Figure 1
Schematic view of the LabDCT setup in a laboratory coordinate system ( , , ). Laue focusing occurs from a volume element of a grain, centered at position M, in a polycrystalline sample illuminated by a cone-shaped polychromatic X-ray beam from point S. The detector is placed perpendicular to the horizontal line in the downstream transmitted direct beam. The diffraction plane defined by the incoming wavevector Kin and scattered wavevector Kout determines the position Q on the detector for the diffracted beam. Glab is the scattering vector and its projection on the detector is along . The sample rotation angle is denoted as ω. Lss is the sample-to-source distance and Lsd is the sample-to-detector distance. The zoom-in views (at the bottom) illustrate that the volume element focuses the incoming conical X-rays with a small range of wavelengths between λ1 and λn onto the detector along , while the diffraction pattern is magnified perpendicular to . |