10 April 2022 Dear Dr Reviewer I would appreciate receiving your comments on the revised version of the article (reference: XX0000), which has been submitted for publication in Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. Title: Handbook for Co-editors - Live Submission Test Author(s): Michael Hoyland*, Brian McMahon and Peter Strickland You may view the revised article at https://submission.iucr.org/submit/s/referee/AjrOHorQNXq5Ee1J/me5008/ Please provide any comments you have using the "contact co-editor" tab on this page. In particular, I would like to know whether you consider the authors have done enough in response to the review comments to merit publication, or not. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. Best wishes Professor Co-editor coeditor@iucr.org