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Figure 3
Part of the chain, showing how the building blocks [each consisting of a ZnII cation, two water mol­ecules and two anions, e.g. with symmetry codes (x, y, z) and (ii)] inter­play through the complementary hydrogen-bonding and ππ inter­actions. The hydrogen-bond parameters are listed in Table 2[link]. The shortest distance between anions from adjacent blocks in the chain is N1⋯C8i = 3.265 Å. Adjacent chains are linked by a coordination bond from N3 to Zn, thus forming a layer. [Symmetry codes: (i) [{1\over 2}] − x, [{1\over 2}] − y, −z; (ii) [{1\over 2}] − x, [{3\over 2}] − y, −z; (iii) x, 1 + y, z; (iv) [{1\over 2}] − x, −[{1\over 2}] + y, [{1\over 2}] + z; (v) [{1\over 2}] − x, [{1\over 2}] + y, [{1\over 2}] + z; (vi) [{1\over 2}] − x, [{1\over 2}] + y, −[{1\over 2}] + z; (vii) [{1\over 2}] − x, −[{1\over 2}] + y, −[{1\over 2}] − z; (viii) x, −1 + y, z.]

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