most read articles
These are the most read articles in the last six months.
Structure of face-centred icosahedral quasicrystals with cluster close packing. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 422-438.
Periodic diffraction from an aperiodic monohedral tiling – the Spectre tiling. Addendum. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 460-463.
Lattice symmetry relaxation as a cause for anisotropic line broadening and peak shift in powder diffraction. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 439-445.
Instrumental broadening and the radial pair distribution function with 2D detectors. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 358-366.
ClusterFinder: a fast tool to find cluster structures from pair distribution function data. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 213-220.
Bond topology of chain, ribbon and tube silicates. Part II. Geometrical analysis of infinite 1D arrangements of (TO4)n− tetrahedra. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 258-281.
Automated selection of nanoparticle models for small-angle X-ray scattering data analysis using machine learning. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 202-212.
An alternative method to the Takagi–Taupin equations for studying dark-field X-ray microscopy of deformed crystals. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 414-421.
A computationally efficient quasi-harmonic study of ice polymorphs using the FFLUX force field. (2025). Acta Cryst. A81, 36-48.
Deconvoluting thermomechanical effects in X-ray diffraction data using machine learning. (2025). Acta Cryst. A81, 137-150.
GraphT–T (V1.0Beta), a program for embedding and visualizing periodic graphs in 3D Euclidean space. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 282-292.
N-representable one-electron reduced density matrix reconstruction with frozen core electrons. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 249-257.
Unit-cell parameters determination from a set of independent electron diffraction zonal patterns. (2025). Acta Cryst. A81, 124-136.
Universal simulation of absorption effects for X-ray diffraction in reflection geometry. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 315-328.
The single-atom R1: a new optimization method to solve crystal structures. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 237-248.
Crystal search – feasibility study of a real-time deep learning process for crystallization well images. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 331-338.
Permissible domain walls in monoclinic ferroelectrics. Part II. The case of MC phases. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 293-304.
Algorithms for magnetic symmetry operation search and identification of magnetic space group from magnetic crystal structure. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 390-398.
Modelling dynamical 3D electron diffraction intensities. II. The role of inelastic scattering. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 178-188.
Modelling dynamical 3D electron diffraction intensities. I. A scattering cluster algorithm. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 167-177.
Machine learning for classifying narrow-beam electron diffraction data. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 360-368.
A milestone for the solution to the lattice sphere covering problem in dimension n = 6. (2025). Acta Cryst. A81, 5-8.
A physical optics formulation of Bloch waves and its application to 4D STEM, 3D ED and inelastic scattering simulations. (2025). Acta Cryst. A81, 113-123.
Small-angle scattering tensor tomography algorithm for robust reconstruction of complex textures. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 515-526.
TERSE/PROLIX (TRPX) – a new algorithm for fast and lossless compression and decompression of diffraction and cryo-EM data. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 536-541.
Crystallography of quasiperiodic moiré patterns in homophase twisted bilayers. (2025). Acta Cryst. A81, 94-106.
Optimal estimated standard uncertainties of reflection intensities for kinematical refinement from 3D electron diffraction data. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 427-439.
Crystallography of homophase twisted bilayers: coincidence, union lattices and space groups. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 301-317.
An efficient system matrix factorization method for scanning diffraction based strain tensor tomography. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 542-549.
On the combinatorics of crystal structures. II. Number of Wyckoff sequences of a given subdivision complexity. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 280-294.
Simulation of reciprocal-space mapping using a new analytical solution of kinematical X-ray diffraction in a crystal. (2025). Acta Cryst. A81, 57-63.
Chiral spiral cyclic twins. II. A two-parameter family of cyclic twins composed of discrete circle involute spirals. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 570-586.
Efficient structure-factor modeling for crystals with multiple components. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 345-352.
Periodic graphs with coincident edges: folding-ladder and related graphs. (2025). Acta Cryst. A81, 49-56.
Fourier-synthesis approach for static charge-density reconstruction from theoretical structure factors of CaB6. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 246-272.
Symmetric 3-periodic polycatenanes: catenated rings, polyhedra and rods. (2025). Acta Cryst. A81, 107-112.
Site-occupancy factors in the Debye scattering equation. A theoretical discussion on significance and correctness. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 587-596.
Identification of Kikuchi lines in electron diffraction patterns collected in small-angle geometry. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 104-111.
A note on the wedge reversion antisymmetry operation and 51 types of physical quantities in arbitrary dimensions. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 381-384.
Isogonal 1-periodic polycatenanes (chains). Transitivity and intransitivity of links. (2025). Acta Cryst. A81, 151-158.
Understanding extended homometry based on complementary crystallographic orbit sets. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 151-160.
A new order parameter model for the improper ferroelastic phase transitions in KMnF3 single crystal. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 329-338.
Hierarchical topological analysis of crystal structures: the skeletal net concept. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 65-71.
An invertible seven-dimensional Dirichlet cell characterization of lattices. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 369-380.
Double-slit asymmetrical dynamical diffraction of X-rays in ideal crystals. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 161-166.
Colorings of patterns fixed by an arbitrary finite-index subgroup of the symmetry group. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 550-559.
Development of an innovative diffraction scattering theory of X-rays and electrons in imperfect crystals. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 305-314.
Isogonal embeddings of interwoven and self-entangled honeycomb (hcb) nets and related interpenetrating primitive cubic (pcu) nets. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 560-569.
Ideas of lattice-basis reduction theory for error-stable Bravais lattice determination and ab initio indexing. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 339-350.
Distances in the face-centered cubic crystalline structure applying operational research. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 452-462.
On automatic determination of quasicrystal orientations by indexing of detected reflections. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 339-344.
Maximal independence and symmetry in crystal chemistry of natural tectosilicates. (2024). Acta Cryst. A80, 52-64.
Ice structures assembled from cubic water clusters of D2d and S4 symmetry. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 527-535.
A novel algorithm for calculation of Fourier and asymmetric units. (2023). Acta Cryst. A79, 597-599.