A data set from the serine protease porcine pancreatic elastase was collected at atomic resolution (1.1 Å) with synchrotron radiation. The improved resolution allows the determination of atom positions with high accuracy, as well as the localization of H atoms. Three residues could be modelled in alternative positions. The catalytic triad of elastase consists of His57, Asp102 and Ser195. The His57 Nδ1 H atom was located at a distance of 0.82 Å from the Nδ1 atom. The distance between His57 Nδ1 and Asp102 Oδ2 is 2.70 ± 0.04 Å, thus indicating normal hydrogen-bonding geometry. Additional H atoms at His57 N
2 and Ser195 Oγ could not be identified in the Fo − Fc density maps.