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Figure 1
Schematic of the evolution of different OAM components upon transmission through two slices. The second column represents the (intially pure) vortex of order m (the images show m = 1), the first column shows the m-1 component, the third column shows the m+1 component, the fourth column shows the total wavefunction for reference, and the fifth column shows the scattering potential (where applicable). Blue arrows depict potential scattering while red arrows indicate Fresnel propagation ([\hat{{\cal P}}]). For clarity, propagation distances are exaggerated and simple single-atom model potentials are used. Dashed arrows symbolize additional scattering contributions that are omitted here. The numbers in the first and third columns give the components' intensities (with the total wavefunction normalized to 1). The index for the slice number n and the coordinates [r,\varphi] were omitted. Brightness signifies amplitude, color signifies phase as depicted in the inset in the top left.

ISSN: 2053-2733
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