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Figure 3
Some examples of the data produced by the simulations and during the analysis. Left: wavefunction at the incident plane of the sample, z = 0; center: wavefunction at the depth of z = 500 Å; right: scattering potential [\exp(i\sigma v_{{z,n}})] of one slice. First row: data in Cartesian coordinates; second row: data in polar coordinates; third row: intensity of the [\exp(im\varphi)] components as a function of m and r; fourth row: total OAM intensities integrated over r. For the wavefunctions shown in the first two rows, the phase is displayed as color (see Fig. 1[link]) and the amplitude is displayed as brightness. For the scattering potential in the first two rows of the right column, the argument of the complex exponential is shown. The incident beam was a pure m = 1 vortex with a convergence semi-angle α = 10 mrad incident on the amorphous Pt sample. In all cases, only a subset of the entire data set is shown and the contrast was enhanced to improve visibility.

ISSN: 2053-2733
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