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Figure 2
Experimentally determined (qx, qy) positions of the diffraction peaks of PTCDA crystals (small filled circles) epitaxially grown on Ag(111), obtained from (a) rotated GIXD and (b) LEED measurements. The outer circles in both panels are a guide to the eye indicating the field of view; the center in each case is the origin of the (qx, qy) coordinate system. The scale bar applies equally to both panels. Open symbols represent the results of the indexing of the oriented crystals, rotated clockwise (cw, red or orange squares) and counter-clockwise (ccw, blue or teal circles) with respect to the [[1 \overline{1}0]_{\rm Ag}] direction. Representative reciprocal unit cells for one cw and one ccw rotation are drawn in both panels. Note that the indexing results for both groups of azimuthal alignments, each with a 60° symmetry, are illustrated. Furthermore, half a LEED image is depicted to scale in the background of panel (b).

ISSN: 2053-2733
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