Figure 10
EBSD map around a void (the white disc) situated at the junction of four grains. In the figure, the Σ3 boundaries are in red, the Σ9 in yellow, the Σ27 in blue and the Σ81 in green. The higher-order Σ3n with n ≥ 5 and the `random' boundaries are in black. The grains around the void are linked by the following rotations: R21 = (28.4°, [2 ]), R23 = (59.8°, [ 1]), R34 = (35.9°, [2 0]), R41 = (38.4°, [ ]), R13 = (48.9°, [ ]) and R24 = (38.7°, [ ]). The rotation angles and axes are given by the Channel5 software (the reported axes are not the true ones but axes with indices lower than 10 and close to the true ones with a tolerance angle of 5°). The identification of these experimental rotations to some Σ3n operators requires the use of the groupoid composition Table 3 . |