research papers

Pure discrete spectrum and regular model sets on some non-unimodular substitution tilings
aDepartment of Mathematics Education, Catholic Kwandong University, Gangneung 25601, Republic of Korea
*Correspondence e-mail: jylee@cku.ac.kr
Substitution tilings with pure discrete spectrum are characterized as regular model sets whose cut-and-project scheme has an internal space that is a product of a Euclidean space and a profinite group. Assumptions made here are that the expansion map of the substitution is diagonalizable and its eigenvalues are all algebraically conjugate with the same multiplicity. A difference from the result of Lee et al. [Acta Cryst. (2020), A76, 600–610] is that unimodularity is no longer assumed in this paper.
Keywords: pure discrete spectrum; regular model sets; non-unimodular substitution; Pisot family substitution; Meyer sets.
1. Introduction
There has been considerable success in studying the structure of tilings with pure discrete spectrum by setting them in the context of model sets (Baake & Moody, 2004; Baake et al., 2007
; Strungaru, 2017
; Akiyama et al., 2015
). However, in general settings, the relation between pure discrete spectrum and model sets is not completely understood and the cut-and-project scheme is usually constructed with an abstract internal space (Baake & Moody, 2004
; Strungaru, 2017
). Thus it is not easy to understand this relation concretely and get information about the structure from the relation. The notion of inter model sets was introduced by Baake et al. (2007
) and Lee & Moody (2006
) and we know the equivalence between pure discrete spectrum and inter model sets in substitution tilings (Lee, 2007
). But there are still some limitations in getting useful information about the cut-and-project scheme (CPS) because the internal space was constructed abstractly. What is the internal space concretely? There was some progress in this direction by Lee et al. (2018
) and Lee, Akiyama & Lee (2020
). However, these papers make various assumptions about substitution tilings such as the expansion map is diagonalizable, the eigenvalues of the expansion map should be algebraically conjugate, the multiplicity of the eigenvalues should be the same, and the expansion map is unimodular. From a long perspective, we aim to gradually eliminate assumptions one by one. As a first step, in this paper we eliminate the assumption of unimodularity.
Our work was inspired by an example of Baake et al. (1998), which offers a guide to what the internal space should be. We will look at this in Example 5.10. The present paper is an extension of the result of Lee, Akiyama & Lee (2020
) in the sense that the unimodularity condition is removed, and the setting is quite similar.
There are various research works on non-unimodular substitution cases (Baker et al., 2006; Ei et al., 2006
; Siegel, 2002
) that study symbolic substitution sequences or their geometric substitution tilings in dimension 1. Our definition of non-unimodularity looks slightly different from that defined in those papers. However, if we restrict the substitution tilings to one dimension
, the two definitions are the same.
We have four basic assumptions about a primitive substitution tiling on
with an expansion map ϕ:
(i) ϕ is diagonalizable.
(ii) All the eigenvalues of ϕ are algebraically conjugate.
(iii) All the eigenvalues of ϕ have the same multiplicity.
(iv) is rigid [see (14
) for the definition].
We call these assumptions DAMR. This paper relies heavily on the rigid structure of substitution tilings, and the rigidity property is only known under those assumptions (i), (ii), (iii) together with finite local complexity (Theorem 2.9). In Section 2
, we review some definitions and known results that are going to be used in this paper. The main result of this paper shows the following:
Theorem 1.1
Let be a repetitive primitive substitution tiling on
with a diagonalizable expansion map ϕ whose eigenvalues are algebraic conjugates with the same multiplicity and let
be rigid. If
has pure discrete spectrum, then control point set
of each tile type is a regular model set in the CPS with an internal space which is a product of a Euclidean space and a profinite group, where
is a control point set of
defined in (7
) and the CPS is defined in (35)
In Section 3, we give an outline of the proof of this theorem in some simple case of substitution tilings with expansion map ϕ satisfying the DAMR assumptions defined above. In Section 4
, we define an appropriate internal space and construct a CPS under the DAMR assumptions. Then we discuss the projected point sets
of neighbourhood bases of a topology in the internal space. In Section 6
, under the assumption of pure discrete spectrum of
, we look at how the projected point sets
and the translation vector set Ξ of the same types of tiles in
are related [see (8
)]. Using the equivalent property `algebraic coincidence' for pure discrete spectrum, we provide arguments to show that we actually have regular model sets.
2. Definitions and known results
We consider a primitive substitution tiling on
with expansion map ϕ satisfying the DAMR assumptions defined above. In this section, we recall some definitions and results that we are going to use in the later sections.
2.1. Tilings
We consider a set of types (or colours) , which we fix once and for all. A tile in
is defined as a pair T = (A,i) where
(the support of T) is a compact set in
, which is the closure of its interior, and
is the type of T. A tiling of
is a set
of tiles such that
and distinct tiles have disjoint interiors.
Given a tiling , a finite set of tiles of
is called a
-patch. Recall that a tiling
is said to be repetitive if the occurrence of every
-patch is relatively dense in space. We say that a tiling
has finite local complexity (FLC) if for every
there are only finitely many translational classes of
-patches whose support lies in some ball of radius R up to translations.
2.2. Delone κ-sets
A κ-set in is a subset
(κ copies) where
and κ is the number of colours. We also write
. Recall that a Delone set is a relatively dense and uniformly discrete subset of
. We say that
is a Delone κ-set in
if each
is Delone and
is Delone. The type (or colour) of a point x in the Delone κ-set
is i if
A Delone set Λ is called a Meyer set in if
is uniformly discrete, which is equivalent to saying that
for some finite set F (see Meyer, 1972
; Lagarias, 1996
; Moody, 1997
). If
is a Delone κ-set and
is a Meyer set, we say that
is a Meyer κ-set.
2.3. Substitutions
We say that a linear map is expansive if there is a constant
for all under some metric d on
compatible with the standard topology.
Definition 2.1
Let be a finite set of tiles on
such that Ti = (Ai,i); we will call them prototiles. Denote by
the set of patches made of tiles each of which is a translate of one of the Ti's. We say that
is a tile-substitution (or simply substitution) with an expansive map ϕ if there exist finite sets
, such that
Here all sets in the right-hand side must have disjoint interiors; it is possible for some of the to be empty.
The substitution (1) is extended to all translates of prototiles by
, and to patches and tilings by
. The substitution ω can be iterated, producing larger and larger patches
. A tiling
is called a fixed point of the tile-substitution or a substitution tiling with expansion map ϕ. It is known (and easy to see) (Solomyak, 1997
) that one can always find a periodic point for ω in the tiling dynamical hull, i.e.
for some
. In this case we use
in the place of ω to obtain a fixed point tiling. The substitution
of the tile-substitution is defined by
. We say that the substitution tiling
is primitive if there is an
for which
has no zero entries, where
is the substitution matrix.
When there exists a monic polynomial P(x) over with the minimal degree satisfying
, we call the polynomial the minimal polynomial of ϕ over
. We say that ϕ is unimodular if the minimal polynomial of ϕ over
has constant term
; that is to say, the product of all roots of the minimal polynomial of ϕ is
. If the constant term in the minimal polynomial of ϕ is not
, then we say that ϕ is non-unimodular.
Note that for ,
Definition 2.2
is called a substitution Delone κ-set if
is a Delone κ-set and there exist an expansive map
and finite sets
such that
where the unions on the right-hand side are disjoint.
Definition 2.3
For a substitution Delone κ-set satisfying (4)
, define a matrix
whose entries are finite (possibly empty) families of linear affine transformations on
given by
Define for
. For a κ-set
Thus by definition. We say that Φ is a κ-set substitution. Let
denote the substitution matrix corresponding to Φ.
Definition 2.4
(Mauduit, 1989.) An algebraic integer θ is a real Pisot number if it is greater than 1 and all its Galois conjugates are less than 1 in modulus, and a complex Pisot number if every Galois conjugate, except the complex conjugate
, has modulus less than 1. A set of algebraic integers
is a Pisot family if for every
, every Galois conjugate η of
, with
, is contained in Θ.
For r = 1, with real and
, this reduces to
being a real Pisot number, and for r = 2, with
non-real and
, to
being a complex Pisot number.
2.4. Pure discrete spectrum and algebraic coincidence
Let be the collection of tilings on
each of whose patches is a translate of a
-patch. In the case that
has FLC, there is a well known metric δ on the tilings: for a small
two tilings
are ε-close if
agree on the ball of radius
around the origin, after a translation of size less than ε (see Schlottmann, 2000
; Radin & Wolff, 1992
; Lee et al., 2003
). Then
where the closure is taken in the topology induced by the metric δ.
It is known that a dynamical system with a primitive substitution tiling
always has a unique ergodic measure μ in the dynamical system
(see Solomyak, 1997
; Lee et al., 2003
). We consider the associated group of unitary operators
Every defines a function on
. This function is positive definite on
, so its Fourier transform is a positive measure
called the spectral measure corresponding to g. The dynamical system
is said to have pure discrete spectrum if
is pure point for every
. We also say that
has pure discrete spectrum if the dynamical system
has pure discrete spectrum.
The notion of pure discrete spectrum of the dynamical system is quite closely connected wtih the notion of algebraic coincidence in Definition 2.6. For this we start by introducing control points. There is a standard way to choose distinguished points in the tiles of a primitive substitution tiling so that they form a ϕ-invariant Delone κ-set. They are called control points (Thurston, 1989
; Praggastis, 1999
), which are defined below.
Definition 2.5
Let be a primitive substitution tiling with an expansion map ϕ. For every
-tile T, we choose a tile
in the patch
; for all tiles of the same type in
, we choose
with the same relative position [i.e. if
for some two tiles
]. This defines a map
called the tile map. Then we define the control point for a tile
The control points satisfy the following: (a) =
, for any tiles
of the same type; (b)
, for
be a set of control points of the tiling in
. Let us denote
For tiles of any tiling , the control points have the same relative position as in
-tiles. The choice of control points is non-unique, but there are only finitely many possibilities, determined by the choice of the tile map. Let
Since the substitution tiling is primitive, it is possible to assume that the substitution matrix
is positive taking
if necessary. So we consider a tile map
with the property that for every , the tile
has the same tile type in
. That is to say, for every
, where
. Then for any
In order to have for some
, we define the tile map as follows. It is known that there exists a finite generating patch
for which
(Lagarias & Wang, 2003
). Although it was defined there for primitive substitution point sets, it is easy to see that the same property holds for primitive substitution tilings. We call the finite patch
the generating tile set. When we apply the substitution infinitely many times to the generating tile set
, we obtain the whole substitution tiling. So there exists
such that the nth iteration of the substitution to the generating tile set covers the origin. We choose a tile R in a patch
which contains the origin, where
for some
. Then there exists a fixed tile
such that
. Replacing the substitution ω by
, we can define a tile map γ so that
Then by the definition of the control point sets and so
. Since
for any
This implies that
Definition 2.6
(Lee, 2007.) Let
be a primitive substitution tiling on
with an expansive map ϕ and let
be a corresponding control point set. We say that
admits an algebraic coincidence if there exists
for some
such that
Note that if the algebraic coincidence is assumed, then for some ,
Theorem 2.7
[Theorem 3.13 (Lee, 2007), Theorem 2.6 (Lee, Akiyama & Lee, 2020
).] Let
be a primitive substitution tiling on
with an expansive map ϕ and
be a control point set of
. Suppose that all the eigenvalues of ϕ are algebraic integers. Then
has pure discrete spectrum if and only if
admits an algebraic coincidence.
2.5. CPS
We use a standard definition for a CPS and model sets (see Baake & Grimm, 2013). For convenience, we give the definition for our setting.
Definition 2.8
A CPS consists of a collection of spaces and mappings as follows:
where is a real Euclidean space, H is a locally compact
are the canonical projections,
is a lattice, i.e. a discrete for which the quotient group
is compact,
is injective, and
is dense in H. For a subset
, we define
Here the set V is called a window of . A subset
is called a model set if
can be of the form
, where
has non-empty interior and compact closure in the setting of the CPS in (12)
. The model set
is regular if the boundary of W
is of (Haar) measure 0. We say that is a model κ-set (respectively, regular model κ-set) if each
is a model set (respectively, regular model set) with respect to the same CPS.
2.6. Rigid structure on substitution tilings
The structure of a module generated by the control points is known only for the diagonalizable case for ϕ whose eigenvalues are algebraically conjugate with the same multiplicity given by Lee & Solomyak (2012). We need to use the structure of the module in the subsequent sections. Thus we will have the same assumptions.
Let J be the multiplicity of each eigenvalue of ϕ and assume that the number of distinct eigenvalues of ϕ is m. For , we define
such that for each
We recall the following theorem for the module structure of the control point sets. Although the theorem is not explicitly stated by Lee & Solomyak (2012), it can be read off from their Theorem 4.1 and Lemma 6.1.
Theorem 2.9
(Lee & Solomyak, 2012.) Let
be a repetitive primitive substitution tiling on
with an expansion map ϕ. Assume that
has FLC, ϕ is diagonalizable, and all the eigenvalues of ϕ are algebraically conjugate with the same multiplicity J. Then there exists a linear isomorphism
such that
Note here that are linearly independent over
. A tiling
is said to be rigid if
satisfies the result of Theorem 2.9
; that is to say, there exists a linear isomorphism
such that
As an example of a substitution tiling with the rigidity property, let us look at the Frank–Robinson substitution tiling (Frank & Robinson, 2006) (Fig. 1
![]() | Figure 1 The Frank–Robinson tiling substitution. |
Take the tile-substutition
where b is the largest root of and
Then it gives a primitive substitution tiling . Note that b is not a Pisot number. It was shown by Frank & Robinson (2006
) that
does not have FLC. One can observe that each set of translation vectors satisfies
. Thus
whence the rigidity holds.
3. Outline of the proof of Theorem 1.1![[link]](../../../../../../logos/arrows/a_arr.gif)
We provide a brief outline of the proof of Theorem 1.1 for the simpler case of repetitive primitive substitution tilings
with an λ (
(a) λ is non-unimodular,
(b) λ is a real Pisot number which is not an integer,
(c) has FLC,
(d) has pure discrete spectrum.
Let P(x) be the minimal polynomial of ϕ over for which
. Let
be all the roots of the equation P(x) = 0, where the absolute values of
are all less than 1. Using the rigidity of Theorem 2.9
, we get up to an isomorphism
Using the algebraic conjugates of λ whose absolute values are less than 1, we consider a Euclidean space
and the map
For the case of non-unimodular λ, we construct a profinite group below. We remark that if λ is unimodular, then the profinite group is trivial so that Theorem 1.1 can be covered by the work of Lee, Akiyama & Lee (2020
). Let
. From the non-unimodularity of λ,
. So
. Note that
is a basis of L as a free
-module. Consider the map
This gives an isomorphism of the -module between L and
. Let
be the companion matrix of P(x). Then
Notice that M acts on and the roots of the minimal polynomial of M over
are exactly
. Since
. Here we consider a profinite group
Since embeds in
, we can identify
with its image in
. Consider the following map:
Now we construct a CPS whose physical space is and internal space is
Under the assumption of pure discrete spectrum of , we know that an algebraic coincidence occurs by Theorem 2.7
. So there exist
for some
such that
where Ξ is the set of translational vectors which translate a tile to the same type of tile in as given in (8
). Notice that
is a basis element in the locally compact
is a ball of radius δ around 0 in
. We let
be the projected point set in
coming from a window
. It is important to understand the relation between
and Ξ. We discuss this in Section 4.2
(see also Lee et al., 2018
; Lee, Akiyama & Lee, 2020
). From this relation, together with algebraic coincidence, we can view the control point set of
as a model set. Using Keesling's argument (Keesling, 1999
), we show that the control point set of
is actually a regular model set.
4. Construction of a CPS
We aim to prove that the structure of pure discrete spectrum in a substitution tiling can be described by a regular model set which comes from a CPS with the internal space that is a product of a Euclidean space and a profinite group. From Lee & Solomyak (2019), under the assumption of pure discrete spectrum, the control point set of the substitution tiling has the Meyer property and so has FLC. In general settings which are not substitution tilings, it is hard to expect that pure discrete spectrum implies neither the Meyer property nor FLC (Lee, Lenz et al., 2020
The setting that we consider here is a primitive substitution tiling on
with an expansion map ϕ which satisfies the DAMR assumptions. Changing the tile substitution if necessary, we can assume that ϕ is a diagonal matrix without loss of generality.
Under the assumption of DAMR, it is also known from Lee & Solomyak (2012, 2019
) that the control point set of the substitution tiling has the Meyer property if and only if the eigenvalues of ϕ form a Pisot family. In our setting, there is no algebraic conjugate η with
for the eigenvalues of ϕ, since ϕ is an expansion map. It is known that if ϕ is an expansion map of a primitive substitution tiling with FLC, every eigenvalue of ϕ is an algebraic integer (Kenyon & Solomyak, 2010
; Kwapisz, 2016
). Even for non-FLC cases, we know from the rigidity that the control point set lies in a finitely generated free L which spans
. So all the eigenvalues of ϕ are algebraic integers [Lemma 4.1 of Lee & Solomyak (2008
In the case of non-unimodular substitution tilings, there are two parts of spaces for the internal space of a CPS. One is a Euclidean part and the other is a profinite group part. We describe them below.
4.1. An internal space for a CPS
4.1.1. Euclidean part for the internal space
In this subsection, we assume that there exists at least one algebraic conjugate whose absolute value is less than 1, which is different from the eigenvalues of ϕ. In the case of unimodular ϕ, we can observe that there always exists such an algebraic conjugate. But in the case of non-unimodular ϕ, it is possible not to have an algebraic conjugate whose absolute value is less than 1. For example, let us consider an expansion map
Then the minimal polynomial of ϕ is , which means that ϕ is non-unimodular. If there exists no other algebraic conjugate of the eigenvalues of ϕ whose absolute value is less than 1, one can skip this subsection and go to the next Section 4.1.2
Recall that J is the multiplicity of the eigenvalues of ϕ, d is the dimension of the space , m is the number of distinct eigenvalues of ϕ and d = mJ. We can write
where Ak is a real 1×1 matrix for , a real 2×2 matrix of the form
for with
and m = s+2t. Here O is the m×m zero matrix and
. Then the eigenvalues of ψ are
Note that m is the degree of the characteristic polynomial of ψ.
We assume that the minimal polynomial of ψ over has e real roots and f pairs of complex conjugate roots. Since the minimal polynomial of ψ has the characteristic polynomial of ψ as a divisor, we can consider the roots of the minimal polynomial of ψ over
in the following order:
We now consider a Euclidean space whose dimension is , whose number corresponds to the number of the other roots of the minimal polynomial of ψ which are not the eigenvalues of ψ. Let
For , define a
where As+g is a real 1×1 matrix with the value for
, and Ae+t+h is a real 2×2 matrix of the form
for [see Lee, Akiyama & Lee (2020
) for more details]. The matrix Dj operates on the space
Notice that ϕ and ψ have the same minimal polynomial over , since ϕ is the diagonal matrix containing J copies of ψ.
Let us consider now the following embeddings:
where ,
is as in (13
. Note that
Let . Note that the minimal polynomial of ϕ is monic, since the eigenvalues of ϕ are all algebraic integers. So
is a basis of L as a free -module.
Now, we can define the map
Since are linearly independent over
, the map
is well defined. Thus
is a block diagonal matrix in which Dj is an
, and
. Let
4.1.2. Profinite group part for the internal space
To make the notation short, denote the basis of L given in (21) by
. Consider a
-module isomorphism between L and
Consider the (d×nJ) matrix:
Since L spans over
, the rank of N is d. Thus
has only the trivial solution, where
is the transpose of N. From
, we can write, for each
Notice that in a special case of J = 1, i.e. , M is the companion matrix of the minimal polynomial of ϕ over
. Then
Note that for any ,
Notice also that for any and for any
Lemma 4.1
Any eigenvalue of ϕ with multiplicity J becomes also the eigenvalue of M with the same multiplicity J. Furthermore the minimal polynomial of ϕ over is the same as the minimal polynomial of M over
Let λ be an eigenvalue of ϕ with multiplicity J. Since and ϕ have the same eigenvalues, λ is an eigenvalue of
. Let
be the corresponding eigenvector of
. Then
Since is nonzero,
is nonzero and so λ is an eigenvalue of
. Thus the eigenvalue λ of ϕ becomes also an eigenvalue of M. Since ϕ is a diagonal matrix, there are d( = mJ) independent eigenvectors. The images of these vectors under
are the eigenvectors of
and linearly independent. Since all the eigenvalues of ϕ are algebraically conjugate with the same multiplicity J, all the eigenvalues of ϕ are also eigenvalues of
with the same multiplicity J. Thus we note that the set of the eigenvalues of M consists of all the eigenvalues of ϕ and all the other algebraic conjugates of them which are not the eigenvalues of ϕ, and the multiplicity of all the eigenvalues of M is J.
Since ϕ is a diagonal matrix and all the eigenvalues of ϕ are algebraic integers, there exists a minimal polynomial of ϕ over . Since M is an integer matrix, there exists a minimal polynomial of M over
as well. Let P(x) be the minimal polynomial of ϕ over
so that
where P(x) =
, and
. Then using (30
), for any
From (31), P(M) is a zero matrix. On the other hand, we can observe that if P(x) is the minimal polynomial of M over
, then
is a zero matrix as well. Thus the minimal polynomial of ϕ over
is the same as the minimal polynomial of M over
We can observe this property of Lemma 4.1 concretely with Example 5.10.
Let us consider the case that ϕ is non-unimodular, i.e. but
. Let us denote
which is a lattice in
. Then
. We define the M-adic space which is an inverse limit space of
. Note that
is an injective homomorphism. Observe that
is non-trivial and finite. We have an inverse limit of an inverse system of discrete finite groups,
which is a profinite group. Note that can be supplied with the usual topology of a profinite group. Note that for any element
Thus it becomes a compact group which is invariant under the action of M. In particular, the cosets ,
form a basis of open sets in
and each of these cosets is both open and closed. An important observation is that any two cosets in
are either disjoint or one is contained in the other.
We let ρ denote the Haar measure on , normalized so that
. Thus for a
We define the translation-invariant metric d on via
Note that contains a canonical copy of
via the mapping
We can observe that
Note that . So we can conclude that the mapping
. We identify
with its image in
. Note that
is the closure of
with respect to the topology induced by the metric d.
In the unimodularity case of ϕ, and so
. Thus
is trivial.
4.2. Concrete construction of a CPS
We construct a CPS taking as a physical space and
as an internal space. We will consider this construction dividing ϕ into three cases as given in the following remark. The following construction of a CPS has already appeared in the work of Minervino & Thuswaldner (2014
) in the case of d = 1. Here we construct a CPS for the case of
Remark 4.2
For an expansion map ϕ, there are three cases.
(i) If ϕ is unimodular, there exists at least one algebraic conjugate λ other than the eigenvalues of ϕ for which . Then the map ι in (33)
is a trivial map and the internal space is constructed mainly by the Euclidean space discussed in Section 4.1.1
(ii) If ϕ is non-unimodular and there exists no other algebraic conjugate of the eigenvalues of ϕ whose absolute value is less than 1, then is a trivial group and the internal space is constructed exclusively by the profinite group (32)
defined in Section 4.1.2
(iii) If ϕ is non-unimodular and there exist algebraic conjugates (λ's) other than the eigenvalues of ϕ for which , then the internal space is a product of the Euclidean space in Section 4.1.1
and the profinite group in Section 4.1.2
Let us define
where π is defined as in (24). Let us construct a CPS:
where and
are canonical projections,
It is easy to see that is injective. We shall show that
is dense in
is a lattice in
in Lemmas 4.3
and 4.4
. We note that
is injective, since Ψ is injective. Since ϕ commutes with the isomorphism σ in Theorem 2.9
, we may identify the control point set
with its isomorphic image. Thus from Theorem 2.9
where and
. Note that for any
by the definition of the tile-map. So we can note that
For the case (i) of Remark 4.2,
is trivial. So the statement of the lemma follows from Lemma 3.2 of Lee, Akiyama & Lee (2020
For the case (ii) of Remark 4.2,
is trivial. Note that the matrix M in (26
) is a d×d integer matrix and L is a lattice in
. So
is a discrete of
with respect to the product topology. Note that
, where C1 is a compact set in
. Since
is compact,
is relatively dense in
. Thus the statement of the lemma follows.
For the case (iii) of Remark 4.2, let
. In Lemma 3.2 of Lee, Akiyama & Lee (2020
), we notice that the unimodularity property is used only in observing that
is not trivial in that paper. So by the same argument as Lemma 3.2 of Lee, Akiyama & Lee (2020
), we obtain that
is a lattice in
. This means that
is a discrete such that
is compact. Notice that
is still a discrete in
. Furthermore,
is compact. In fact, note that
, where C1 and C2 are compact sets in
, respectively. Then
Since is compact,
is relatively dense in
. Thus the statement of the lemma follows.
For the case (i) of Remark 4.2,
is trivial. So the statement of the lemma follows from Lemma 3.2 of Lee, Akiyama & Lee (2020
For the case (ii) of Remark 4.2,
is trivial. Note that
is dense in
. Thus
is dense in
Let us consider the case (iii) of Remark 4.2. It is known from Lee, Akiyama & Lee (2020
) that
is dense in
. For any open neighbourhood
, there exists
such that
for some
. Since
is dense in
is dense in
. Note that
So is dense in
, where π is defined in (24
). So
Thus is dense in
Now that we have proved that (35) is a CPS, we would like to introduce a special projected set
which will appear in the proof of the main result in Section 5
. For
, we define
where is an open ball around
with a radius δ in
In the following lemma, we find an adequate window for a set and note that
is a Meyer set.
Note that
The third equivalence comes from (34) and the fourth equivalence comes from (30
). Thus
In the unimodularity case of ϕ, is trivial and
. So the last equality (39
) follows. In the non-unimodularity case of ϕ,
. Since
. This shows the last equality (39
). Hence for any
Since (35) is a CPS,
is bounded, and
is compact,
has a non-empty interior and compact closure,
is a model set for each
. It is given by Moody (1997
) and Meyer (1972
) that a model set is a Meyer set. Thus
forms a Meyer set for each
5. Main result
Recall that we consider a primitive substitution tiling on
with a diagonal expansion map ϕ whose eigenvalues are algebraically conjugate with the same multiplicity J and
is rigid.
Under the assumption of the rigidity of , the pure discrete spectrum of
implies that the set of eigenvalues of ϕ forms a Pisot family [Lemma 5.1 (Lee & Solomyak, 2012
)]. Recall that
where is a control point set of
Lemma 5.1
Assume that ϕ satisfies the Pisot family condition. Then for some
, where
is given in (37
Notice that the setting for fulfils the conditions to use Lemma 4.5 of Lee & Solomyak (2008
). So from this lemma, for any
Recall that ϕ is an expansive map and satisfies the Pisot family condition. If there exists at least one algebraic conjugate λ other than the eigenvalues of ϕ for which ,
for some
. So
. If there exists no other algebraic conjugate of the eigenvalues of ϕ whose absolute value is less than 1,
. From the definition of
in (37
Note from (36) that for any
is contained in Ξ. Recall that
. From (10
) and (36
So for any ,
is a linear combination of
. Applying (11
) many times if necessary, we get that for any
for some
Proposition 5.3
Let be a primitive substitution tiling on
with an expansion map ϕ. Under the assumption of the existence of the CPS (35)
, if
has pure discrete spectrum, then for any given
, there exists
such that
Note that is a Meyer set and
for some
. Since Ξ is relatively dense, for any
, there exists
such that
. It is important to note that from the Meyer property of
, the point set configurations
are finite up to translations. Let
Then and F is a finite set. Thus for any
From Lemma 5.2, for any
, there exists
such that
. Since
has pure discrete spectrum and so
admits algebraic coincidence, by (11
) there exists
such that
Applying the inclusion (43) finitely many times, we obtain that there exists
such that
. Hence together with (42
), there exists
such that
Proposition 5.4
Let be a primitive substitution tiling on
with a diagonalizable expansion map ϕ whose eigenvalues are algebraic conjugates with the same multiplicity and let
be rigid. Let Φ be the corresponding κ-set substitution of
(see Definition 2.3
). Suppose that
for some ,
. Then each point set
is a model set in the CPS (35) with a window Ui in
which is open and precompact.
For each and
, there exist
for which
From ,
By Theorem 2.7 and Proposition 5.3
, there exists
such that
. Thus
where and
depends on
. Let
where . Then for any
In (47), we assume that we have taken the minimal number
so that Ui defined by using
does not satisfy (48
From Lemma 5.1,
for some
. Thus
. Since
is compact,
is compact. Thus
is compact.
Recall from Lagarias & Wang (2003) and Lee et al. (2003
) that there exists a finite generating set
such that
Since is dense in
by Lemma 4.4
, we have a unique extension of Φ to a κ-set substitution on
in the following way; if
for which
we define
where , D and M are given in (23
) and (26
), and
. If there is no confusion, we will use the same notation f* for the extended map.
Note that, by the Pisot family condition on ϕ, if there exists at least one algebraic conjugate λ other than the eigenvalues of ϕ for which , there exists some
such that
for any
. Furthermore, from (33
By the same argument as in Section 3 of Lee & Moody (2001), the κ-set substitution Φ induces a multi-component iterated function system on
. Thus the κ-set substitution Φ determines a multi-component iterated function system
and f* is a contraction on
. Let
be a substitution matrix corresponding to
. Defining the compact subsets
and using (5) and the continuity of the mappings, we have
This shows that are the unique attractor of
Lemma 5.5
where , as obtained in (47
) with the minimal number
satisfying (48
). For any
and any
, we have
For any ,
. Recall that
So for any ,
. Thus for any
Notice that , where
. Since we have taken the minimal number
in (47
) for each Ui,
. Thus
The following proposition shows that the Haar measure of is zero for each
. This is proved using Keesling's argument (Keesling, 1999
Proposition 5.6
Let be a primitive substitution tiling on
with a diagonalizable expansion map ϕ whose eigenvalues are algebraic conjugates with the same multiplicity and let
be rigid. Let Φ be the corresponding κ-set substitution of
(see Definition 2.3
). If
where ,
, then each model set
, has a window with boundary measure zero in the internal space
of CPS (35)
Let us define , where Ui is the maximal open set in
satisfying (46
). From the assumption of (52
), we first note that ϕ fulfils the Pisot family condition from Theorem 2.7
and Lemma 5.1 of Lee & Solomyak (2012
). For every measurable set
and for any
where μ is a Haar meaure in , ρ is a Haar measure in
. Note that
. In particular,
Let us denote for
. Then for any
From Proposition 5.3, we know that
for any
. Thus
Note that the Perron–Frobenius eigenvalue of is
from Lagarias & Wang (2003
). Since the minimal polynomials of ϕ and M over
are the same from (27
) and the multiplicities of eigenvalues of ϕ and M are the same from Lemma 4.1
, we have
Since is a non-negative primitive matrix with Perron–Frobenius eigenvalue
, from Lemma 1 of Lee & Moody (2001
By the positivity of and
Recall that for any ,
Note that and Ui is a non-empty open set. As
is dense in Wi. We can find a non-empty open set
such that
. So there exists
such that
Since ,
Thus there exists such that
The inclusion (55) follows from Lemma 5.5
. Let
Thus from (54), there exists a matrix
for which
where and
. If
, again from Lemma 1 of Lee & Moody (2001
. This is a contradiction to (54
). Therefore bj = 0 for any
The regularity property of model sets is shared for all the elements in (see Schlottmann, 1998
; Baake et al., 2007
; Lee & Moody, 2006
). We state it in the following proposition.
Proposition 5.7
[(Schlottmann, 1998), Proposition 7 (Baake et al., 2007
), Proposition 4.4 (Lee & Moody, 2006
).] Let
be a Delone κ-set in
for which
is compact and
with respect to to some CPS. Then for any
, there exists
so that
From the assumption of pure discrete spectrum and Remark 5.5 of Lee, Akiyama & Lee (2020), we can observe that the condition (52
) is fulfilled in the following theorem.
Theorem 5.8
Let be a repetitive primitive substitution tiling on
with a diagonalizable expansion map ϕ whose eigenvalues are algebraic conjugates with the same multiplicity and let
be rigid. If
has pure discrete spectrum, then each control point set
, is a regular model set in CPS (35)
with an internal space which is a product of a Euclidean space and a profinite group.
Through Section 4.1, we can construct the CPS (35)
whose internal space is a product of a Euclidean space and a profinite group. Since
has pure discrete spectrum and is repetitive, we can find a substitution tiling
such that
where ,
. From Propositions 5.3
, 5.6
and 5.7
, the statement of the theorem follows.
Corollary 5.9
Let be a repetitive primitive substitution tiling on
with a diagonalizable expansion map ϕ whose eigenvalues are algebraic conjugates with the same multiplicity and
be rigid. Then
has pure discrete spectrum if and only if each control point set
, is a regular model set in CPS (35)
with an internal space which is a product of a Euclidean space and a profinite group.
It is known that regular model sets have pure discrete spectrum in quite a general setting (Schlottmann, 2000). Together with Theorem 5.8
, we obtain the equivalence between pure discrete spectrum and a regular model set in substitution tilings.
Now let us look at an example given by Baake et al. (1998).
Example 5.10. We look at the example of non-unimodular substitution tiling which is studied by Baake et al. (1998). This example is proven to be a regular model set in the setting of a CPS constructed by Baake et al. (1998
). This has also been considered by Lee, Akiyama & Lee (2020
), but it could only be described as a model set, not a regular model set. Here in the setting of CPS (35)
, we show that this example gives a regular model set. The substitution matrix of the primitive two-letter substitution
has the Perron–Frobenius eigenvalue which is a Pisot number. A geometric substitution tiling arising from this substitution can be obtained by replacing symbols a and b in this sequence by the intervals of length l(a) = 1 and l(b) = 2 1/2. Then we have the following tile-substitution ω
where Ta = ([0,1],a) and Tb = ([0,2 1/2],b). Since = 0 is the minimal polynomial of λ over
and the constant term of the polynomial is 2, the λ is non-unimodular. Then we can construct a repetitive substitution tiling
using the substitution ω.
From Theorem 2.9, we know that the control point set
Let and
as in Section 4.1.2
. Since
we get
where ,
, and
is a M-adic space. Since this substitution tiling is known to have pure discrete spectrum (see Baake et al., 1998
), it admits an algebraic coincidence. By Proposition 4.4 of Lee (2007
) and rewriting the substitution, if necessary, we know that there exists a substitution tiling
such that
Then, by the same argument as in Proposition 5.4,
where Nz depends on z and
for some ball of radius
around 0 in
. Let
From Proposition 5.7, we can observe that the pure discrete spectrum of
gives a model set with an open and precompact window in the internal space
for the control point set
. From Proposition 5.6
, the measures of the boundaries of the windows are all zero.
Now let us look at another example of a constant-length substitution tiling in . This example shows that it is important to start with a control point set satisfying the containment (10
Example 5.11. Consider a two-letter substitution defined as follows:
The , we can expand b to the left-hand side and a to the right-hand side, applying the substitution infinite times. Then we get the following bi-infinite sequence:
We consider two prototiles Ta and Tb each of which corresponds to the letter a and the letter b. Following the sequence (59), we replace each letter by the corresponding prototile and obtain a substitution tiling
which is fixed under the substitution
As a representative point of each tile, if one takes the left end of each interval in the tiling, one gets two point sets and
such that
. Since
, we can take
. Notice in this case that the Euclidean part for the internal space is trivial and the profinite group is
Notice that there does not exist such that
This means that neither nor
can be described as a model set projected from a window whose interior is non-empty in
. However the substitution tiling
has pure discrete spectrum, since it is a periodic structure. The problem here is that the control point set
is not taken to satisfy the containment (10
On the other hand, if we take the tile map for which
where T = x+Ta and with
, then the control point set
. So
satisfying the containment (10), and the profinite group is
Therefore can be described as a model set.
6. Further study
In this paper, the rigid structure property of substitution tilings is used to make a connection from pure discrete spectrum to regular model sets, especially to compute the boundary measure of windows. So far, the rigid structure property is known for substitution tilings whose expansion maps (Q) are diagonalizable and the eigenvalues of Q are algebraically conjugate with the same multiplicity (Lee & Solomyak, 2012). Thus it would be useful to know some rigid structure for more general settings. If the rigidity property is precisely known for general substitution tilings, it is expected that we will be able to find the connection from pure discrete spectrum to regular model sets.
The author is sincerely grateful to the referees for their very sharp comments which helped to improve the paper. She would like to thank U. Grimm, M. Baake, F. Gähler and N. Strungaru for their important discussions at MATRIX in Melbourne where this research was initiated. She is also grateful to S. Akiyama for helpful discussions. She is indebted to R. V. Moody for his interest and valuable comments on this work.
Funding information
Funding for this research was provided by: National Research Foundation of Korea (grant No. 2019R1I1A3A01060365).
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