Figure 2
Experimental moiré images (T set No. 5). Si 220 reflection, λ = 0.072 nm. Taken with no forced rotation to the specimen, L(+) = L(-) = 0. (a) O image, (b) G image. g is the diffraction vector. The (x,y) coordinates in the presented images are the same as those on the incidence and exit surfaces of the specimen crystal as described in the caption of Fig. 1 . The lateral width (in the x direction) of the experimental O image is extended by 1.06 times that of the original as-recorded images by computer processing, so as to agree with that of the G image. Vertical arrows drawn in the images note the occurrence of pseudo moiré dislocations (see Section 3.1.4 ). Smaller vertical arrows drawn to the x-coordinate axes outside the images indicate the position of x = 5.6 mm at which the intensity profiles in Fig. 4 were measured. The long horizontal and vertical black lines are the shadows of the thin platinum lines stretched between the specimen and films, as mentioned in Section 2.1.1 . [Similar black lines seen in Figs. 6 (a), 7 (a) and 9 are all of the same origin as above.] The black region in the lower-left corner in the O image is the shadow of a pillar for holding the wire of the pulling weight [see Fig. 1 (a)]. For other details, see text. |