Figure 1
Reciprocal space section of the hk0 layers of (a) AT-19, (b) ACT-45 and (c) ACT-71. The maximum extent from the origins along horizontal and vertical directions is 1 Å−1 in all cases. The reciprocal lattice of the ∼ 6.5 Å average structure is superimposed on all sections (because the average structure is F-centred only grid lines fulfilling the condition h, k = 2n, n = integer, are shown). The pattern of ACT-71 was convoluted with a two-dimensional Gaussian with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 0.00125 Å−1 to avoid the reflections becoming too narrow to be clearly visible (experimental half-width of the Bragg peaks ∼ 0.0007 Å−1). The narrow white arcs in the diffraction pattern of ACT-71 originate from the blind regions of the PILATUS 6M detector. |