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Figure 13
Counting the number of occurrences of the digit d in the modular finite inclination sequence [\kappa_{\mu} (j) \bmod {m}]. Shown is the example for the inclination sequence [\kappa_{2} (j) \bmod {7}], a choice of digit d = 2, and the three distinct cases of general b, b = d − 1 and b = d. The baseline level b = 2 is highlighted by a blue horizontal bar on which the counting proceeds, while the distinct cases are highlighted by black vertical bars at different lengths ℓ of the sequence. For general b the baseline level does not coincide with any part of the inclination sequence, while for b = d − 1 and b = d the upper and lower parts are at the baseline level (the baseline function β is given by the segments connected by red boxes). The dark- and light-grey regions highlight different μt2 intervals.

ISSN: 2053-2733
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