Figure 2
Illustrative workflow of the forward simulations of projections for an Fe sample with pre-defined 3D grain structure. (a) Spectrum of the X-ray source using a tungsten target at an acceleration voltage of 140 kV. (b) The 3D grain structure of a virtually rendered cylindrical sample (D × H = 400 × 600 µm) consisting of 666 grains with an average grain size of 58.7 µm. Grain orientations are randomly generated and the grains are colored according to their orientations along the z direction [see the color code in the inverse pole figure (IPF)]. (c) Polyhedral mesh of a grain. (d) Simulated projection at a rotation angle ω = 0° and Lss = Lsd = 11.0 mm (the central black region represents the beam stop). |