Figure 1
The recursive SM-ipp phase refinement algorithm with enhanced peakness: (upper right corner) φ phase estimates (either initial or updated values) are combined with experimental |E|'s to obtain ρ, |ρ| and mρ (the latter is stored). Next, the Fourier transform of |ρ| is calculated leading to new |C| and α values, and the former are used in the calculation of CCM. The new α values are combined with the experimental (|E| − 〈|E|〉) (lower left corner), and their inverse Fourier transform, δM, is calculated. In the next step, function δM is multiplied with the stored mρ mask to give the η product function. Peakness in η is enhanced by applying the ipp density-modification procedure and, finally, the Fourier transform of the modified η supplies the updated φ phases. [Initial sets of φ estimates investigated in this article are either Φrnd (random phase values) or ΦM′ (phase values corresponding to the Fourier coefficients of M′, i.e. the randomly shifted modulus function).] |