Figure 4
(a) A comparison of SCA-calculated 000 beam intensity pendellösung data in [001]-TIPS pentacene with Bloch wave results (normal beam incidence). SCA results for two different gmax values are presented, i.e. 5|g100| and 10|g100|. (b) R factor plotted as a function of specimen depth for the 10|g100| cluster-size simulation. The R factor increases rapidly beyond ∼1000 Å (for visual clarity, the vertical scale is truncated to 10%). (c) The Fourier component of the TIPS pentacene crystal potential along the 100 systematic row. (d) A comparison of SCA-calculated 000 beam intensity pendellösung fringes in [001]-rubrene with Bloch wave results (normal beam incidence). SCA results for two different gmax values are presented, i.e. 5|g010| and 8|g010|. (e) R factor plotted as a function of specimen depth for the 8|g010| cluster-size simulation. (f) The Fourier component of the rubrene crystal potential along the 010 systematic row. |