research papers
The Hahn-Meitner-Institute Berlin is operating the new hard X-ray diffraction beamline MAGS at the Berlin synchrotron radiation source BESSY. The beamline is intended to complement the existing neutron instrumentation at the Berlin Neutron Scattering Centre. The new beamline uses a 7 T multipole wiggler to produce photon fluxes in the 1011-1012 photons s-1 (100 mA)-1 (0.1% bandwidth)-1 range at energies from 4 to 30 keV at the experiment. It has active bendable optics to provide flexible horizontal and vertical focusing and to compensate the large heat load from the wiggler source. The experimental end-station consists of a six-circle Huber diffractometer which can be used with an additional (polarization) analyser and different sample environments. The beamline is intended for single-crystal diffraction and resonant magnetic scattering experiments for the study of ordering phenomena, phase transitions and materials science.