Figure 9
Illustration of a TP1-type pair of domains M12 (domain 1) and M21 (domain 2) connected along the (110) PDW. (a) Real-space illustration: domains are represented by the 2D lattices within the monoclinic mirror plane (this plane is highlighted in Fig. 1 ). The lattice nodes of domain 1 and domain 2 are marked by red and blue colors, respectively. The shaded parallelograms show enlarged sections of the pseudocubic unit cell with explicitly marked relevant lattice parameters. (b) Reciprocal-space illustration: HK0 section of the reciprocal lattices of domains 1 and 2 (red and blue dots, respectively); the dashed line is parallel to the PDW, the arrow represents the PDW normal. The separation between the corresponding reciprocal-lattice points is along the PDW normal. |