10 April 2022 Dear Dr Reviewer I am writing to let you know that article XX0000: Title: Handbook for Co-editors - Live Submission Test Author(s): Michael Hoyland*, Brian McMahon and Peter Strickland has now been accepted for publication in Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. Thank you again for your review of this article, which is much appreciated. Professor Co-editor coeditor@iucr.org ==================================================================== Dear Dr Reviewer I am writing to let you know that article XX0000: Title: Handbook for Co-editors - Live Submission Test Author(s): Michael Hoyland*, Brian McMahon and Peter Strickland has now been rejected for publication in Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. It is possible that I may need to contact you again if a revised article is submitted. Thank you again for your review of this article, which is much appreciated. Professor Co-editor coeditor@iucr.org ==================================================================== Dear Dr Reviewer I am writing to let you know that article XX0000: Title: Handbook for Co-editors - Live Submission Test Author(s): Michael Hoyland*, Brian McMahon and Peter Strickland has now been withdrawn from publication in Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. It is possible that I may need to contact you again if a revised article is submitted. Thank you again for your review of this article, which is much appreciated. Professor Co-editor coeditor@iucr.org ====================================================================