Figure 6
(a) Solid–liquid interfaces coloured by the local interfacial velocity at 1216.8 K. Positive interface velocity represents growth and negative velocity represents dissolution. The shown viewpoint is parallel to the specimen y axis and the crystallographic 〈010〉 direction. The red dashed box was used to calculate the growth velocity V of a single X-phase crystal (see text for details). (b) Interfacial isochrones with 80 s time increments within the dashed boxed region. The grey arrow indicates the motion of the facet in time. The represented temperatures and times are as follows: 1226.2 K (2820 s), 1224.8 K (2900 s), 1223.5 K (2980 s), 1222.2 K (3060 s), 1220.8 K (3140 s), 1219.5 K (3220 s), 1218.2 K (3300 s), 1216.8 K (3380 s) and 1215.5 K (3460 s). |