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Figure 4
Schematic representation of the relation between the configurational complexity [H_{{\rm conf}}], calculated for M+A degrees of freedom, and the combinatorial and coordinational complexities, [H_{{\rm comb}}] and [H_{{\rm coor}}], calculated for M and A degrees of freedom, respectively. Shown also are the weighting factors M/(M+A) and A/(M+A) as well as the unit weight contribution of the invariant subdivision complexity [H_{{\rm subdiv}}(M,A)] which taken all together sum to the configurational complexity [H_{{\rm conf}}]. For a given choice of M and A the subdivision complexity [H_{{\rm subdiv}}(M,A)] is a constant, while the combinatorial and coordinational complexities, [H_{{\rm comb}}] and [H_{{\rm coor}}], depend on the respective partitions of M and A possible for a given space-group type.

ISSN: 2053-2733
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