Figure 1
Schematic illustrations of the beam trajectories in a plane-parallel crystal. (a) Beam trajectories in an unbent crystal. P0 represents the incident wave on the surface, Ph the diffracted wave and Pt the transmitted wave. (b) Beam trajectories in a bent crystal when the X-ray is incident on the expanded surface due to bending (β > 0). S′1 represents the beam touching the back surface at B1 and S3 the beam reflected from the entrance surface after reflection from the back surface. (c) The variation range of the tie point on the dispersion surface for mirage beams. d1 on branch (1) is the tie point at the incident point and d2 on branch (2) is that at the emitted point. Lo is the Lorentz point and G the Bragg gap. The distance from the incident point of the X-ray (A0) to the edge of the crystal is xL. |