Figure 14
A comparison of calcite unit-cell parameter determinations for this work and derived from the ICDD database. All error bars are smaller than the sizes of the symbols except for the error in the a dimension of the brachiopod calcite. The latter has a much larger error because only four diffraction lines were observed in this case, and only two of those four have non-zero h and k Miller indices (lines 018 and 1,0,10). The unit cells have been specified using hexagonal coordinates. The sample names are as follows: limestone, refers to the pressed-powder pellet of the limestone rock sample mentioned in §4.5 (the EDXRD spectrum is shown in Fig. 10); JDo-1 is a pressed-powder pellet of the Japanese geological standard JDo-1 (Imai et al., 1996; Hansford et al., 2014); Barrington is the calcite rock sample retrieved from the Barrington Chalk Pit (see §4.5 and Fig. 12); oyster shell and brachiopod are the fossils described in §4.6 and shown in Fig. 13; tessera and C16 mortar are archaeology samples described in §4.7 and shown in Fig. 16. |