Figure 7
Real-space visualization of the results compiled in Table 1 , (a) PTCDA/Ag(111), (b) P2O/Ag(111), (c) DCV4T-Et2/Ag(111) and (d) trans-DBPen/Cu(111). The length scales in all four panels are identical, and only the solutions with positive Δϕ are illustrated here for clarity. Broken lines depict the surface unit cells extracted from the GIXD measurements, where (uvw) indicate the contact planes of the epitaxially oriented crystals. Solid lines show the surface unit cells of the monolayer (UCML) in contact with the substrate, as measured with LEED. The first substrate lattice vector is oriented parallel to the x axis. For PTCDA/Ag(111) in panel (a) the angles γ′ and Δϕ are explicitly given as a quick reference. |