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Figure 3
(a) Simulated reflectivity curve [I_{\rm R}(\Delta k)] for the (220) reflection in symmetric Bragg geometry of a 400 µm-thick diamond single crystal at 12 keV. (b), (c) Simulated transverse intensity profile IT(t,x) in the x direction as a function of time t of the transmitted beam at the beam waist downstream of the crystal: (b) photon energy 3 eV below the maximal diffraction condition, corresponding to point (1) in panel (a); (c) photon energy for the maximal diffraction condition, corresponding to point (3) in panel (a). (d), (e) Images of the intensity [{\overline I}^{t}(x,y)] in the transverse (x,y) plane integrated over time for the configurations of panels (b) and (c), respectively.

ISSN: 2053-2733
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