Figure 3
Diffraction patterns from frozen-hydrated chloroplast samples. Diffraction data were collected from chloroplasts frozen in thin vitreous ice under ∼100% RH (a), below 90% RH (b), embedded in thicker ice (c). Figures from the left to right columns correspond to representative diffraction patterns showing higher signals, histograms of total intensity over diffraction data sets collected from samples frozen in the same way and histograms of maximum resolution, respectively. See the footnote of Table 1 for the definition of the maximum resolution. Arrowheads in (a) refer to characteristic signals from the chloroplast. Arrows in the histograms indicate the intensity and maximum resolution for the corresponding diffraction patterns in the left column. The total intensity represents the sum of raw diffraction intensities within the central 512 × 512 detector pixels on the MPCCD Octal detector, the area which does not include the missing central parts on the Dual detector. The histograms are calculated from 3135 XFEL shots for six sample support discs (a), 167 shots for two discs (b) and 167 shots for three discs (c). The thickness of ice was roughly estimated by monitoring with LM during sample preparation. The color scale of all the diffraction patterns is identical and shown at the top of (a). |