Figure 10
(a) shows the oversampling in a polycrystalline diffraction experiment based on the conventional theory, i.e. 1/sin θ, given in black, compared with the calculated oversampling based on the new theory using the simplified calculation. The overlapping profiles include 10, 3 and 1 µm perfect crystals in blue, red and green, respectively (Cu Kα1) and 10 µm perfect crystals with Mo Kα1 radiation, in magenta. (b) shows the percentage difference in the resulting extracted intensities between the conventional and new theory. The labelling of the profile colours is the same as in (a). (c) The influence of defects on the scaling factor: for a 3 µm perfect crystal (red), a crystal with a mean of 0.01 µm misorientated regions (based on the Weibull prior distribution and represents the separation between defects) with a FWHM of 0.58° (blue) and 1.16° (green) based on a Gaussian prior distribution. Different defect separations made no difference to the profile. The black profile is the 1/sin θ term. The presence of defects seems to have no influence on the scaling factor. |