Figure 6
Upper left: Score plot from the PCA analysis of the insulin data sets. The three-dimensional plot is shown with PC2, PC3 and PC4 and shows the separation of different samples into nine separate clusters. [From Fig. 4 in Norrman et al. (2006 ).] Upper right: Normalized intensity versus 2θ for three types of rhombohedral crystals which have structural differences in the arrangement of the N-terminal residues of the insulin B chain (R6, and T6 conformation). [From Fig. 3 in Norrman et al. (2006 ).] Lower panel: Pawley refinement of ID31 data (λ = 1.25 Å, RT) of hexagonal insulin T6 [space group R3, a = 81.75313 (3), c = 34.0688 (2) Å]. In total, 2265 intensities were extracted up to 2.8 Å resolution. The blue, red and lower grey lines represent the experimental and calculated patterns and the difference between experimental and calculated profiles, respectively. The vertical bars correspond to Bragg reflections compatible with the refined hexagonal structural model. The inset shows a magnification of a small 2θ region of the fit. |