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The title compound, [Os3(C6H12N3P)4(CO)8], crystallizes in the ortho­rhom­bic space group Pbca with Z = 8. The mol­ecule consists of a triangular triosmium(0) core surrounded by eight carbonyl ligands and four 1,3,5-tri­aza-7-phosphatri­cyclo­[,7]decane (or PTA) ligands. One Os atom is coordinated by two PTA ligands and two CO ligands, while the other two Os atoms are each bonded to a single PTA ligand and three CO ligands. There is a small disorder associated with the Os3 unit so that a minor orientation has an occupancy of 2.17 (4)%. The title compound represents the first structurally characterized triangular Os3 carbonyl cluster with four monodentate tertiary phosphane ligands.

Supporting information


Crystallographic Information File (CIF)
Contains datablock I


Structure factor file (CIF format)
Contains datablock I


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Supplementary material

CCDC reference: 1949128

Key indicators

  • Single-crystal X-ray study
  • T = 100 K
  • Mean [sigma](N-C) = 0.008 Å
  • Disorder in main residue
  • R factor = 0.032
  • wR factor = 0.076
  • Data-to-parameter ratio = 15.1

checkCIF/PLATON results

No syntax errors found

Alert level C PLAT906_ALERT_3_C Large K Value in the Analysis of Variance ...... 5.287 Check PLAT911_ALERT_3_C Missing FCF Refl Between Thmin & STh/L= 0.600 4 Report
Alert level G PLAT003_ALERT_2_G Number of Uiso or Uij Restrained non-H Atoms ... 3 Report PLAT083_ALERT_2_G SHELXL Second Parameter in WGHT Unusually Large 60.45 Why ? PLAT232_ALERT_2_G Hirshfeld Test Diff (M-X) Os1 --C26 . 5.3 s.u. PLAT232_ALERT_2_G Hirshfeld Test Diff (M-X) Os3 --C31 . 5.7 s.u. PLAT301_ALERT_3_G Main Residue Disorder ..............(Resd 1 ) 5% Note PLAT912_ALERT_4_G Missing # of FCF Reflections Above STh/L= 0.600 183 Note PLAT933_ALERT_2_G Number of OMIT Records in Embedded .res File ... 10 Note
0 ALERT level A = Most likely a serious problem - resolve or explain 0 ALERT level B = A potentially serious problem, consider carefully 2 ALERT level C = Check. Ensure it is not caused by an omission or oversight 7 ALERT level G = General information/check it is not something unexpected 0 ALERT type 1 CIF construction/syntax error, inconsistent or missing data 5 ALERT type 2 Indicator that the structure model may be wrong or deficient 3 ALERT type 3 Indicator that the structure quality may be low 1 ALERT type 4 Improvement, methodology, query or suggestion 0 ALERT type 5 Informative message, check

Computing details top

Data collection: CrysAlis PRO (Agilent, 2016); cell refinement: CrysAlis PRO (Agilent, 2016); data reduction: CrysAlis PRO (Agilent, 2016); program(s) used to solve structure: SUPERFLIP (Palatinus & Chapuis, 2007); program(s) used to refine structure: SHELXL2014/7 (Sheldrick 2015); molecular graphics: XP in SHELXTL/PC (Sheldrick, 2008); software used to prepare material for publication: SHELXL2014/7 (Sheldrick 2015).

1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3-Octacarbonyl-1,1,2,3-tetrakis(1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphatricyclo[,7]decane-κP)-triangulo-triosmium(0) top
Crystal data top
[Os3(C6H12N3P)4(CO)8]Dx = 2.300 Mg m3
Mr = 1423.30Cu Kα radiation, λ = 1.54184 Å
Orthorhombic, PbcaCell parameters from 21014 reflections
a = 18.7500 (2) Åθ = 3.9–74.1°
b = 15.8889 (2) ŵ = 19.16 mm1
c = 27.5984 (3) ÅT = 100 K
V = 8222.03 (16) Å3Plates, red-orange
Z = 80.18 × 0.09 × 0.01 mm
F(000) = 5408
Data collection top
Agilent SuperNova with AtlasS2 CCD
7535 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: sealed microfocus tubeRint = 0.048
ω–scansθmax = 74.3°, θmin = 3.2°
Absorption correction: gaussian
(CrysAlisPro; Agilent, 2016)
h = 2323
Tmin = 0.142, Tmax = 0.783k = 1919
38755 measured reflectionsl = 3333
8184 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F20 restraints
Least-squares matrix: fullHydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.032H-atom parameters constrained
wR(F2) = 0.076 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0225P)2 + 60.4468P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
S = 1.14(Δ/σ)max = 0.002
8184 reflectionsΔρmax = 1.24 e Å3
542 parametersΔρmin = 1.34 e Å3
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Refinement. Three rather large peaks persisted in the difference electron density map after all the expected atoms were included in the model. These peaks, all greater than 4 e-/A3, were located near the Os atoms. The position of these peaks suggested there was a slight disorder in the complex. The disorder resulted from an approximately 60 degree rotation about an axis perpendicular to the plane through the three Os atoms. A disorder model with this in mind was proposed where these three peaks represented the alternate orientation of the Os atoms. The variable x was assigned to the site occupancy for Os1, Os2 and Os3, while the site occupancy factors for Os1a, Os2a and Os3a was set to (1-x). The displacement parameters for the lower occupancy Os atoms was set to be equal to that of the major component. The variable x refined to 0.9783 (4). The other atoms of the alternate component were not included in the disorder model because the very low electron density of a 2% component would be lost in the noise.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
xyzUiso*/UeqOcc. (<1)
Os10.13660 (2)0.51582 (2)0.16473 (2)0.01732 (6)0.9783 (4)
Os1A0.1385 (5)0.5007 (6)0.2876 (4)0.017*0.0217 (4)
Os20.06461 (2)0.53429 (2)0.25694 (2)0.01999 (7)0.9783 (4)
Os2A0.2036 (6)0.4728 (7)0.1943 (4)0.020*0.0217 (4)
Os30.21112 (2)0.47110 (2)0.25254 (2)0.01941 (7)0.9783 (4)
Os3A0.0633 (6)0.5501 (7)0.2014 (4)0.019*0.0217 (4)
P10.19602 (7)0.44377 (9)0.10564 (5)0.0205 (3)
P20.06469 (7)0.59975 (9)0.11836 (5)0.0204 (3)
P30.03369 (8)0.56927 (10)0.33489 (5)0.0231 (3)
P40.24364 (8)0.41978 (9)0.32711 (5)0.0215 (3)
O10.2497 (2)0.6564 (3)0.16584 (15)0.0343 (10)
O20.0236 (2)0.3749 (3)0.16316 (15)0.0288 (9)
O30.1199 (2)0.7154 (3)0.24106 (15)0.0298 (9)
O40.0818 (2)0.5625 (4)0.21312 (16)0.0422 (12)
O50.0292 (3)0.3491 (3)0.28011 (17)0.0379 (11)
O60.2521 (2)0.6475 (3)0.28886 (16)0.0354 (10)
O70.3580 (2)0.4501 (4)0.20884 (17)0.0442 (12)
O80.1579 (2)0.2948 (3)0.22133 (16)0.0336 (10)
N10.2921 (3)0.3214 (3)0.07410 (17)0.0263 (10)
N20.2723 (3)0.4408 (3)0.01888 (18)0.0291 (11)
N30.1794 (3)0.3322 (3)0.02862 (18)0.0310 (11)
N40.0582 (3)0.6146 (3)0.0632 (2)0.0350 (12)
N50.0450 (3)0.6985 (3)0.03545 (17)0.0287 (11)
N60.0219 (3)0.7418 (3)0.10798 (19)0.0297 (11)
N70.0301 (3)0.5304 (4)0.4224 (2)0.0414 (14)
N80.0477 (3)0.6759 (4)0.3919 (2)0.0389 (13)
N90.0689 (3)0.6327 (3)0.42524 (18)0.0327 (12)
N100.2154 (3)0.3296 (3)0.41086 (17)0.0302 (11)
N110.3084 (3)0.4396 (3)0.41678 (17)0.0279 (11)
N120.3330 (3)0.3066 (3)0.37345 (18)0.0269 (10)
C10.2665 (3)0.3640 (4)0.1184 (2)0.0276 (12)
C20.3233 (3)0.3817 (4)0.0398 (2)0.0308 (13)
C30.2143 (3)0.3926 (4)0.0037 (2)0.0342 (14)
C40.2333 (3)0.2771 (4)0.0496 (2)0.0307 (13)
C50.2442 (3)0.4983 (4)0.0563 (2)0.0282 (13)
C60.1397 (3)0.3753 (4)0.0674 (2)0.0300 (13)
C70.0174 (3)0.5548 (4)0.0924 (2)0.0293 (13)
C80.0167 (4)0.6460 (4)0.0227 (2)0.0346 (14)
C90.0183 (3)0.7678 (4)0.0658 (2)0.0282 (13)
C100.0806 (3)0.6871 (4)0.0926 (3)0.0369 (15)
C110.0986 (3)0.6478 (4)0.0616 (2)0.0285 (13)
C120.0250 (3)0.6981 (4)0.1431 (2)0.0295 (13)
C130.0117 (4)0.4926 (4)0.3748 (2)0.0326 (14)
C140.0783 (4)0.6017 (5)0.4161 (3)0.0469 (19)
C150.0165 (4)0.7002 (4)0.4186 (2)0.0368 (15)
C160.0344 (4)0.5607 (5)0.4480 (2)0.0382 (16)
C170.0309 (4)0.6568 (4)0.3413 (2)0.0351 (14)
C180.1000 (3)0.6076 (4)0.3782 (2)0.0283 (13)
C190.1803 (3)0.3634 (4)0.3669 (2)0.0269 (12)
C200.2474 (4)0.3985 (4)0.4397 (2)0.0311 (13)
C210.3610 (3)0.3745 (4)0.4040 (2)0.0296 (13)
C220.2710 (3)0.2698 (4)0.3978 (2)0.0300 (13)
C230.2860 (3)0.4874 (4)0.3736 (2)0.0239 (12)
C240.3136 (3)0.3386 (4)0.3252 (2)0.0255 (12)
C250.2074 (3)0.6038 (4)0.16749 (19)0.0253 (12)
C260.0661 (3)0.4266 (4)0.1660 (2)0.0253 (12)
C270.1014 (3)0.6473 (4)0.24557 (19)0.0252 (12)
C280.0263 (3)0.5543 (4)0.2306 (2)0.0295 (13)
C290.0443 (3)0.4157 (4)0.2700 (2)0.0279 (13)
C300.2336 (3)0.5838 (4)0.2740 (2)0.0258 (12)
C310.3020 (3)0.4568 (4)0.2250 (2)0.0315 (14)
C320.1761 (3)0.3613 (4)0.2316 (2)0.0273 (12)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Os10.01825 (11)0.01878 (12)0.01494 (12)0.00020 (9)0.00030 (8)0.00033 (8)
Os20.01924 (12)0.02431 (13)0.01642 (12)0.00041 (10)0.00185 (9)0.00012 (9)
Os30.01938 (12)0.02142 (13)0.01743 (12)0.00041 (9)0.00109 (8)0.00100 (9)
P10.0214 (6)0.0223 (7)0.0178 (6)0.0011 (6)0.0014 (5)0.0025 (5)
P20.0193 (6)0.0222 (7)0.0198 (6)0.0015 (5)0.0012 (5)0.0016 (5)
P30.0234 (7)0.0283 (7)0.0175 (6)0.0014 (6)0.0037 (5)0.0003 (6)
P40.0235 (7)0.0227 (7)0.0183 (6)0.0024 (6)0.0023 (5)0.0011 (5)
O10.035 (2)0.034 (2)0.034 (2)0.018 (2)0.0030 (19)0.0064 (19)
O20.025 (2)0.029 (2)0.032 (2)0.0116 (18)0.0010 (17)0.0036 (17)
O30.037 (2)0.023 (2)0.029 (2)0.0034 (19)0.0014 (18)0.0023 (17)
O40.022 (2)0.072 (3)0.033 (2)0.008 (2)0.0003 (18)0.014 (2)
O50.044 (3)0.028 (2)0.041 (3)0.008 (2)0.010 (2)0.004 (2)
O60.036 (2)0.029 (2)0.041 (3)0.001 (2)0.010 (2)0.005 (2)
O70.022 (2)0.076 (4)0.034 (3)0.008 (2)0.0049 (19)0.020 (2)
O80.035 (2)0.026 (2)0.040 (2)0.0007 (19)0.0056 (19)0.0040 (19)
N10.026 (2)0.030 (3)0.023 (2)0.009 (2)0.0000 (19)0.002 (2)
N20.028 (3)0.034 (3)0.025 (2)0.008 (2)0.005 (2)0.002 (2)
N30.028 (3)0.038 (3)0.026 (3)0.004 (2)0.003 (2)0.012 (2)
N40.023 (2)0.032 (3)0.050 (3)0.002 (2)0.011 (2)0.006 (3)
N50.030 (3)0.035 (3)0.022 (2)0.001 (2)0.005 (2)0.006 (2)
N60.028 (3)0.028 (3)0.032 (3)0.005 (2)0.001 (2)0.002 (2)
N70.045 (3)0.049 (4)0.030 (3)0.014 (3)0.016 (3)0.002 (3)
N80.034 (3)0.046 (3)0.036 (3)0.006 (3)0.010 (2)0.008 (3)
N90.040 (3)0.035 (3)0.023 (3)0.010 (2)0.002 (2)0.002 (2)
N100.038 (3)0.032 (3)0.021 (2)0.007 (2)0.003 (2)0.003 (2)
N110.029 (3)0.030 (3)0.025 (3)0.003 (2)0.010 (2)0.000 (2)
N120.027 (2)0.026 (2)0.029 (3)0.001 (2)0.003 (2)0.002 (2)
C10.029 (3)0.033 (3)0.021 (3)0.001 (3)0.004 (2)0.003 (2)
C20.022 (3)0.042 (4)0.029 (3)0.008 (3)0.002 (2)0.001 (3)
C30.036 (3)0.044 (4)0.022 (3)0.011 (3)0.002 (2)0.005 (3)
C40.035 (3)0.026 (3)0.031 (3)0.004 (3)0.002 (3)0.004 (3)
C50.025 (3)0.032 (3)0.028 (3)0.005 (3)0.009 (2)0.000 (2)
C60.022 (3)0.037 (3)0.031 (3)0.003 (3)0.001 (2)0.012 (3)
C70.021 (3)0.026 (3)0.040 (3)0.003 (2)0.004 (2)0.005 (3)
C80.039 (4)0.035 (3)0.030 (3)0.004 (3)0.015 (3)0.002 (3)
C90.029 (3)0.024 (3)0.032 (3)0.005 (2)0.008 (2)0.006 (2)
C100.023 (3)0.036 (3)0.052 (4)0.003 (3)0.004 (3)0.008 (3)
C110.025 (3)0.032 (3)0.028 (3)0.002 (3)0.001 (2)0.004 (3)
C120.032 (3)0.028 (3)0.028 (3)0.004 (3)0.002 (2)0.001 (2)
C130.034 (3)0.035 (3)0.028 (3)0.008 (3)0.005 (3)0.000 (3)
C140.036 (4)0.064 (5)0.041 (4)0.007 (4)0.015 (3)0.012 (4)
C150.041 (4)0.039 (4)0.030 (3)0.004 (3)0.012 (3)0.007 (3)
C160.050 (4)0.047 (4)0.018 (3)0.004 (3)0.001 (3)0.000 (3)
C170.037 (3)0.040 (4)0.028 (3)0.008 (3)0.000 (3)0.002 (3)
C180.024 (3)0.031 (3)0.029 (3)0.002 (3)0.004 (2)0.003 (2)
C190.022 (3)0.033 (3)0.026 (3)0.005 (2)0.002 (2)0.004 (2)
C200.038 (3)0.034 (3)0.022 (3)0.003 (3)0.001 (3)0.002 (2)
C210.029 (3)0.030 (3)0.030 (3)0.001 (3)0.007 (2)0.003 (3)
C220.038 (3)0.025 (3)0.027 (3)0.006 (3)0.003 (3)0.007 (2)
C230.025 (3)0.022 (3)0.025 (3)0.001 (2)0.002 (2)0.002 (2)
C240.025 (3)0.026 (3)0.025 (3)0.000 (2)0.001 (2)0.001 (2)
C250.035 (3)0.024 (3)0.017 (3)0.002 (3)0.001 (2)0.000 (2)
C260.027 (3)0.031 (3)0.018 (3)0.006 (3)0.001 (2)0.001 (2)
C270.024 (3)0.036 (3)0.015 (3)0.004 (3)0.002 (2)0.000 (2)
C280.026 (3)0.039 (3)0.023 (3)0.008 (3)0.005 (2)0.003 (3)
C290.025 (3)0.033 (3)0.025 (3)0.005 (3)0.007 (2)0.001 (3)
C300.028 (3)0.019 (3)0.030 (3)0.004 (2)0.004 (2)0.003 (2)
C310.034 (3)0.036 (3)0.025 (3)0.003 (3)0.005 (3)0.004 (3)
C320.025 (3)0.029 (3)0.028 (3)0.004 (3)0.000 (2)0.002 (2)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Os1—C251.929 (6)N6—C121.481 (8)
Os1—C261.938 (6)N7—C141.459 (10)
Os1—P12.2831 (13)N7—C161.481 (9)
Os1—P22.2879 (14)N7—C131.487 (8)
Os1—Os32.8861 (3)N8—C171.464 (8)
Os1—Os22.8954 (3)N8—C151.464 (9)
Os1A—C302.252 (12)N8—C141.472 (9)
Os1A—C292.275 (12)N9—C161.456 (8)
Os1A—P42.595 (10)N9—C151.466 (9)
Os1A—P32.599 (10)N9—C181.477 (8)
Os1A—Os3A2.872 (15)N10—C221.456 (8)
Os1A—Os2A2.882 (15)N10—C201.479 (8)
Os2—C281.880 (6)N10—C191.481 (7)
Os2—C271.948 (6)N11—C201.463 (8)
Os2—C291.957 (6)N11—C211.473 (8)
Os2—P32.2965 (14)N11—C231.473 (7)
Os2—Os32.9272 (3)N12—C221.464 (8)
Os2A—C312.046 (13)N12—C211.466 (8)
Os2A—C322.113 (12)N12—C241.472 (7)
Os2A—C252.211 (12)C1—H1A0.9900
Os2A—P12.495 (11)C1—H1B0.9900
Os2A—Os3A2.910 (15)C2—H2A0.9900
Os3—C311.880 (7)C2—H2B0.9900
Os3—C301.933 (6)C3—H3A0.9900
Os3—C321.951 (6)C3—H3B0.9900
Os3—P42.2963 (14)C4—H4A0.9900
Os3A—C281.866 (12)C4—H4B0.9900
Os3A—C272.092 (12)C5—H5A0.9900
Os3A—C262.193 (12)C5—H5B0.9900
Os3A—P22.425 (11)C6—H6A0.9900
P1—C61.848 (6)C6—H6B0.9900
P1—C51.850 (6)C7—H7A0.9900
P1—C11.864 (6)C7—H7B0.9900
P2—C71.841 (6)C8—H8A0.9900
P2—C111.854 (6)C8—H8B0.9900
P2—C121.861 (6)C9—H9A0.9900
P3—C181.830 (6)C9—H9B0.9900
P3—C131.849 (6)C10—H10A0.9900
P3—C171.851 (7)C10—H10B0.9900
P4—C241.841 (6)C11—H11A0.9900
P4—C191.849 (6)C11—H11B0.9900
P4—C231.852 (6)C12—H12A0.9900
O1—C251.153 (7)C12—H12B0.9900
O2—C261.147 (7)C13—H13A0.9900
O3—C271.144 (7)C13—H13B0.9900
O4—C281.154 (7)C14—H14A0.9900
O5—C291.130 (7)C14—H14B0.9900
O6—C301.146 (7)C15—H15A0.9900
O7—C311.146 (8)C15—H15B0.9900
O8—C321.146 (7)C16—H16A0.9900
N1—C21.469 (8)C16—H16B0.9900
N1—C41.472 (8)C17—H17A0.9900
N1—C11.477 (7)C17—H17B0.9900
N2—C21.459 (7)C18—H18A0.9900
N2—C31.468 (8)C18—H18B0.9900
N2—C51.476 (7)C19—H19A0.9900
N3—C41.457 (8)C19—H19B0.9900
N3—C31.465 (9)C20—H20A0.9900
N3—C61.473 (7)C20—H20B0.9900
N4—C81.452 (9)C21—H21A0.9900
N4—C71.462 (8)C21—H21B0.9900
N4—C101.470 (9)C22—H22A0.9900
N5—C81.470 (8)C22—H22B0.9900
N5—C91.471 (8)C23—H23A0.9900
N5—C111.476 (7)C23—H23B0.9900
N6—C91.448 (8)C24—H24A0.9900
N6—C101.465 (8)C24—H24B0.9900
C25—Os1—C26176.7 (2)C21—N12—C24110.8 (5)
C25—Os1—P193.20 (17)N1—C1—P1112.7 (4)
C26—Os1—P188.80 (17)N1—C1—H1A109.1
C25—Os1—P290.29 (17)P1—C1—H1A109.1
C26—Os1—P291.96 (17)N1—C1—H1B109.1
P1—Os1—P2100.38 (5)P1—C1—H1B109.1
C25—Os1—Os379.18 (16)H1A—C1—H1B107.8
C26—Os1—Os397.76 (16)N2—C2—N1114.4 (5)
P1—Os1—Os3103.89 (4)N2—C2—H2A108.7
P2—Os1—Os3153.97 (4)N1—C2—H2A108.7
C25—Os1—Os2102.28 (16)N2—C2—H2B108.7
C26—Os1—Os274.96 (16)N1—C2—H2B108.7
P1—Os1—Os2154.98 (4)H2A—C2—H2B107.6
P2—Os1—Os299.09 (4)N3—C3—N2114.5 (5)
Os3—Os1—Os260.835 (8)N3—C3—H3A108.6
C30—Os1A—C29158.1 (6)N2—C3—H3A108.6
C30—Os1A—P476.0 (3)N3—C3—H3B108.6
C29—Os1A—P4112.6 (4)N2—C3—H3B108.6
C30—Os1A—P3115.9 (4)H3A—C3—H3B107.6
C29—Os1A—P376.6 (3)N3—C4—N1114.5 (5)
P4—Os1A—P3124.8 (4)N3—C4—H4A108.6
C30—Os1A—Os3A95.2 (4)N1—C4—H4A108.6
C29—Os1A—Os3A66.8 (4)N3—C4—H4B108.6
P4—Os1A—Os3A148.9 (5)N1—C4—H4B108.6
P3—Os1A—Os3A86.0 (4)H4A—C4—H4B107.6
C30—Os1A—Os2A66.8 (4)N2—C5—P1113.5 (4)
C29—Os1A—Os2A92.8 (4)N2—C5—H5A108.9
P4—Os1A—Os2A88.7 (4)P1—C5—H5A108.9
P3—Os1A—Os2A146.5 (5)N2—C5—H5B108.9
Os3A—Os1A—Os2A60.8 (4)P1—C5—H5B108.9
C28—Os2—C2795.9 (3)H5A—C5—H5B107.7
C28—Os2—C2993.3 (3)N3—C6—P1113.6 (4)
C27—Os2—C29170.4 (3)N3—C6—H6A108.9
C28—Os2—P395.26 (18)P1—C6—H6A108.9
C27—Os2—P391.00 (16)N3—C6—H6B108.9
C29—Os2—P390.61 (17)P1—C6—H6B108.9
C28—Os2—Os195.78 (18)H6A—C6—H6B107.7
C27—Os2—Os177.69 (16)N4—C7—P2113.6 (4)
C29—Os2—Os198.95 (17)N4—C7—H7A108.8
P3—Os2—Os1164.93 (4)P2—C7—H7A108.8
C28—Os2—Os3153.25 (19)N4—C7—H7B108.8
C27—Os2—Os388.68 (18)P2—C7—H7B108.8
C29—Os2—Os381.95 (17)H7A—C7—H7B107.7
P3—Os2—Os3111.03 (4)N4—C8—N5115.6 (5)
Os1—Os2—Os359.425 (8)N4—C8—H8A108.4
C31—Os2A—C3285.1 (5)N5—C8—H8A108.4
C31—Os2A—C25103.2 (5)N4—C8—H8B108.4
C32—Os2A—C25163.9 (6)N5—C8—H8B108.4
C31—Os2A—P1115.8 (5)H8A—C8—H8B107.4
C32—Os2A—P1108.0 (5)N6—C9—N5114.9 (5)
C25—Os2A—P181.2 (4)N6—C9—H9A108.5
C31—Os2A—Os1A91.8 (5)N5—C9—H9A108.5
C32—Os2A—Os1A65.8 (4)N6—C9—H9B108.5
C25—Os2A—Os1A99.7 (5)N5—C9—H9B108.5
P1—Os2A—Os1A151.6 (5)H9A—C9—H9B107.5
C31—Os2A—Os3A147.1 (6)N6—C10—N4114.3 (5)
C32—Os2A—Os3A95.8 (5)N6—C10—H10A108.7
C25—Os2A—Os3A69.7 (4)N4—C10—H10A108.7
P1—Os2A—Os3A95.3 (4)N6—C10—H10B108.7
Os1A—Os2A—Os3A59.4 (4)N4—C10—H10B108.7
C31—Os3—C3092.2 (3)H10A—C10—H10B107.6
C31—Os3—C3294.4 (3)N5—C11—P2113.9 (4)
C30—Os3—C32173.0 (2)N5—C11—H11A108.8
C31—Os3—P494.47 (19)P2—C11—H11A108.8
C30—Os3—P489.81 (17)N5—C11—H11B108.8
C32—Os3—P492.11 (18)P2—C11—H11B108.8
C31—Os3—Os197.47 (19)H11A—C11—H11B107.7
C30—Os3—Os197.74 (17)N6—C12—P2113.0 (4)
C32—Os3—Os179.00 (17)N6—C12—H12A109.0
P4—Os3—Os1165.60 (4)P2—C12—H12A109.0
C31—Os3—Os2155.42 (19)N6—C12—H12B109.0
C30—Os3—Os282.79 (18)P2—C12—H12B109.0
C32—Os3—Os290.20 (17)H12A—C12—H12B107.8
P4—Os3—Os2109.50 (4)N7—C13—P3111.5 (4)
Os1—Os3—Os259.740 (8)N7—C13—H13A109.3
C28—Os3A—C2791.7 (5)P3—C13—H13A109.3
C28—Os3A—C26104.2 (5)N7—C13—H13B109.3
C27—Os3A—C26155.8 (6)P3—C13—H13B109.3
C28—Os3A—P2114.0 (5)H13A—C13—H13B108.0
C27—Os3A—P2107.9 (5)N7—C14—N8115.7 (6)
C26—Os3A—P282.5 (4)N7—C14—H14A108.3
C28—Os3A—Os1A95.4 (5)N8—C14—H14A108.3
C27—Os3A—Os1A63.4 (4)N7—C14—H14B108.3
C26—Os3A—Os1A96.5 (4)N8—C14—H14B108.3
P2—Os3A—Os1A150.0 (5)H14A—C14—H14B107.4
C28—Os3A—Os2A149.2 (6)N8—C15—N9114.9 (5)
C27—Os3A—Os2A92.4 (4)N8—C15—H15A108.6
C26—Os3A—Os2A64.6 (4)N9—C15—H15A108.6
P2—Os3A—Os2A93.7 (4)N8—C15—H15B108.6
Os1A—Os3A—Os2A59.8 (4)N9—C15—H15B108.6
C6—P1—C597.7 (3)H15A—C15—H15B107.5
C6—P1—C196.5 (3)N9—C16—N7114.3 (5)
C5—P1—C196.4 (3)N9—C16—H16A108.7
C6—P1—Os1115.11 (19)N7—C16—H16A108.7
C5—P1—Os1122.0 (2)N9—C16—H16B108.7
C1—P1—Os1123.49 (18)N7—C16—H16B108.7
C6—P1—Os2A134.6 (3)H16A—C16—H16B107.6
C5—P1—Os2A127.4 (3)N8—C17—P3112.8 (5)
C1—P1—Os2A84.2 (3)N8—C17—H17A109.0
C7—P2—C1196.8 (3)P3—C17—H17A109.0
C7—P2—C1297.7 (3)N8—C17—H17B109.0
C11—P2—C1295.7 (3)P3—C17—H17B109.0
C7—P2—Os1119.0 (2)H17A—C17—H17B107.8
C11—P2—Os1120.71 (19)N9—C18—P3113.3 (4)
C12—P2—Os1121.3 (2)N9—C18—H18A108.9
C7—P2—Os3A103.5 (3)P3—C18—H18A108.9
C11—P2—Os3A159.4 (3)N9—C18—H18B108.9
C12—P2—Os3A85.5 (3)P3—C18—H18B108.9
C18—P3—C1398.2 (3)H18A—C18—H18B107.7
C18—P3—C1797.6 (3)N10—C19—P4112.1 (4)
C13—P3—C1797.9 (3)N10—C19—H19A109.2
C18—P3—Os2121.42 (19)P4—C19—H19A109.2
C13—P3—Os2120.9 (2)N10—C19—H19B109.2
C17—P3—Os2115.8 (2)P4—C19—H19B109.2
C18—P3—Os1A87.4 (3)H19A—C19—H19B107.9
C13—P3—Os1A111.8 (3)N11—C20—N10114.5 (5)
C17—P3—Os1A148.9 (3)N11—C20—H20A108.6
C24—P4—C1997.8 (3)N10—C20—H20A108.6
C24—P4—C2396.9 (3)N11—C20—H20B108.6
C19—P4—C2398.3 (3)N10—C20—H20B108.6
C24—P4—Os3114.33 (19)H20A—C20—H20B107.6
C19—P4—Os3122.26 (19)N12—C21—N11114.5 (5)
C23—P4—Os3121.95 (19)N12—C21—H21A108.6
C24—P4—Os1A151.2 (3)N11—C21—H21A108.6
C19—P4—Os1A90.1 (3)N12—C21—H21B108.6
C23—P4—Os1A109.3 (3)N11—C21—H21B108.6
C2—N1—C4108.3 (5)H21A—C21—H21B107.6
C2—N1—C1111.4 (5)N10—C22—N12115.0 (5)
C4—N1—C1110.9 (5)N10—C22—H22A108.5
C2—N2—C3108.5 (5)N12—C22—H22A108.5
C2—N2—C5110.9 (5)N10—C22—H22B108.5
C3—N2—C5110.8 (5)N12—C22—H22B108.5
C4—N3—C3108.9 (5)H22A—C22—H22B107.5
C4—N3—C6110.0 (5)N11—C23—P4112.6 (4)
C3—N3—C6111.3 (5)N11—C23—H23A109.1
C8—N4—C7111.6 (5)P4—C23—H23A109.1
C8—N4—C10107.9 (5)N11—C23—H23B109.1
C7—N4—C10110.7 (5)P4—C23—H23B109.1
C8—N5—C9107.0 (5)H23A—C23—H23B107.8
C8—N5—C11110.2 (5)N12—C24—P4113.1 (4)
C9—N5—C11111.2 (5)N12—C24—H24A109.0
C9—N6—C10109.1 (5)P4—C24—H24A109.0
C9—N6—C12110.5 (5)N12—C24—H24B109.0
C10—N6—C12111.0 (5)P4—C24—H24B109.0
C14—N7—C16108.1 (6)H24A—C24—H24B107.8
C14—N7—C13110.6 (6)O1—C25—Os1175.5 (5)
C16—N7—C13111.3 (5)O1—C25—Os2A135.8 (6)
C17—N8—C15111.0 (5)O2—C26—Os1175.0 (5)
C17—N8—C14110.6 (6)O2—C26—Os3A130.9 (5)
C15—N8—C14107.6 (6)O3—C27—Os2175.6 (5)
C16—N9—C15109.4 (5)O3—C27—Os3A137.6 (5)
C16—N9—C18110.0 (5)O4—C28—Os3A129.4 (6)
C15—N9—C18110.6 (5)O4—C28—Os2176.3 (6)
C22—N10—C20109.0 (5)O5—C29—Os2175.0 (5)
C22—N10—C19110.6 (5)O5—C29—Os1A134.3 (6)
C20—N10—C19110.7 (5)O6—C30—Os3173.8 (5)
C20—N11—C21108.2 (5)O6—C30—Os1A134.3 (6)
C20—N11—C23110.9 (5)O7—C31—Os3178.1 (6)
C21—N11—C23111.1 (5)O7—C31—Os2A132.5 (6)
C22—N12—C21108.3 (5)O8—C32—Os3176.2 (5)
C22—N12—C24110.9 (5)O8—C32—Os2A136.4 (6)
C2—N1—C1—P160.5 (5)C17—P3—C13—N750.2 (5)
C4—N1—C1—P160.1 (6)Os2—P3—C13—N7176.8 (4)
C6—P1—C1—N149.1 (5)Os1A—P3—C13—N7139.2 (5)
C5—P1—C1—N149.4 (5)C16—N7—C14—N854.6 (7)
Os1—P1—C1—N1175.1 (3)C13—N7—C14—N867.5 (8)
Os2A—P1—C1—N1176.6 (5)C17—N8—C14—N766.7 (8)
C3—N2—C2—N155.2 (6)C15—N8—C14—N754.7 (7)
C5—N2—C2—N166.7 (7)C17—N8—C15—N967.3 (7)
C4—N1—C2—N255.2 (6)C14—N8—C15—N953.9 (7)
C1—N1—C2—N267.0 (6)C16—N9—C15—N854.7 (7)
C4—N3—C3—N254.1 (6)C18—N9—C15—N866.7 (7)
C6—N3—C3—N267.4 (6)C15—N9—C16—N754.0 (7)
C2—N2—C3—N354.5 (6)C18—N9—C16—N767.8 (7)
C5—N2—C3—N367.5 (6)C14—N7—C16—N953.6 (7)
C3—N3—C4—N154.2 (6)C13—N7—C16—N968.1 (8)
C6—N3—C4—N168.0 (6)C15—N8—C17—P360.0 (7)
C2—N1—C4—N354.6 (6)C14—N8—C17—P359.4 (7)
C1—N1—C4—N367.9 (6)C18—P3—C17—N849.2 (5)
C2—N2—C5—P161.1 (6)C13—P3—C17—N850.3 (5)
C3—N2—C5—P159.5 (6)Os2—P3—C17—N8179.6 (4)
C6—P1—C5—N247.5 (5)Os1A—P3—C17—N8146.8 (6)
C1—P1—C5—N249.9 (5)C16—N9—C18—P361.2 (6)
Os1—P1—C5—N2173.6 (3)C15—N9—C18—P359.8 (6)
Os2A—P1—C5—N2137.6 (5)C13—P3—C18—N950.1 (5)
C4—N3—C6—P161.8 (6)C17—P3—C18—N949.1 (5)
C3—N3—C6—P159.1 (6)Os2—P3—C18—N9175.7 (3)
C5—P1—C6—N347.2 (5)Os1A—P3—C18—N9161.7 (5)
C1—P1—C6—N350.2 (5)C22—N10—C19—P460.8 (6)
Os1—P1—C6—N3178.0 (4)C20—N10—C19—P460.1 (6)
Os2A—P1—C6—N3138.5 (5)C24—P4—C19—N1049.3 (5)
C8—N4—C7—P259.8 (6)C23—P4—C19—N1048.9 (5)
C10—N4—C7—P260.5 (6)Os3—P4—C19—N10174.7 (3)
C11—P2—C7—N448.7 (5)Os1A—P4—C19—N10158.4 (5)
C12—P2—C7—N448.1 (5)C21—N11—C20—N1054.0 (6)
Os1—P2—C7—N4179.5 (4)C23—N11—C20—N1068.0 (7)
Os3A—P2—C7—N4135.3 (5)C22—N10—C20—N1153.6 (6)
C7—N4—C8—N566.4 (7)C19—N10—C20—N1168.3 (7)
C10—N4—C8—N555.5 (7)C22—N12—C21—N1155.3 (6)
C9—N5—C8—N455.4 (7)C24—N12—C21—N1166.5 (6)
C11—N5—C8—N465.6 (7)C20—N11—C21—N1255.4 (6)
C10—N6—C9—N555.0 (6)C23—N11—C21—N1266.6 (6)
C12—N6—C9—N567.3 (6)C20—N10—C22—N1253.8 (6)
C8—N5—C9—N654.6 (6)C19—N10—C22—N1268.1 (6)
C11—N5—C9—N665.7 (6)C21—N12—C22—N1054.6 (6)
C9—N6—C10—N454.3 (7)C24—N12—C22—N1067.1 (6)
C12—N6—C10—N467.7 (7)C20—N11—C23—P459.9 (6)
C8—N4—C10—N654.0 (7)C21—N11—C23—P460.4 (5)
C7—N4—C10—N668.4 (7)C24—P4—C23—N1150.1 (4)
C8—N5—C11—P259.1 (6)C19—P4—C23—N1148.8 (5)
C9—N5—C11—P259.4 (6)Os3—P4—C23—N11174.6 (3)
C7—P2—C11—N549.0 (5)Os1A—P4—C23—N11141.9 (4)
C12—P2—C11—N549.5 (5)C22—N12—C24—P459.2 (6)
Os1—P2—C11—N5178.6 (3)C21—N12—C24—P461.1 (6)
Os3A—P2—C11—N5142.1 (8)C19—P4—C24—N1248.9 (4)
C9—N6—C12—P262.4 (6)C23—P4—C24—N1250.6 (4)
C10—N6—C12—P258.8 (6)Os3—P4—C24—N12179.6 (3)
C7—P2—C12—N647.0 (5)Os1A—P4—C24—N12153.5 (5)
C11—P2—C12—N650.7 (5)C27—Os3A—C28—O4125.6 (8)
Os1—P2—C12—N6177.9 (3)C26—Os3A—C28—O472.8 (9)
Os3A—P2—C12—N6150.0 (5)P2—Os3A—C28—O415.1 (10)
C14—N7—C13—P360.7 (6)Os1A—Os3A—C28—O4171.0 (7)
C16—N7—C13—P359.5 (7)Os2A—Os3A—C28—O4136.8 (10)
C18—P3—C13—N748.7 (5)

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