Figure 4
Anisotropy analysis of scattering patterns. (a) The scattering pattern is divided into 16 azimuthal segments and the desired q range is chosen for investigation. (b) The intensity of each segment is integrated and subsequently reduced to eight segments, exploiting the center symmetry of the scattering pattern. (c) 3D scalar model of the carbon fiber knot. (d) Intensity map displaying the average intensity from all eight segments for the (0°, 0°) projection. (e) Analysis of anisotropic intensity across segments for all the points of one projection yields a 2D orientation-encoded map, in which each pixel is assigned a color corresponding to the main fiber orientation according to the inset color wheel. (f) 2D scattering intensity maps of the eight segments for the (0°, 0°) projection. The segment and corresponding fiber orientation are depicted as insets. The fiber orientation, shown in red, is assumed to be perpendicular to the bisector of the angular segment. |