letters to the editor
Corrections to Crystallographic Groups of Four-Dimensional Space by Brown et al. (1978) [New York: Wiley and Sons]
aLehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH, D-52062 Aachen, Germany, bDepartment of Mathematics, University of Nijmegen, Toernooiveld, NL-6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands, and cInstitut für Kristallographie, Universität, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
*Correspondence e-mail: hans.wondratschek@physik.uni-karlsruhe.de
Keywords: crystallographic groups.
There is an error in the tabulation of enantiomorphic space-group types given in the book Crystallographic Groups of Four-Dimensional Space by Brown et al. (1978). It has recently been found by one of us (BS) while extending the derivation of the enantiomorphism of crystallographic groups up to dimension 6. We refer to the terminology of the book.
In the book, it is wrongly claimed that the (affine) four-dimensional space-group type 08/01/01/002 splits into an enantiomorphic pair of (proper) space-group types. This is indicated in the book by an * preceding the space-group number on p. 118. This asterisk should be removed.
As a consequence of this error, the following changes have also to be made:
While reporting this error, we also want to point out another fact. In the theoretical introduction of the book, the definition of the term `crystal system', while working for dimensions up to four, was not dimension independent. A correction has been given by Neubüser et al. (1981).
Brown, H., Bülow, R., Neubüser, J., Wondratschek, H. & Zassenhaus, H. (1978). Crystallographic Groups of Four-Dimensional Space. New York: Wiley and Sons. Google Scholar
Neubüser, J., Plesken, W. & Wondratschek, H. (1981). Commun. Math. Chem. 10, 77–96. Google Scholar
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