1. Prices for 2005
The subscription rates and prices for back numbers as from 1 January 2005 are given in Table 1.
‡Subscribers will receive Section E free. §Subscribers will receive Section F free. ¶Only available online. Free to subscribers to Section C. ††Only available online. Free to subscribers to Section D. ‡‡Single printed parts of this volume cost USD 158 (The Americas/Caribbean) or GBP 94 (Rest of the World). |
There will be a 5% discount on the prices of the individual sections for subscribers taking out any of the combined subscriptions.
The reduced-rate (personal) subscriptions are ordinarily only available to members of recognized scientific societies, and applications must be accompanied by a written undertaking that the journal is for the personal use of the subscriber and will not be made available to libraries, institutions etc. These conditions also apply to persons wishing to order back volumes at the reduced rates.
Volumes and single printed parts of each journal for the last five years are available at the same cost as volumes and single parts of that journal in 2005.
2. Acta Crystallographica Section F
The Executive Committee of the IUCr is pleased to announce the launch of a new electronic-only journal in 2005, Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. This journal will be provided free of charge to subscribers to Section D of Acta Crystallographica.
3. Crystallography Journals Online
Electronic editions of all IUCr journals will be available online in 2005 from Crystallography Journals Online via the following addresses:
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography, //journals.iucr.org/a/
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, //journals.iucr.org/b/
Acta Crystallographica Section C: , Communications//journals.iucr.org/c/
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography, //journals.iucr.org/d/
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, //journals.iucr.org/e/
Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications, //journals.iucr.org/f/
Journal of Applied Crystallography, //journals.iucr.org/j/
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, //journals.iucr.org/s/
Subscribers to print editions will have full access to online versions of the journals at no extra charge. Online-only access is available at 95% of the print + online subscription price.
A number of services, including tables of contents, e-mail alerting and the provision of supplementary material, remain free of charge to both subscribers and nonsubscribers. In addition, both subscribers and nonsubscribers will retain access to full texts of certain types of article (e.g. CIF Applications, Letters to the Editor, Book Reviews) and to some individual articles of other types.
4. Multisite access and consortia
Academic institutions with more than one geographical site will be granted access to Crystallography Journals Online from multiple sites for 2005. There will be no extra charge provided that the total number of subscriptions held by the institution is maintained at the levels existing in 2001.
IUCr journals are available for consortia via Blackwell Synergy. For more information contact customerservices@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com or subscriptions@iucr.org.
5. Licences
Subscribers will be granted access to the online editions of IUCr journals in 2005 without a licence. However, subscribers will be asked to read the current Terms and Conditions of Use of Crystallography Journals Online before registering for the service.
7. Back-issues policy
Crystallography Journals Online provides electronic editions of the full back catalogue of IUCr journals (from 1948 to date). This back-issue archive consists of over 55000 articles and 220000 pages.
Subscribers holding a current subscription to a particular journal will have access to all back issues of that journal. Individual articles from the back-issue archive will also be available to nonsubscribers on payment of a fee for each individual article.
8. Archiving
The IUCr has prepared a statement on its long-term archiving policy. This is available from //journals.iucr.org/services/subscriberservices.html.
9. Orders
Orders for print and online editions of Acta Crystallographica, Journal of Applied Crystallography and Journal of Synchrotron Radiation may be addressed to Journal Customer Services, Blackwell Publishing, PO Box 1354, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2XG, UK (e-mail: customerservices@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com).