Figure 24
For vertex connectivity 2V23V2, (a) a proto-graph [identical to that shown in Fig. 20 (a)] and the corresponding vertex and edge subsets, (b) the directed proto-graph in which the 1–2, 1–3, 2–3 and 2–4 edges are assigned as wrapped in the +c direction and the 3–4 edge is assigned as wrapped in the −c direction, its corresponding adjacency matrix and edge subsets, and (c) the resultant chain graph. (d) The directed proto-graph produced by omitting redundant unwrappings involving vertex 1 in (b), its corresponding adjacency matrix and edge subsets, and (e) the resultant chain graph. (f) The directed proto-graph produced by omitting redundant unwrappings involving vertex 3 in (b), its corresponding adjacency matrix and edge subsets, and (g) the resultant chain graph. Note that the chain graphs in (c), (e) and (g) are isomorphic. Legend as in Figs. 7 and 21 . |