Figure 16
For vertex connectivity 2V23V2, (a) adjacency matrix [10] for the matrix-element combination (2 × 1)(2 × 2)(2 × 21), the corresponding proto-graph, the characteristic polynomial equations of the reduced proto-graphs and the resulting vertex subsets. (b), (c), (d) Three permutated versions of this adjacency matrix and proto-graph, and the characteristic polynomial equations of the reduced adjacency matrices. The characteristic polynomial equations of the reduced adjacency matrices in (b) and (c) are identical to those in (a) (adjacency matrix [10]), confirming that these proto-graphs are isomorphic. The characteristic polynomial equations for the reduced adjacency matrices derived from adjacency matrix [10′], shown in (d), are different, confirming that this proto-graph is non-isomorphic with the proto-graphs in (b) and (c). |