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Figure 2
(a) Laboratory coordinate system [{\bf r}] and (b) object-coordinate system [{\bf r}^\prime], which are related by the rotation matrix [{\bf R}^{\exp}_n]. In (a) the planar two-dimensional cut through the reciprocal-space map in the plane of the detector is illustrated in grey. The object-coordinate system [{\bf r}^\prime] defines the position of each voxel of the object. (c) In each voxel a series of spherical harmonics functions is used to describe the three-dimensional reciprocal-space map, from which the scattering signal can be obtained. The preferential orientation of the nanostructure in each voxel and each q is characterized by a unit vector [{\hat {\bf u}}^{{\rm str}}_{\theta{\rm op},\varphi{\rm op}}({\bf r}^\prime,q^\prime)] defined by the polar [\theta_{{\rm op}}({\bf r}^\prime,q^\prime)] and azimuthal [\varphi_{{\rm op}}({\bf r}^\prime,q^\prime)] angles.

ISSN: 2053-2733
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