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The structural behaviour of both low-temperature β- and high-temperature α-Ba(OD)2, barium dihydroxide-d, was investigated at temperatures between 10 and 552 K by neutron powder diffraction. While the β phase (P21/n) remains stable to the lowest temperature investigated, the quenchable α phase (Pnma) shows a reversible orthorhombic-to-monoclinic phase transition between 100 and 150 K. The structure of the new αm phase (P21/n) is quite similar to that of the α phase. This behaviour is unusual as a metastable phase transforms to another metastable phase. The PnmaP21/n low-temperature phase transition is driven by an order–disorder mechanism, mainly caused by one of the D atoms, which is disordered on positions off the mirror plane, mimicking a special position on the mirror plane in the orthorhombic phase. Refinements of the α phase above the phase transition indicate this disorder across the mirror plane through a conspicuously high isotropic displacement parameter if compared to the other D atoms. At low temperature the energy of the vibration is lowered and the D atom is frozen at a general position in a correlated way, thus violating the mirror plane and reducing the space-group symmetry.

Supporting information


Crystallographic Information File (CIF)
Contains datablocks global, 480, a10, a50, a100, a150, a200, a552, b10, brt, b50, b100, b150, b200, b250, b300, b420, b480


Rietveld powder data file (CIF format)
Contains datablock a10


Structure factor file (CIF format)
Contains datablock a10


Rietveld powder data file (CIF format)
Contains datablock a50


Structure factor file (CIF format)
Contains datablock a50


Rietveld powder data file (CIF format)
Contains datablock a100


Rietveld powder data file (CIF format)
Contains datablock a150


Rietveld powder data file (CIF format)
Contains datablock a200


Structure factor file (CIF format)
Contains datablock a200


Rietveld powder data file (CIF format)
Contains datablock a480


Rietveld powder data file (CIF format)
Contains datablock a552


Structure factor file (CIF format)
Contains datablock 552


Rietveld powder data file (CIF format)
Contains datablock b10


Rietveld powder data file (CIF format)
Contains datablock brt


Structure factor file (CIF format)
Contains datablock brt


Rietveld powder data file (CIF format)
Contains datablock b50


Rietveld powder data file (CIF format)
Contains datablock b100


Rietveld powder data file (CIF format)
Contains datablock b150


Rietveld powder data file (CIF format)
Contains datablock b200


Rietveld powder data file (CIF format)
Contains datablock b250


Structure factor file (CIF format)
Contains datablock b250


Rietveld powder data file (CIF format)
Contains datablock b300


Rietveld powder data file (CIF format)
Contains datablock b420


Rietveld powder data file (CIF format)
Contains datablock b480


Structure factor file (CIF format)
Contains datablock b480


Text file
Supplementary material


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Supplementary material

Computing details top

For all compounds, cell refinement: GSAS (Larson and Von Dreele, 1994); data reduction: GSAS; program(s) used to refine structure: GSAS; molecular graphics: Crystal Maker, version 4.0.1 (Palmer, D.C., 1994-99); software used to prepare material for publication: GSAS.

Figures top
[Figure 1]
[Figure 2]
[Figure 3]
[Figure 4]
[Figure 5]
[Figure 6]
[Figure 7]
[Figure 8]
[Figure 9]
(a10) deuterated barium hydroxide top
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 1264.94 (5) Å3
Mr = 3467.32Z = 20
Monoclinic, P21/nNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 7.08251 (17) ÅT = 10 K
b = 10.8701 (3) Åwhite
c = 16.4349 (4) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
β = 91.3334 (15)°
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLData collection mode: transmission
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactorScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 10.141°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld2998 data points
Rp = 0.021Profile function: pseudo-Voigt
Rwp = 0.0311 parameters
Rexp = ?(Δ/σ)max = 0.013
χ2 = 1.904Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2β = 91.3334 (15)°
Mr = 3467.32V = 1264.94 (5) Å3
Monoclinic, P21/nZ = 20
a = 7.08251 (17) ÅNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
b = 10.8701 (3) ÅT = 10 K
c = 16.4349 (4) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 10.141°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Data collection mode: transmission
Refinement top
Rp = 0.021χ2 = 1.904
Rwp = 0.0312998 data points
Rexp = ?1 parameters
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ba10.4333 (9)0.3245 (6)0.2463 (4)0.00505*
Ba20.9095 (9)0.4744 (6)0.3745 (4)0.00146*
Ba30.4322 (9)0.3292 (7)0.4879 (4)0.00108*
O10.3744 (8)0.0754 (5)0.2484 (4)0.00549*
O20.8147 (8)0.3241 (5)0.2483 (4)0.00764*
O30.5075 (8)0.5092 (6)0.3587 (3)0.00048*
O40.1586 (9)0.2910 (7)0.3727 (4)0.00343*
O50.6580 (8)0.2260 (6)0.3925 (4)0.00399*
O60.2902 (8)0.0579 (6)0.4765 (4)0.00117*
D10.2584 (10)0.0645 (6)0.2200 (4)0.02488*
D20.9405 (9)0.2877 (6)0.2562 (4)0.02828*
D30.5451 (10)0.5851 (7)0.3330 (4)0.02731*
D40.1842 (9)0.2075 (7)0.3581 (4)0.02172*
D50.7360 (8)0.2406 (6)0.3435 (4)0.01863*
D60.2173 (9)0.0461 (6)0.4278 (4)0.02051*
Ba2A0.4220 (10)0.0198 (6)0.6247 (4)0.00315*
Ba3A0.9258 (10)0.1709 (7)0.5070 (4)0.00063*
O3A0.0316 (9)0.0028 (7)0.6311 (4)0.00795*
O4A0.6671 (8)0.2075 (6)0.6172 (4)0.00442*
O5A0.1652 (8)0.2885 (7)0.6059 (4)0.00609*
O6A0.7935 (9)0.4499 (6)0.5233 (4)0.00353*
D3A0.0109 (10)0.9358 (7)0.6643 (4)0.02283*
D4A0.6539 (10)0.2875 (7)0.6367 (4)0.0278*
D5A0.2394 (9)0.2567 (6)0.6523 (4)0.01951*
D6A0.7205 (8)0.4482 (6)0.5723 (4)0.02206*
(a50) deuterated barium hydroxide top
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 1265.22 (5) Å3
Mr = 3467.32Z = 20
Monoclinic, P21/nNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 7.08260 (18) ÅT = 50 K
b = 10.8730 (3) Åwhite
c = 16.4338 (4) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
β = 91.3091 (15)°
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLData collection mode: transmission
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactorScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld2999 data points
Rp = 0.022Profile function: pseudo-Voigt
Rwp = 0.0291 parameters
Rexp = ?(Δ/σ)max = 0.013
χ2 = 1.664Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2β = 91.3091 (15)°
Mr = 3467.32V = 1265.22 (5) Å3
Monoclinic, P21/nZ = 20
a = 7.08260 (18) ÅNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
b = 10.8730 (3) ÅT = 50 K
c = 16.4338 (4) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Data collection mode: transmission
Refinement top
Rp = 0.022χ2 = 1.664
Rwp = 0.0292999 data points
Rexp = ?1 parameters
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ba10.4323 (9)0.3244 (6)0.2461 (4)0.00607*
Ba20.9097 (10)0.4743 (6)0.3742 (4)0.00438*
Ba30.4331 (9)0.3287 (7)0.4869 (4)0.00183*
O10.3737 (9)0.0752 (5)0.2484 (4)0.01048*
O20.8150 (8)0.3260 (5)0.2484 (4)0.01178*
O30.5077 (9)0.5099 (7)0.3599 (3)0.00614*
O40.1577 (9)0.2909 (7)0.3729 (4)0.00804*
O50.6584 (8)0.2253 (6)0.3916 (4)0.00269*
O60.2917 (9)0.0581 (6)0.4769 (4)0.00472*
D10.2587 (12)0.0647 (6)0.2211 (4)0.03267*
D20.9360 (9)0.2876 (6)0.2565 (4)0.02834*
D30.5457 (10)0.5844 (7)0.3321 (4)0.03339*
D40.1826 (10)0.2077 (7)0.3590 (4)0.0263*
D50.7358 (9)0.2400 (6)0.3431 (4)0.02227*
D60.2186 (9)0.0486 (6)0.4284 (4)0.02014*
Ba2A0.4201 (9)0.0190 (6)0.6248 (4)0.00136*
Ba3A0.9321 (9)0.1701 (7)0.5079 (4)0.00137*
O3A0.0305 (8)0.0006 (6)0.6307 (4)0.00308*
O4A0.6669 (8)0.2073 (6)0.6165 (4)0.00285*
O5A0.1661 (9)0.2869 (7)0.6055 (4)0.00738*
O6A0.7918 (9)0.4509 (6)0.5240 (4)0.00544*
D3A0.0125 (11)0.9352 (8)0.6650 (5)0.0326*
D4A0.6537 (10)0.2871 (8)0.6365 (4)0.03146*
D5A0.2407 (9)0.2577 (6)0.6514 (4)0.02178*
D6A0.7201 (9)0.4487 (6)0.5718 (4)0.02461*
(a100) deuterated barium hydroxide top
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 1267.96 (6) Å3
Mr = 3467.32Z = 20
Monoclinic, P21/nNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 7.0832 (2) ÅT = 100 K
b = 10.8967 (3) Åwhite
c = 16.4306 (5) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
β = 91.0598 (19)°
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLData collection mode: transmission
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactorScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryostat.2θmin = 10.141°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld2999 data points
Rp = 0.030Profile function: pseudo-Voigt
Rwp = 0.033109 parameters
Rexp = ?
χ2 = 2.310Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2β = 91.0598 (19)°
Mr = 3467.32V = 1267.96 (6) Å3
Monoclinic, P21/nZ = 20
a = 7.0832 (2) ÅNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
b = 10.8967 (3) ÅT = 100 K
c = 16.4306 (5) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryostat.2θmin = 10.141°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Data collection mode: transmission
Refinement top
Rp = 0.030χ2 = 2.310
Rwp = 0.0332999 data points
Rexp = ?109 parameters
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ba10.4313 (11)0.3223 (7)0.2472 (6)0.00686*
Ba20.9113 (12)0.4744 (9)0.3759 (5)0.00676*
Ba30.4357 (11)0.3288 (8)0.4880 (5)0.00076*
O10.3777 (10)0.0747 (7)0.2479 (6)0.01514*
O20.8096 (11)0.3254 (7)0.2519 (6)0.01935*
O30.5095 (10)0.5073 (8)0.3618 (4)0.00806*
O40.1572 (12)0.2900 (9)0.3733 (5)0.01114*
O50.1572 (12)0.2900 (9)0.3733 (5)0.01386*
O60.2894 (11)0.0584 (8)0.4753 (5)0.00456*
D10.2626 (15)0.0615 (9)0.2291 (6)0.04944*
D20.9401 (12)0.2870 (7)0.2532 (6)0.03545*
D30.5413 (13)0.5789 (10)0.3308 (6)0.04106*
D40.1797 (14)0.2101 (11)0.3596 (6)0.03841*
D50.7363 (11)0.2388 (8)0.3460 (5)0.02667*
D60.2209 (11)0.0474 (8)0.4273 (5)0.02784*
Ba2A0.4211 (11)0.0199 (8)0.6241 (5)0.00524*
Ba3A0.9276 (11)0.1683 (8)0.5082 (5)0.002*
O3A0.0312 (11)0.0016 (9)0.6328 (5)0.01063*
O4A0.6663 (11)0.2076 (8)0.6185 (5)0.01067*
O5A0.1621 (11)0.2832 (8)0.6050 (5)0.00995*
O6A0.7980 (10)0.4476 (7)0.5227 (4)0.00227*
D3A0.0136 (13)0.9326 (10)0.6651 (6)0.03574*
D4A0.6531 (14)0.2892 (11)0.6381 (6)0.04458*
D5A0.2393 (11)0.2586 (8)0.6517 (5)0.0245*
D6A0.7248 (12)0.4472 (9)0.5709 (5)0.03927*
(a150) deuterated barium hydroxide top
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 1272.26 (6) Å3
Mr = 3467.32Z = 20
Orthorhombic, PnmaNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 10.9577 (3) ÅT = 150 K
b = 16.4138 (5) Åwhite
c = 7.07374 (18) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLData collection mode: transmission
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactorScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryostat.2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld3000 data points
Rp = 0.052Profile function: pseudo-Voigt
Rwp = 0.03977 parameters
Rexp = ?
χ2 = 3.240Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 1272.26 (6) Å3
Mr = 3467.32Z = 20
Orthorhombic, PnmaNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 10.9577 (3) ÅT = 150 K
b = 16.4138 (5) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
c = 7.07374 (18) Å
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryostat.2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Data collection mode: transmission
Refinement top
Rp = 0.052χ2 = 3.240
Rwp = 0.0393000 data points
Rexp = ?77 parameters
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ba10.3187 (6)0.250.4353 (9)0.002*
Ba20.4771 (4)0.3764 (3)0.9167 (6)0.00562*
Ba30.3324 (4)0.4890 (3)0.4305 (7)0.00134*
O10.0762 (6)0.250.3738 (9)0.00914*
O20.3216 (7)0.250.8151 (11)0.02342*
O30.4992 (4)0.3650 (3)0.5213 (7)0.01015*
O40.2872 (4)0.3788 (3)0.1619 (7)0.00865*
O50.2188 (5)0.3942 (3)0.6573 (7)0.00788*
O60.0562 (5)0.4759 (3)0.2922 (7)0.0116*
D10.0551 (13)0.250.2589 (18)0.09487*
D20.2808 (8)0.250.9393 (14)0.05533*
D30.5663 (6)0.3333 (4)0.5155 (10)0.05763*
D40.2129 (6)0.3616 (5)0.1566 (10)0.0663*
D50.2379 (4)0.3469 (3)0.7417 (7)0.02435*
D60.0579 (6)0.4279 (3)0.2274 (8)0.04106*
(a200) deuterated barium hydroxide top
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 1276.96 (6) Å3
Mr = 3467.32Z = 20
Orthorhombic, PnmaNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 10.9789 (3) ÅT = 200 K
b = 16.4317 (4) Åwhite
c = 7.07840 (18) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLData collection mode: transmission
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactorScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryostat.2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld3000 data points
Rp = 0.060Profile function: pseudo-Voigt
Rwp = 0.0391 parameters
Rexp = ?(Δ/σ)max = 0.009
χ2 = 3.098Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 1276.96 (6) Å3
Mr = 3467.32Z = 20
Orthorhombic, PnmaNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 10.9789 (3) ÅT = 200 K
b = 16.4317 (4) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
c = 7.07840 (18) Å
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryostat.2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Data collection mode: transmission
Refinement top
Rp = 0.060χ2 = 3.098
Rwp = 0.0393000 data points
Rexp = ?1 parameters
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ba10.3185 (6)0.250.4382 (9)0.00065*
Ba20.4771 (4)0.3766 (3)0.9157 (6)0.00671*
Ba30.3323 (4)0.4893 (3)0.4292 (7)0.00508*
O10.0758 (7)0.250.3717 (10)0.01192*
O20.3212 (8)0.250.8150 (12)0.03108*
O30.4975 (5)0.3646 (3)0.5226 (7)0.01384*
O40.2855 (4)0.3787 (3)0.1598 (7)0.01078*
O50.2180 (5)0.3941 (3)0.6573 (7)0.00919*
O60.0567 (5)0.4763 (3)0.2922 (7)0.01252*
D10.0547 (13)0.250.255 (2)0.10467*
D20.2784 (8)0.250.9350 (15)0.05741*
D30.5644 (7)0.3349 (4)0.5119 (11)0.06318*
D40.2152 (6)0.3597 (5)0.1506 (10)0.07645*
D50.2377 (4)0.3474 (3)0.7409 (7)0.02781*
D60.0609 (6)0.4282 (3)0.2308 (9)0.04575*
(480) deuterated barium hydroxide top
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 1310.99 (7) Å3
Mr = 3467.32Z = 20
Orthorhombic, PnmaNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 11.0818 (4) ÅT = 480 K
b = 16.6025 (5) Åwhite
c = 7.1255 (2) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLData collection mode: transmission
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactorScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryostat.2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld2999 data points
Rp = 0.094Profile function: pseudo-Voigt
Rwp = 0.03278 parameters
Rexp = ?
χ2 = 2.341Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 1310.99 (7) Å3
Mr = 3467.32Z = 20
Orthorhombic, PnmaNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 11.0818 (4) ÅT = 480 K
b = 16.6025 (5) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
c = 7.1255 (2) Å
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryostat.2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Data collection mode: transmission
Refinement top
Rp = 0.094χ2 = 2.341
Rwp = 0.0322999 data points
Rexp = ?78 parameters
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ba10.3171 (8)0.250.4408 (12)0.02123*
Ba20.4737 (4)0.3764 (4)0.9180 (7)0.01903*
Ba30.3338 (5)0.4883 (3)0.4249 (9)0.02065*
O10.0775 (9)0.250.3760 (14)0.0415*
O20.3257 (9)0.250.8140 (13)0.04299*
O30.4930 (7)0.3654 (5)0.5294 (10)0.04643*
O40.2809 (6)0.3803 (4)0.1639 (10)0.03464*
O50.2141 (5)0.3950 (3)0.6572 (8)0.02691*
O60.0574 (7)0.4756 (4)0.2984 (10)0.03786*
D10.0551 (13)0.250.261 (2)0.13132*
D20.2683 (9)0.250.9128 (15)0.07645*
D30.5542 (8)0.3390 (5)0.4957 (12)0.10137*
D40.2252 (7)0.3516 (5)0.1270 (12)0.1021*
D50.2372 (5)0.3527 (4)0.7382 (8)0.04792*
D60.0779 (7)0.4303 (4)0.2460 (11)0.08113*
(a552) deuterated barium hydroxide top
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 1323.9 (1) Å3
Mr = 3467.32Z = 20
Orthorhombic, PnmaNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 11.1191 (5) ÅT = 552 K
b = 16.6694 (9) Åwhite
c = 7.1420 (4) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLData collection mode: transmission
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactorScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryostat.2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 159.941°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld2998 data points
Rp = 0.064Profile function: pseudo-Voigt
Rwp = 0.0321 parameters
Rexp = ?(Δ/σ)max = 0.005
χ2 = 1.716Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 1323.9 (1) Å3
Mr = 3467.32Z = 20
Orthorhombic, PnmaNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 11.1191 (5) ÅT = 552 K
b = 16.6694 (9) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
c = 7.1420 (4) Å
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryostat.2θmin = 10.091°, 2θmax = 159.941°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Data collection mode: transmission
Refinement top
Rp = 0.064χ2 = 1.716
Rwp = 0.0322998 data points
Rexp = ?1 parameters
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ba10.3186 (10)0.250.4441 (14)0.02583*
Ba20.4731 (5)0.3772 (5)0.9170 (9)0.0226*
Ba30.3330 (6)0.4883 (4)0.4223 (11)0.02376*
O10.0788 (11)0.250.3729 (17)0.04015*
O20.3270 (11)0.250.8121 (16)0.05235*
O30.4925 (9)0.3668 (7)0.5284 (13)0.06051*
O40.2814 (8)0.3804 (5)0.1610 (13)0.04731*
O50.2130 (6)0.3963 (4)0.6550 (10)0.03306*
O60.0570 (8)0.4746 (5)0.2988 (13)0.04214*
D10.0538 (14)0.250.265 (3)0.12645*
D20.2675 (10)0.250.9054 (17)0.08068*
D30.5529 (10)0.3388 (6)0.4950 (14)0.11191*
D40.2277 (8)0.3515 (6)0.1297 (15)0.10892*
D50.2356 (6)0.3556 (5)0.7362 (10)0.05153*
D60.0807 (9)0.4316 (5)0.2457 (14)0.09593*
(b10) deuterated barium hydroxide top
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 494.08 (1) Å3
Mr = 1386.93Z = 8
Monoclinic, P21/nNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 9.34892 (14) ÅT = 10 K
b = 7.86485 (12) Åwhite
c = 6.75254 (10) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
β = 95.6551 (8)°
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLData collection mode: transmission
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactorScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld2900 data points
Rp = 0.023Profile function: pseudo-Voigt
Rwp = 0.02766 parameters
Rexp = ?
χ2 = 2.103Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2β = 95.6551 (8)°
Mr = 1386.93V = 494.08 (1) Å3
Monoclinic, P21/nZ = 8
a = 9.34892 (14) ÅNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
b = 7.86485 (12) ÅT = 10 K
c = 6.75254 (10) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Data collection mode: transmission
Refinement top
Rp = 0.023χ2 = 2.103
Rwp = 0.0272900 data points
Rexp = ?66 parameters
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ba10.6031 (2)0.6413 (2)0.2504 (3)0.00044*
Ba20.1815 (2)0.5489 (2)0.2163 (3)0.00132*
O10.8821 (2)0.4890 (2)0.1763 (3)0.00337*
O20.4125 (2)0.3604 (2)0.1457 (3)0.00333*
O30.6064 (2)0.3467 (2)0.4934 (3)0.00173*
O40.1641 (2)0.2961 (2)0.4655 (3)0.00516*
D10.8848 (2)0.5319 (2)0.3105 (3)0.01984*
D20.4714 (2)0.3500 (2)0.2734 (3)0.01545*
D30.6245 (2)0.2355 (2)0.4424 (3)0.01748*
D40.1007 (2)0.2425 (3)0.5521 (3)0.02005*
(brt) deuterated barium hydroxide top
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 501.80 (3) Å3
Mr = 1386.93Z = 8
Monoclinic, P21/nNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 9.4098 (3) ÅT = RT K
b = 7.9101 (3) Åwhite
c = 6.7759 (2) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
β = 95.7651 (18)°
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLData collection mode: transmission
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactorScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld2899 data points
Rp = 0.052Profile function: pseudo-Voigt
Rwp = 0.0431 parameters
Rexp = ?(Δ/σ)max = 0.001
χ2 = 3.725Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2β = 95.7651 (18)°
Mr = 1386.93V = 501.80 (3) Å3
Monoclinic, P21/nZ = 8
a = 9.4098 (3) ÅNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
b = 7.9101 (3) ÅT = RT K
c = 6.7759 (2) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Data collection mode: transmission
Refinement top
Rp = 0.052χ2 = 3.725
Rwp = 0.0432899 data points
Rexp = ?1 parameters
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ba10.5990 (5)0.6394 (6)0.2505 (7)0.01237*
Ba20.1793 (4)0.5499 (5)0.2170 (7)0.00905*
O10.8802 (4)0.4871 (5)0.1769 (7)0.01342*
O20.4108 (4)0.3595 (6)0.1439 (6)0.01401*
O30.6052 (4)0.3451 (6)0.4916 (7)0.01625*
O40.1659 (5)0.2949 (5)0.4662 (7)0.02071*
D10.8828 (5)0.5298 (6)0.3094 (7)0.03607*
D20.4702 (4)0.3484 (5)0.2682 (7)0.02775*
D30.6258 (5)0.2365 (6)0.4394 (7)0.03138*
D40.1029 (5)0.2462 (6)0.5475 (9)0.03682*
(b50) deuterated barium hydroxide top
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 494.25 (1) Å3
Mr = 1386.93Z = 8
Monoclinic, P21/nNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 9.35056 (15) ÅT = 50 K
b = 7.86586 (12) Åwhite
c = 6.75282 (10) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
β = 95.6551 (8)°
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLData collection mode: transmission
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactorScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld2900 data points
Rp = 0.022Profile function: pseudo-Voigt
Rwp = 0.02766 parameters
Rexp = ?
χ2 = 1.850Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2β = 95.6551 (8)°
Mr = 1386.93V = 494.25 (1) Å3
Monoclinic, P21/nZ = 8
a = 9.35056 (15) ÅNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
b = 7.86586 (12) ÅT = 50 K
c = 6.75282 (10) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Data collection mode: transmission
Refinement top
Rp = 0.022χ2 = 1.850
Rwp = 0.0272900 data points
Rexp = ?66 parameters
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ba10.6032 (2)0.6411 (2)0.2509 (3)0.00069*
Ba20.1817 (2)0.5495 (3)0.2158 (3)0.00187*
O10.8822 (2)0.4887 (2)0.1764 (3)0.00396*
O20.4122 (2)0.3605 (2)0.1457 (3)0.00415*
O30.6065 (2)0.3463 (3)0.4933 (3)0.00312*
O40.1643 (2)0.2964 (2)0.4656 (3)0.00531*
D10.8847 (2)0.5315 (3)0.3106 (3)0.02*
D20.4712 (2)0.3503 (2)0.2727 (3)0.01575*
D30.6245 (2)0.2353 (3)0.4418 (3)0.01909*
D40.1010 (2)0.2431 (3)0.5521 (4)0.02111*
(b100) deuterated barium hydroxide top
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 494.92 (1) Å3
Mr = 1386.93Z = 8
Monoclinic, P21/nNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 9.35611 (15) ÅT = 100 K
b = 7.86963 (12) Åwhite
c = 6.75469 (10) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
β = 95.6564 (9)°
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLData collection mode: transmission
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactorScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld2900 data points
Rp = 0.022Profile function: pseudo-Voigt
Rwp = 0.02766 parameters
Rexp = ?
χ2 = 1.796Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2β = 95.6564 (9)°
Mr = 1386.93V = 494.92 (1) Å3
Monoclinic, P21/nZ = 8
a = 9.35611 (15) ÅNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
b = 7.86963 (12) ÅT = 100 K
c = 6.75469 (10) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Data collection mode: transmission
Refinement top
Rp = 0.022χ2 = 1.796
Rwp = 0.0272900 data points
Rexp = ?66 parameters
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ba10.6032 (2)0.6408 (3)0.2505 (3)0.00241*
Ba20.1814 (2)0.5488 (3)0.2162 (3)0.00343*
O10.8819 (2)0.4886 (2)0.1767 (3)0.00535*
O20.4119 (2)0.3604 (2)0.1458 (3)0.0058*
O30.6064 (2)0.3464 (3)0.4937 (3)0.00469*
O40.1646 (2)0.2960 (2)0.4655 (3)0.00624*
D10.8847 (2)0.5317 (3)0.3106 (3)0.0221*
D20.4711 (2)0.3502 (2)0.2733 (3)0.01744*
D30.6246 (2)0.2356 (3)0.4412 (3)0.02043*
D40.1012 (2)0.2427 (3)0.5514 (4)0.0231*
(b150) deuterated barium hydroxide top
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 496.06 (1) Å3
Mr = 1386.93Z = 8
Monoclinic, P21/nNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 9.36521 (16) ÅT = 150 K
b = 7.87628 (13) Åwhite
c = 6.75813 (10) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
β = 95.6670 (9)°
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLData collection mode: transmission
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactorScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld2900 data points
Rp = 0.024Profile function: pseudo-Voigt
Rwp = 0.02766 parameters
Rexp = ?
χ2 = 1.796Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2β = 95.6670 (9)°
Mr = 1386.93V = 496.06 (1) Å3
Monoclinic, P21/nZ = 8
a = 9.36521 (16) ÅNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
b = 7.87628 (13) ÅT = 150 K
c = 6.75813 (10) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Data collection mode: transmission
Refinement top
Rp = 0.024χ2 = 1.796
Rwp = 0.0272900 data points
Rexp = ?66 parameters
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ba10.6027 (2)0.6408 (3)0.2506 (3)0.00511*
Ba20.1813 (2)0.5489 (3)0.2161 (3)0.00486*
O10.8819 (2)0.4886 (2)0.1761 (3)0.00656*
O20.4124 (2)0.3605 (3)0.1460 (3)0.00712*
O30.6068 (2)0.3462 (3)0.4937 (3)0.00676*
O40.1649 (2)0.2964 (2)0.4653 (3)0.00896*
D10.8847 (2)0.5311 (3)0.3106 (3)0.02416*
D20.4711 (2)0.3502 (3)0.2725 (3)0.01823*
D30.6246 (2)0.2359 (3)0.4422 (3)0.02263*
D40.1017 (2)0.2429 (3)0.5517 (4)0.02548*
(b200) deuterated barium hydroxide top
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 497.58 (1) Å3
Mr = 1386.93Z = 8
Monoclinic, P21/nNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 9.37718 (16) ÅT = 200 K
b = 7.88503 (13) Åwhite
c = 6.76289 (10) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
β = 95.6888 (9)°
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLData collection mode: transmission
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactorScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld2900 data points
Rp = 0.024Profile function: pseudo-Voigt
Rwp = 0.02666 parameters
Rexp = ?
χ2 = 1.690Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2β = 95.6888 (9)°
Mr = 1386.93V = 497.58 (1) Å3
Monoclinic, P21/nZ = 8
a = 9.37718 (16) ÅNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
b = 7.88503 (13) ÅT = 200 K
c = 6.76289 (10) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Data collection mode: transmission
Refinement top
Rp = 0.024χ2 = 1.690
Rwp = 0.0262900 data points
Rexp = ?66 parameters
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ba10.6029 (2)0.6406 (3)0.2503 (3)0.00657*
Ba20.1816 (2)0.5482 (3)0.2158 (4)0.00712*
O10.8823 (2)0.4878 (3)0.1763 (3)0.00948*
O20.4119 (2)0.3604 (3)0.1452 (3)0.00929*
O30.6067 (2)0.3462 (3)0.4942 (3)0.00972*
O40.1649 (2)0.2964 (3)0.4651 (3)0.01181*
D10.8846 (2)0.5308 (3)0.3104 (4)0.02725*
D20.4708 (2)0.3494 (3)0.2721 (3)0.02113*
D30.6246 (2)0.2362 (3)0.4423 (3)0.02596*
D40.1022 (2)0.2431 (3)0.5514 (4)0.02748*
(b250) deuterated barium hydroxide top
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 499.37 (2) Å3
Mr = 1386.93Z = 8
Monoclinic, P21/nNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 9.39124 (17) ÅT = 250 K
b = 7.89581 (14) Åwhite
c = 6.76818 (11) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
β = 95.7195 (10)°
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLData collection mode: transmission
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactorScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld2899 data points
Rp = 0.028Profile function: pseudo-Voigt
Rwp = 0.0271 parameters
Rexp = ?(Δ/σ)max = 0.00020
χ2 = 1.742Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2β = 95.7195 (10)°
Mr = 1386.93V = 499.37 (2) Å3
Monoclinic, P21/nZ = 8
a = 9.39124 (17) ÅNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
b = 7.89581 (14) ÅT = 250 K
c = 6.76818 (11) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 159.991°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Data collection mode: transmission
Refinement top
Rp = 0.028χ2 = 1.742
Rwp = 0.0272899 data points
Rexp = ?1 parameters
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ba10.6027 (3)0.6400 (3)0.2512 (4)0.00853*
Ba20.1813 (2)0.5483 (3)0.2160 (4)0.0092*
O10.8824 (2)0.4870 (3)0.1766 (4)0.01139*
O20.4114 (2)0.3601 (3)0.1452 (3)0.0126*
O30.6066 (2)0.3464 (3)0.4947 (4)0.01315*
O40.1654 (2)0.2962 (3)0.4656 (4)0.01404*
D10.8847 (2)0.5304 (3)0.3104 (4)0.03018*
D20.4702 (2)0.3494 (3)0.2709 (3)0.02332*
D30.6249 (2)0.2370 (3)0.4426 (3)0.02823*
D40.1028 (3)0.2434 (3)0.5507 (4)0.03088*
(b300) deuterated barium hydroxide top
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 501.55 (1) Å3
Mr = 1386.93Z = 8
Monoclinic, P21/nNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 9.40841 (16) ÅT = 300 K
b = 7.90854 (13) Åwhite
c = 6.77476 (10) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
β = 95.7570 (9)°
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLData collection mode: transmission
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactorScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld2900 data points
Rp = 0.032Profile function: pseudo-Voigt
Rwp = 0.02466 parameters
Rexp = ?
χ2 = 2.465Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2β = 95.7570 (9)°
Mr = 1386.93V = 501.55 (1) Å3
Monoclinic, P21/nZ = 8
a = 9.40841 (16) ÅNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
b = 7.90854 (13) ÅT = 300 K
c = 6.77476 (10) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 160.041°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Data collection mode: transmission
Refinement top
Rp = 0.032χ2 = 2.465
Rwp = 0.0242900 data points
Rexp = ?66 parameters
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ba10.6018 (2)0.6396 (3)0.2519 (3)0.01118*
Ba20.1810 (2)0.5475 (3)0.2158 (3)0.01107*
O10.8825 (2)0.4866 (3)0.1772 (3)0.01412*
O20.4108 (2)0.3594 (3)0.1444 (3)0.01489*
O30.6068 (2)0.3462 (3)0.4953 (3)0.01646*
O40.1662 (2)0.2960 (3)0.4646 (3)0.01832*
D10.8844 (2)0.5299 (3)0.3101 (4)0.03572*
D20.4697 (2)0.3494 (3)0.2702 (3)0.02604*
D30.6249 (2)0.2383 (3)0.4424 (3)0.03261*
D40.1041 (3)0.2444 (3)0.5505 (4)0.03568*
(b420) deuterated barium hydroxide top
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 507.09 (2) Å3
Mr = 1386.93Z = 8
Monoclinic, P21/nNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 9.4576 (3) ÅT = 420 K
b = 7.9390 (2) Åwhite
c = 6.78930 (19) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
β = 95.8690 (15)°
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLData collection mode: transmission
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactorScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 159.941°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld2898 data points
Rp = 0.055Profile function: pseudo-Voigt
Rwp = 0.03466 parameters
Rexp = ?
χ2 = 2.465Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2β = 95.8690 (15)°
Mr = 1386.93V = 507.09 (2) Å3
Monoclinic, P21/nZ = 8
a = 9.4576 (3) ÅNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
b = 7.9390 (2) ÅT = 420 K
c = 6.78930 (19) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 159.941°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Data collection mode: transmission
Refinement top
Rp = 0.055χ2 = 2.465
Rwp = 0.0342898 data points
Rexp = ?66 parameters
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ba10.5996 (4)0.6382 (5)0.2519 (6)0.01782*
Ba20.1802 (4)0.5474 (4)0.2158 (6)0.01287*
O10.8827 (4)0.4857 (5)0.1783 (6)0.02265*
O20.4096 (4)0.3578 (5)0.1430 (5)0.01951*
O30.6075 (4)0.3451 (5)0.4952 (6)0.02553*
O40.1675 (4)0.2933 (5)0.4642 (6)0.02521*
D10.8832 (4)0.5279 (5)0.3099 (7)0.04819*
D20.4684 (4)0.3480 (5)0.2650 (6)0.03738*
D30.6256 (4)0.2398 (5)0.4409 (6)0.04359*
D40.1058 (4)0.2470 (5)0.5474 (8)0.04907*
(b480) deuterated barium hydroxide top
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2V = 510.26 (2) Å3
Mr = 1386.93Z = 8
Monoclinic, P21/nNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
a = 9.4881 (2) ÅT = 480 K
b = 7.95273 (19) Åwhite
c = 6.79846 (17) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
β = 95.9117 (13)°
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLData collection mode: transmission
Radiation source: high-flux isotope reactorScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 159.941°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Refinement top
Refinement on rietveld2898 data points
Rp = 0.058Profile function: pseudo-Voigt
Rwp = 0.0281 parameters
Rexp = ?(Δ/σ)max = 0.001
χ2 = 1.690Background function: shifted Chebyshev background function
Crystal data top
Ba(OD)2β = 95.9117 (13)°
Mr = 1386.93V = 510.26 (2) Å3
Monoclinic, P21/nZ = 8
a = 9.4881 (2) ÅNeutron radiation, λ = 1.59432 Å
b = 7.95273 (19) ÅT = 480 K
c = 6.79846 (17) Åcylinder, ? × ? × ? mm
Data collection top
Diffractometer D 2B, ILLScan method: step
Specimen mounting: the powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.2θmin = 15.091°, 2θmax = 159.941°, 2θstep = 0.05°
Data collection mode: transmission
Refinement top
Rp = 0.058χ2 = 1.690
Rwp = 0.0282898 data points
Rexp = ?1 parameters
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ba10.5999 (3)0.6371 (4)0.2534 (5)0.02082*
Ba20.1810 (3)0.5446 (4)0.2139 (5)0.01553*
O10.8851 (3)0.4842 (4)0.1797 (6)0.02888*
O20.4086 (3)0.3568 (4)0.1418 (5)0.02452*
O30.6092 (3)0.3466 (5)0.4979 (6)0.03385*
O40.1693 (3)0.2920 (4)0.4643 (5)0.02796*
D10.8840 (4)0.5279 (5)0.3092 (6)0.05974*
D20.4681 (3)0.3476 (4)0.2636 (5)0.0452*
D30.6266 (4)0.2432 (5)0.4446 (6)0.05567*
D40.1080 (4)0.2474 (5)0.5479 (7)0.05723*

Experimental details

Crystal data
Chemical formulaBa(OD)2Ba(OD)2Ba(OD)2Ba(OD)2
Crystal system, space groupMonoclinic, P21/nMonoclinic, P21/nMonoclinic, P21/nOrthorhombic, Pnma
Temperature (K)1050100150
a, b, c (Å)7.08251 (17), 10.8701 (3), 16.4349 (4)7.08260 (18), 10.8730 (3), 16.4338 (4)7.0832 (2), 10.8967 (3), 16.4306 (5)10.9577 (3), 16.4138 (5), 7.07374 (18)
α, β, γ (°)90, 91.3334 (15), 9090, 91.3091 (15), 9090, 91.0598 (19), 9090, 90, 90
V3)1264.94 (5)1265.22 (5)1267.96 (6)1272.26 (6)
Radiation typeNeutron, λ = 1.59432 ÅNeutron, λ = 1.59432 ÅNeutron, λ = 1.59432 ÅNeutron, λ = 1.59432 Å
µ (mm1)????
Specimen shape, size (mm)Cylinder, ? × ? × ?Cylinder, ? × ? × ?Cylinder, ? × ? × ?Cylinder, ? × ? × ?
Data collection
DiffractometerDiffractometer D 2B, ILLDiffractometer D 2B, ILLDiffractometer D 2B, ILLDiffractometer D 2B, ILL
Specimen mountingThe powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryostat.The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryostat.
Data collection modeTransmissionTransmissionTransmissionTransmission
Scan methodStepStepStepStep
2θ values (°)2θmin = 10.141 2θmax = 159.991 2θstep = 0.052θmin = 10.091 2θmax = 159.991 2θstep = 0.052θmin = 10.141 2θmax = 160.041 2θstep = 0.052θmin = 10.091 2θmax = 160.041 2θstep = 0.05
R factors and goodness of fitRp = 0.021, Rwp = 0.031, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 1.904Rp = 0.022, Rwp = 0.029, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 1.664Rp = 0.030, Rwp = 0.033, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 2.310Rp = 0.052, Rwp = 0.039, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 3.240
No. of data points2998299929993000
No. of parameters1110977
No. of restraints????

Crystal data
Chemical formulaBa(OD)2Ba(OD)2Ba(OD)2Ba(OD)2
Crystal system, space groupOrthorhombic, PnmaOrthorhombic, PnmaOrthorhombic, PnmaMonoclinic, P21/n
Temperature (K)20048055210
a, b, c (Å)10.9789 (3), 16.4317 (4), 7.07840 (18)11.0818 (4), 16.6025 (5), 7.1255 (2)11.1191 (5), 16.6694 (9), 7.1420 (4)9.34892 (14), 7.86485 (12), 6.75254 (10)
α, β, γ (°)90, 90, 9090, 90, 9090, 90, 9090, 95.6551 (8), 90
V3)1276.96 (6)1310.99 (7)1323.9 (1)494.08 (1)
Radiation typeNeutron, λ = 1.59432 ÅNeutron, λ = 1.59432 ÅNeutron, λ = 1.59432 ÅNeutron, λ = 1.59432 Å
µ (mm1)????
Specimen shape, size (mm)Cylinder, ? × ? × ?Cylinder, ? × ? × ?Cylinder, ? × ? × ?Cylinder, ? × ? × ?
Data collection
DiffractometerDiffractometer D 2B, ILLDiffractometer D 2B, ILLDiffractometer D 2B, ILLDiffractometer D 2B, ILL
Specimen mountingThe powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryostat.The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryostat.The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryostat.The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.
Data collection modeTransmissionTransmissionTransmissionTransmission
Scan methodStepStepStepStep
2θ values (°)2θmin = 10.091 2θmax = 160.041 2θstep = 0.052θmin = 10.091 2θmax = 159.991 2θstep = 0.052θmin = 10.091 2θmax = 159.941 2θstep = 0.052θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 160.041 2θstep = 0.05
R factors and goodness of fitRp = 0.060, Rwp = 0.039, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 3.098Rp = 0.094, Rwp = 0.032, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 2.341Rp = 0.064, Rwp = 0.032, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 1.716Rp = 0.023, Rwp = 0.027, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 2.103
No. of data points3000299929982900
No. of parameters178166
No. of restraints????

Crystal data
Chemical formulaBa(OD)2Ba(OD)2Ba(OD)2Ba(OD)2
Crystal system, space groupMonoclinic, P21/nMonoclinic, P21/nMonoclinic, P21/nMonoclinic, P21/n
Temperature (K)RT50100150
a, b, c (Å)9.4098 (3), 7.9101 (3), 6.7759 (2)9.35056 (15), 7.86586 (12), 6.75282 (10)9.35611 (15), 7.86963 (12), 6.75469 (10)9.36521 (16), 7.87628 (13), 6.75813 (10)
α, β, γ (°)90, 95.7651 (18), 9090, 95.6551 (8), 9090, 95.6564 (9), 9090, 95.6670 (9), 90
V3)501.80 (3)494.25 (1)494.92 (1)496.06 (1)
Radiation typeNeutron, λ = 1.59432 ÅNeutron, λ = 1.59432 ÅNeutron, λ = 1.59432 ÅNeutron, λ = 1.59432 Å
µ (mm1)????
Specimen shape, size (mm)Cylinder, ? × ? × ?Cylinder, ? × ? × ?Cylinder, ? × ? × ?Cylinder, ? × ? × ?
Data collection
DiffractometerDiffractometer D 2B, ILLDiffractometer D 2B, ILLDiffractometer D 2B, ILLDiffractometer D 2B, ILL
Specimen mountingThe powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.
Data collection modeTransmissionTransmissionTransmissionTransmission
Scan methodStepStepStepStep
2θ values (°)2θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 159.991 2θstep = 0.052θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 160.041 2θstep = 0.052θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 160.041 2θstep = 0.052θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 160.041 2θstep = 0.05
R factors and goodness of fitRp = 0.052, Rwp = 0.043, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 3.725Rp = 0.022, Rwp = 0.027, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 1.850Rp = 0.022, Rwp = 0.027, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 1.796Rp = 0.024, Rwp = 0.027, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 1.796
No. of data points2899290029002900
No. of parameters1666666
No. of restraints????

Crystal data
Chemical formulaBa(OD)2Ba(OD)2Ba(OD)2Ba(OD)2
Crystal system, space groupMonoclinic, P21/nMonoclinic, P21/nMonoclinic, P21/nMonoclinic, P21/n
Temperature (K)200250300420
a, b, c (Å)9.37718 (16), 7.88503 (13), 6.76289 (10)9.39124 (17), 7.89581 (14), 6.76818 (11)9.40841 (16), 7.90854 (13), 6.77476 (10)9.4576 (3), 7.9390 (2), 6.78930 (19)
α, β, γ (°)90, 95.6888 (9), 9090, 95.7195 (10), 9090, 95.7570 (9), 9090, 95.8690 (15), 90
V3)497.58 (1)499.37 (2)501.55 (1)507.09 (2)
Radiation typeNeutron, λ = 1.59432 ÅNeutron, λ = 1.59432 ÅNeutron, λ = 1.59432 ÅNeutron, λ = 1.59432 Å
µ (mm1)????
Specimen shape, size (mm)Cylinder, ? × ? × ?Cylinder, ? × ? × ?Cylinder, ? × ? × ?Cylinder, ? × ? × ?
Data collection
DiffractometerDiffractometer D 2B, ILLDiffractometer D 2B, ILLDiffractometer D 2B, ILLDiffractometer D 2B, ILL
Specimen mountingThe powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.The powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.
Data collection modeTransmissionTransmissionTransmissionTransmission
Scan methodStepStepStepStep
2θ values (°)2θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 160.041 2θstep = 0.052θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 159.991 2θstep = 0.052θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 160.041 2θstep = 0.052θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 159.941 2θstep = 0.05
R factors and goodness of fitRp = 0.024, Rwp = 0.026, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 1.690Rp = 0.028, Rwp = 0.027, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 1.742Rp = 0.032, Rwp = 0.024, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 2.465Rp = 0.055, Rwp = 0.034, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 2.465
No. of data points2900289929002898
No. of parameters6616666
No. of restraints????

Crystal data
Chemical formulaBa(OD)2
Crystal system, space groupMonoclinic, P21/n
Temperature (K)480
a, b, c (Å)9.4881 (2), 7.95273 (19), 6.79846 (17)
α, β, γ (°)90, 95.9117 (13), 90
V3)510.26 (2)
Radiation typeNeutron, λ = 1.59432 Å
µ (mm1)?
Specimen shape, size (mm)Cylinder, ? × ? × ?
Data collection
DiffractometerDiffractometer D 2B, ILL
Specimen mountingThe powder was filled in a vanadium can with a diameter of 14 mm and a height of 55 mm. The vanadium can was then mounted within an aluminium-cryofurnace.
Data collection modeTransmission
Scan methodStep
2θ values (°)2θmin = 15.091 2θmax = 159.941 2θstep = 0.05
R factors and goodness of fitRp = 0.058, Rwp = 0.028, Rexp = ?, χ2 = 1.690
No. of data points2898
No. of parameters1
No. of restraints?

Computer programs: GSAS (Larson and Von Dreele, 1994), GSAS, Crystal Maker, version 4.0.1 (Palmer, D.C., 1994-99).


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