···O1i0.972.663.598 (7)163
O2—H2···O1ii0.822.022.802 (7)159
O2—H2···O1ii0.822.072.70 (3)134
Symmetry codes: (i) x, y, z1/2; (ii) x, y, z1.

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